Quality England Essay Examples for Your Learning

Essay on romanticizing leaders

To them, it is the responsibility of their heroes to maintain the perfect life at all times. People should consider the acts of these great heroes, use them as an example, and appreciate the long-term effects of these acts of greatness.

Good british history: social sphere of the popish plot research paper example

Towards the end of the seventeenth century, Protestants greatly feared Catholics " overthrowing the Church of England in Church and State", their concerns were heightened by " The king' s evident sympathy for France; the Catholicism of his consort, Catherine of Braganza; and the apparent conversion to Rome of the King's brother and heir James, →

Play report essays example

The physical conflict is clearly highlighted by the view of the sudden and abrupt change of ideologies of a man who on the previous day truly believed in the presence of God only to change in one morning. The director brings in the various transitions in the view that staging of the whole play is →

Importance of language in the development of the nation state or cultural identity essay sample

Whether this language is used by large percentages of the world's populations, such as English, or by significantly smaller groups, such as ethnic minorities who may speak a language of their own, it is undoubtedly a cornerstone of culture and vital to the development of a nation. From this, we can see that language certainly →

“constitutional reform since 1997 has not gone far enough” discuss

Labour's first major reform to the UK constitution was the introduction of the Human Rights Act. And so, it can be seen that although there was a change to the UK constitution, the lack of an entrenched bill of human rights shows that the reform did not go far enough.

How the jamestown settlers of 1607 overcame the research paper samples

In 1606, a group of settlers boarded three ships, ' The Susan Constant', ' The Godspeed', and ' The Discovery', financed by the King of England, King James, and they headed toward what they had deemed, ' The New World', supposedly filled with prosperous land to farm on and most importantly, gold. Chief Powhatan's tribe →

Thesis on letter of elizabeth sprigs: a primary source analysis

This is the content of the letter she wrote to her father in September 22, 1756. Since she is a female servant, she is also subject to sexual abuses of the master as indicated in the phrase " after slaving during Masters pleasure".

Social classes essay

Since it is expected of an individual of Rogers's social class, he washes up after the people, remains to clean up in the downstairs after others have gone to rest, and early in the morning the following day rises to chop the firewood. Agatha has therefore described about the concept of social class is a →

Political and economic developments in south american systems essay examples

Its study can be understood as the progression of the edifice of a state in correspondence with the changes that take place in the economic and social dimension of the populace. The political executive in Britain consists of the cabinet and the prime minister, and the cabinet includes the heads of major agencies and departments.

Good report about thames tunnel: engineering wonders

With London rapidly expanding, and with the amount of commerce at its ports growing in parallel with the size of the city, the spans traversing the breadth of the Thames-the London Bridge and Blackfriars bridge- were being overwhelmed. Once the earth was removed, the panel could be reintegrated and moved forward, holding the rest of →

Example of essay on frontier development

The second stage was the search for links with the Native Americans, which could facilitate economic activities in the region. The third stage in the development of the Oregon frontier was the construction of forts and settlements in the Oregon region.

Free essay on dow chemical

A leaking insecticide tank caused the death of over 10, 000 people in the northern area of the country. Purpose: 5/5 reminds the world that the Bhopal disaster is still a problem in India and citizens have yet to recover Citation 4: Sharma, S.

Critical thinking on the mysterious indus civilization

Whoever these people were who resided in the Indus Valley so very long ago, we can tell that they were civilized and highly advance people. The people who populated the Indus Valley citadels were also musicians.

Critical thinking on what is the biotic potential of a population

When studying diseases, biotic potential can be compared to the infection force, which is the number of organisms each infected organism infects in a population. However, there are places where populations of organisms are close to the biotic potential.

Essay on the first world war

The French and English quarreled between them on the specifics of the conflict whilst the Germans were also confounded by the scale of territory which they had to cover. Russia was certainly one of the peripheral players in the war and could not really be considered as one which could have had the spoils of →

Free essay about cyber crime

The computer misuse act of the United Kingdom was established in the year 1990 due to a commission from the law that surrounded the misuse of computers and because of the big pressure that the government was receiving from its citizens about the same act. The recent case of a journalism hacking into the phone's →

Essay on united states introduction of african slavery

John Rolfe's letter to the Virginia treasurer notes that the presence of slaves in the North American's colonies began in 1619 even though the African slaves could have been present in the colonies earlier. Before the introduction of African slaves in the British colonies of North America, the practice was common in the Central and →

Example of research paper on the vernacular language

In the Anglo-Saxon culture, the strong influence of the church brought Latin to the center stage, but Alfred The Great caused the publication of works in a vernacular language called Old English, like texts from the Bible, religious commentaries, or even histories. In the 14th century, vernacular language was now frequent and usual in literary →

Repurposing a wheelchair: reshaping a life article review sample

Seeing her life slip away and become restricted, Austin's new wheelchair gives her an exhilarating feeling having the mobility to whiz around, roam the streets, and feel the wind on her joyful face. In 2005, when she began to dive, she realized that scuba " extends her range of activity" bringing a sense empowerment to →

Opportunities action plan report sample

I believe that by studying in the UK I will be able to learn from the new people that I meet and the places I visit. Through my experience studying in the UK, want to be able to not only expand my intelligence, but I also want to be able to develop my people skills →

Free essay on pastoral life and marvells mower poems

The author is in defense of the pastoralists on the issue of conflicts in the society. 2013, the poem: The Mower, London, United Kingdom, London.

Book review on evidence, argument and conclusions

Introduction and Thesis Robert Remini was correct that the War of 1812 was mostly a disaster for the United States except at the very end, when Andrew Jackson defeated a superior British force at the Battle of New Orleans in January 1815. Remini's narrative of the battle and the events leading up to it →

The battle of cowpens essay samples

Cornwallis, in the wake of gathering solid safety in the Carolinas, chose that a way to reduce that opposition was to thump Virginia out of the war. With Charleston in British hands Clinton came back to New York, leaving Cornwallis in summons in the South, and in August of 1780 he moved Horatio Gates' guard →

Blacks in latin america research paper example

A Comparison between the Cuba's Development of Slavery and North America Differences i) Slavery in Spanish America began earlier and was more intensive than in British America. Those in North America were fairly treated and some of them gave birth and multiplied.ii) In Spanish America, slave trade was well coordinated and involved African rulers who →

Queen elizabeth i: defeat of the spanish armada

The defeat of the " Invincible Spanish Armada" in 1588 cemented Queen Elizabeth's place in history as one of the most important and greatest rulers in England's history. Elizabeth was imprisoned for two months in the Tower of London, and many tried to have her removed from the order of succession, but she was allowed →

Stonehenge assignment essays example

The remains of the Stonehenge structure is a ring of standing stones planted within the earth. The second stage is when the Bluestones arrived and is considered the most dramatic phase of construction.

Example of low carbon transport systems essay

Low Carbon Transport: A Greener Future This strategy document published by the Department of Transport for the UK government set out the UK's approach to reducing CO2 emissions, to avoid climate change by meeting an overall global target of a 50 percent reduction by the year 2050. Regarding electric and plug-in hybrid cars, the report →

History of english language

The transformation was caused by two further waves of invasion: the first by speakers of the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic language family, who conquered and colonized parts of Britain in the 8th and 9th centuries; the second by the Normans in the 11th century, who spoke Old Norman and ultimately developed an English variety →

Good the beginning of a short story essay example

He was constantly brooding over the fact that his father had not bothered to look for his mother before leaving the United States." Get in here and eat your supper," Dave would shout, making Wanja, the village cook he had hired, wince at the sharpness of his voice. Although he had stopped beating his son →

Example of essay on patriot father, loyalist son: benjamin and william franklin

The author of the book describes the reasons of American Revolution using the examples of father and his son Benjamin and William Franklin. He was illegitimate son, who did not know his mother, and he rejected the role of Benjamin in his life but he was loyal to his king as he was the father →

Free mahatma gandhi research paper example

This paper intends to elaborate the reason as to why he is recognized as an important figure in India and the impacts that he made to the Indian region as well as the whole world at large. This indicated that he was from a lineage that was categorically wise owing to the fact that his →

Problems and solutions to kenyas land reform issue under current politics essay examples

The last time the country went to the polls certain regions of the country descended into a violent chaos that it is still recovering from. The primary cause of the problem is the disruption of land ownership that the British colonizers enacted justified by their right to acquire the land.

The reasons i decided to further study software engineering in england

In addition, I was given the responsibility to lead a team and create a system in which the university would put its bank of questions and use it in different student competitions in university. I will be able to use the newly acquired skills and Chevening is one of the prestigious scholarships in the world.

Wwi: president wilsons stake for world peace essay

In January of 1918, he made a speech addressing the issues of his time by way of fourteen chief statements that sought amity between the opposing nations; it was called as ' Wilson's 14 points.' The points advocated peace and pursued a more diplomatic route in settling and avoiding disputes surrounding the ' The Great →

How the west came to dominate the world after 1700 essay example

His answers are not exactly new or unexpected, since science, technology and industry gave the West an economic and military advantage over the older empires in Asia and the Americas that it exploited fully and ruthlessly, leading to the great gap between the wealthy and poor nations that still exists →

“to build a fire” between formalism and naturalism thesis sample

The man is losing his mind and starting to rave, thinks of killing his own dog, his husky, in order to put his hands in the dog's warm interior and the only thing that escapes the dog from his master's tentative to kill him is his physical inability to act on its purpose, as the →

Increasing power in the 17th century essay sample

Louis has been hailed as the extreme absolutist; he epitomized the ideal of kingship." Seventeenth-century France, in contrast to England, saw both discontent among the nobility and religious pluralism smothered by the absolute monarchy and the closed Catholic state of Louis XIV. France and England were destined to have contrasting forms of government in the →

Explain why henry vii promoted overseas trade essay sample

Henry VII developed on the export of raw wool to the export of broad cloth; he also used the Merchants adventurer to limit the trading rights enjoyed by foreign traders in England this was used to undermine the Hanseatic League enabling England to prosper. In conclusion Henry VII promoted overseas trade to use to his →

Example of report on statement of originality

Coming up with effective decisions that reflect on the organization's mission and vision statements will go a long way in marking the reputation of UNICEF UK as one of the leading humanitarian organizations. Analysis of the Comparator Organizations: World Vision International and American Red Cross World Vision International is a humanitarian organization with a →

Good essay about social inequalities

Examples of Inequality and Stratification Social inequality describes the extent of the differences between various groups in the society. In the UK, for example, social stratification is observed in the class system where individuals with similar characteristics belong to a particular social class. A typical example of social inequality in the UK is →

Example of population-based and longitudinal studies suggest that social and material creative writing

Report of a Research Article on Social Marginalization Report of a Research Article on Social Marginalization This paper is a brief report of the research article by Lynam and Cowley entitled " Understanding marginalization as a social determinant of health". This will ensure that the groups are not disadvantaged in →

Matthew dziuban

In the first part of the book, he learns of a new resident of the village, named Mustafa Sa'eed and the narrator eventually learns his life story. In the second part of the book, the reader learns that the narrator has been made the protector of Mustafa's estate and his wife, Hosna bint Mahmoud, and →

Creative writing on social justice leader

After all, I agree that the most successful, influential and transformational leaders in the history of the world and thus my time depict a myriad of these attributes. I am humbled that most people regard me as one of the most renowned leaders of the world. In spite of the use of excessive use of →

Characters in the play ‘translations’ essay sample

It is a play about alienation, relationships and a small community and its limitations, it is about love and the political problems between the English and the Irish. Sarah is aware of Manus's feelings for Maire. Humour is important in every play, this is particularly noticeable in the characterisation of Jimmy Jack and Doalty.

Homelessness among the black and ethnic minority in the uk literature review

The literature review will focus on the experiences of the homeless blacks and ethnic minority in the UK, in the twenty first century. Homelessness among blacks and ethnic minority has increased disproportionately through the years as from 1996 in England. Causes of Black and Ethnic Minority Homelessness Social Exclusion and Overcrowding Causes of →

Good example of how did religion influence early u.s. history term paper

On evaluating the elements of state and the oldest monuments of American history, one can discover the prejudices, the habits and the ruling, which constitute the national character. Therefore, this formed the basis of American religion, the foundation for knowledge, and the ceremony of the divine laws, which led the Americans to civil freedom. Likewise, →

Compare and contrast the political, economic, religious, social, intellectual and artistic elements of colonial virginia and massachusetts essay sample

In this essay, I will compare and contrast the differences in government, religion, economies and the purpose of each of the two colonies. Government. In Massachusetts, the government is a corporate government, and in this colony, they had town meetings. Next is religion, Massachusetts.

Critical thinking on what arguments did the british use to justify taxing the american colonists

British came up with numerous reasons on to why they were justified in taxing American colonists. The British argued that the need for defense in the British colonies was a major reason why American colonies were taxed. As a matter of fact the colonists did not have a representative in the British government; this meant →

Speakers of english

With the language spoken widely across the world, it is impossible to decide who can count as a speaker of English. Bibliography Crystal, D 2003.

The analysis report example

It also depicts the outcomes of the breakup of the people of the Middle East. The popular opinion is that although the book is not an academic historical source, it is helpful for the average reader to understand the matters of the Middle East conflicts at the beginning of the 20th century. The objective of →

Good the presents an in-depth analysis of the ad and the entire campaign that report example

Using a series of shots showcasing three well-known British actors who have played villains Tom Hiddleston (Loki from Thor and The Avengers), Ben Kingsley and Mark Strong , the clip expands on the theme and relates it to the product. Tom Hiddleston in the ad Ben →

The journal essay

Introduction Shunga secrets bared between the covers by Victoria James, Japan times. " Shunga: sex and pleasure in pleasure in Japanese art" is a very famous book in japan that entails some of the sex stimulus, the main being known locally as shunga.it is more detailed than a catalogue in a museum.it is more →

Advantage and disadvantages essay sample

The English is one of the most widely spoken language in the world. Education The English language is the predominant language of academics all over the world, with a large amount of research conducted, written and presented in English.

Essay on impacts of sir robert peel in american policy and history

The British Parliament's objective in a police force is to address the rising number of crime incidents in the area and around the capital. Among of the principles he developed was measuring crime rates which will determine how effective the police force was to the community.. Several miles away the United States of America is →

Evolution of english

The settling of British in North America has led to the freezing of certain words used in the Shakespearean era and thus forming a new variety called American English. It's not just migration and conquest that has led to the changes in this language.

Good example of research paper on airline analysis: british airways

It is currently the largest airline in operation in the United Kingdom, although there are a number of smaller operations that are currently threatening the larger company, especially in the national and European travel markets. British Airlines is still the leader in the number of international flights booked on a yearly basis,

Boston light essay sample

It consisted of the lighthouse becoming inactive during the Second World War for security measures only because it suffered severe demolition twice due to which it was on the verge of diminishing entirely. However built back from the ruins under a generous donation by the Massachusetts legislature, Boston lighthouse is an honourable milestone for the →

Book analysis on the book the intended by david dabydeen creative writing sample

Living in a foreign land while observing one's cultural beliefs is one of the biggest challenge that the narrator of the intended had to face. Being Asian and staying in London was considered a nightmare especially in the mid 80's.

Book review on unveiling the cultural differences between americans and britons

Introduction The Anglo Files: A Field Guide to the British is a book that takes us through the life of a journalist who travelled to Britain for love. It was even strange to say hi to a neighbor in the morning, this in Britain is considered an invasion and interference of privacy.

The meaning of rip van winkle biography examples

In the instance of Rip's village, the people had remained the same, although they had aged significantly, and the land was the same. Changing regimes: The case of Rip Van Winkle.

The financial crisis in the uk essay example

Later, in a year or half, the rest of the developing countries started to suffer from the financial crisis that became global. The term of the housing bubble is usually used to describe the cause of the crisis. Finally, the last 8 percent went to the business outside the financial →

Sample essay on revenge as a driver of plot in hamlet

Hamlet is as much the product of Shakespeare's understanding of psychology and culture as Shakespeare was a product of Elizabethan England's renaissance. Hamlet is not just haunted by the memory of his father; a ghost haunts him with a real presence in the play and in hamlet's mind.

Free research proposal about pid controller design: statement of need

The first advantage of building a demo platform is that it serves as a prototype, which implies that it will help in the identification of any design flaws and errors. This is crucial since the overall design specifications require a low-cost design. The demo platform will mainly be utilized in demonstrating the functionality of the →

The ideas of thomas hobbes and john locke

They expressed their ideas in their works, Hobbes's Leviathan and Locke's Two Treatises of Government. Both Hobbes and Locke had seen the English Civil War with their own eyes, and yet had unlike opinions of the nature of humans and the function of the government.

Essay on the war of 1812

The War of 1812 In the dawn of the American Revolution against the British government, many reasons have been cited for the rebellion and mini-wars that drove the British troops away from the key cities of the colonies. Although some of the Native Americans joined the British side in the midst of the →

Example of travel report

Why Brits Seek Escapism from Bad Weather Constant rain prompts Brits to head for the sun, says Tui's Long The article basically outlines the fact that in Britain it rains pretty much constantly, during all seasons and British people just want to get out of the country because that type of weather →

Example of british imperialism in india and german imperialism in africa term paper

It joined forces with the Royal navy to aid in capturing many of the key territories in the Indian sub-continent including Singapore, Hong Kong and Burma. With the fall of the Mughal Empire in the early eighteenth century, there was a power vacuum in India and it was ruled by many small dynasties and local →

The new world essay example

The first settlers were the Dutch followed by the Swedes and lastly the English. Starting with governance, the New England Colonies endured more independence from the Britons in early years. New England demonstrated a more homogeneous economy. The Southern Colonies Society was bi-racial consisting of both the white and black.

New models of poetry as reflected in the romantic works of blake, wordsworth, and coleridge

With the coming of the Industrial Revolution and the age of Romanticism, several poets such as Blake, Wordsworth, and Coleridge sought the ' sublime' within the realms of nature. The Industrial Revolution created feelings of despair within William Blake, who is considered one of the first Romantics by many." The Chimney Sweeper" in " Songs →

Because i could not stop for death by emily dickens

Syllabus: English Unit-I MODERN LITERATURE Poetry For Detailed Study Chaucer : Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Spenser : Faerie Queene - Book-I For Non-detailed Study Spenser : Prothalamion and Epithalamion Wyatt, Surrey: Selections in Peacock's English verse, Vol-I Ballads : Peacock - Vol-II Prose For Detailed Study Bacon - Essays - →

Good example of essay on president george wahingtons foreign policy

The president's approach to foreign policy was largely cautious yet it succeeded in setting the foundation for the country's future. This forced the president to sign a treaty whereby the U.

Critical thinking on recycling in uk and saudi

In the very first instance, it appears that the process of controlling recycling is done by the government and additionally an act of parliament by the name ' household waste and recycling act' of 2003 is also enforced to ensure the process follows a certain protocol. Taking a look at the way the process is →

Good hitler as war leader, 1939-1941 article review example

In 1939, the ruling circles of Britain, France and the United States endeavoured to direct Hitler's aggression against the Soviet Union. Furthermore, given the strength of the English navy and the weakness of the German fleet, Hitler decided that the only way to defeat England is to defeat the Soviet Union.

Good case study on responding to rape cases in england and wales

Responding to Rape Cases in England and Wales Background to the problem Sexual offenses cases such as rape are often the cause for debate in many countries especially when it comes to the capacity of the government to prosecute criminals and aid victims involved. The first factor that influences the reform on →

Good essay about comparison and contrasting two victorian texts

The aim of the author is to create a picture of the dualism in the society, in general, and the city of London, as well. Given the setting of both texts, Victorian era, it is evident that the evils described were a representation of the dualism in the Victorian Cities →

Good example of ryan totsch research paper

The Black Plague almost wiped out the whole of civilization and this period was one of the darkest periods in Europe's history. Keywords: Black Plague, Europe, labor, environment, upheaval, industry ECONOMIC IMPLICATION OF THE BLACK PLAGUE Abstract " The plague had large scale social and economic effects, many of which are recorded in →

Example of research paper on history of western dress

They had tight buckles at the ankle, and later on in the 1820, impoverished under the instep. . The domination of what was fashionable by the French was obvious in the 19th century. The eighteenth century was a moment in time of so much memory.

Example of opioids essay

These include its extraction, historical issues, its role in the wars between China and Great Britain, its active components, how the typical opioid user has changed over the years, how the supply of heroin has changed over the years, and laws that have been put in place to address the abuse of opium. However, it →

Free research paper on john locke

His two works the " Two Treatises of Government" and the " An Essay of Human Understanding" was met in scepticism but was accepted entirely as a position that reflects the time of the Enlightenment. The Essay was divided into four books, and included an Epistle to the Reader, and a dedication of Locke to →

History of the english language

The first was by speakers of languages in the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic family, who colonised parts of Britain in the 8th and 9th centuries. The history of the language can be traced back to the arrival of three Germanic tribes to the British Isles during the 5th Century AD.

Free term paper on the signing of the declaration of independence

One of the newer laws that infuriated colonists was that Britain now demanded that they be sent to England to be tried for offenses that were committed in the colonies. As the more influential members of the colonies were agitated, they began to write circular letters. This proclamation of unification was an essential element of →

Jessica noles

There has not been a Government of England since 1707, when the Acts of Union 1707, putting into effect the terms of the Treaty of Union, joined England and Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain. A History of England, 1688 to the Present.

Free essay about great war

While much has been hypothesized about the fundamental causes of the Great War, it is of the essence to note that the primary cause of the war was the intense rivalry that existed between different nations on whose army and naval forces was the strongest. The other factors that also led to the start →

46 pages book review samples

Britain did not seem so threatening in that way. Chapter 6 explains the Boston Tea Party through the pamphlets published at the time and the letters written between the important figures Chapter 7 explains the success of Common Sense was partly because it was written in a language everyone could understand and →

History essay

The Russian Empire The Russian Empire was one of the most extensive empires in the history of the world. In 1912, Russia encouraged Serbia and Bulgaria to sign an alliance that was directed against the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Free this is my land research paper sample

These conflict arose of many issues including the taking of the Indians land, the destruction of the Indians crop by the Englishmen's cattle, inequality of the law with regard to the Indians, and more. The article " Pequots and Puritans: The Causes of the war of 1637" discusses the events of the Pequot War.

Example of arab nationalism an influenced ideology seeking identity essay

Finally, the research would seek to determine if Arab ideology was natural or invented. Origins and Rise of Arab nationalism According to Maalouf, the rise of Arab nationalism was first fostered by the weakening and the eventual collapse of the Ottoman Empire in early 20th century. Arab nationalism is based on ideals that seek →

Example of report on museum (natural resources canada library)author’s name:institutional affiliation

The main objective of the museum visit was to learn about the various rocks, the different minerals and the artifacts in the museum. One was to clearly understand on the History of the British Columbia in Canada. The Rock, the minerals and Interesting Artifacts in the Museum. The rock structure in the museum could be →

Free nature and the human experience in stephen cranes the open boat and jack literature review example

The entirety of human experience is, for proponents and advocates of the literary movement of naturalism, a result not of the individual's choice, but of the natural circumstances of his social and biological environment. The protagonist is stuck with three other men, in the aftermath of their ship's sinking, and in the midst of →

Good example of book review on british (and other) colonization of north america

According to Norton, Chapter two expresses the influence of the British colonizers in the North American people's religion, culture, form of governance, economy, and land ownership. In 1624, James the first revoked the Virginia Company charter making it a royal colony. The chapter also shows that the rebellion from the Puritans religious →

American perspective and british perspective of an historical event essay samples

For instance, in the year 1770, the Americans protested leading to the parliament to cancel the duties imposed to the Townshend. The reduced tea price by the British was aimed at making the Americans pay the tax.

Research paper on the u.s. indian wars

White has repeatedly incited the Indians scalp and of their opponents. For example, in June 1775, the British government, urging Indians to oppose the Americans, not only supplied the soldiers of all the tribes of the Great Lakes to the Gulf of axes, guns and ammunition, but also announced a reward →

Objectives of sentencing within england and wales

This is the acknowledgement that the behaviour of the offender is not acceptable within society and ensures a consequent punishment. This can be seen as a form of paying back the wrong doing or understanding of what is right and wrong. The purpose of this is to change the offenders' attitudes and →

Free essay on analysing edmund burkes 1775 speech on conciliation with america

He expressed the difficulty of explicating the importance of righteousness and peace in a nation such the Great Britain, which in that era was enormous in size, owing to the number of colonies it commanded, and in the scale of development. He stressed on the importance of transparency in government proceedings, and advocated that peace →

Example of explanations of terms essay

BBC A history of the world.n.d.Web. 17 Oct 2013 http://www.constitution.org/eng/magnacar.htm " William the Conqueror " BBC History.n.d..Web.

Benjamin franklin and me influences ideals and directions admission essay

Franklin praised the pursuit of knowledge, and it is something that he held very closely to his own principles he once said that " the Library afforded me the Means of Improvement by Constant Study, for which I set apart an hour or two each Day, and this repair would in some Degree the Loss →