Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Benjamin franklin physics assignment

For the areas of science In which he worked, he Is known for his studies In the theory of electricity and his useful inventions. In science, he is remembered for his many studies in the theory of electricity and his many useful inventions.

Aminophylline and is used to treat conditions

Aminophylline is given intravenously to reverse the effects of Dipyridamole during a cardiac stress test, Adenosine, and Regadenoson, as it blocks the receptors of these four drugs. The correct time to administer this drug is if the technologist wants to interfere with the Persantine effects, if the patient is having a side effect to Persantine →

What is history

The multifaceted nature of history, Is what links It so closely to the nature of the ocean; enforcing the fact that it is not one but many things. History is who people were in the past and the personalities and opinions of those people.

Declaration of independence of the usa

The proclamation of the declaration of independence was preceded by much wrangling and debate as to the nature of the declaration that was to be signed as well as the insistence of the colonies to have their say in the document that was eventually produced. First, there was the issue of whether the end point →

Tennessee and progressivism

In 1892, Knights of Labor, Farmers' Alliance, and National Colored Farmers' Alliance formed the Populists, people's party. In 1909, liberal whites and African Americans formed a national association that advocated the advancement of colored people.


The congress introduced the sequestration as a fiscal policy procedure to help curb the federal budget deficit. It should be noted that the implementation of Sequestration would lead to cutting of the federal spending across the board.

Should governments be allowed to use cameras to give tickets to those who run red lights

CAMERAS IN TRAFFIC LIGHTS ID Number: of of Word Count: 331 Submission: September 27, 2011 CAMERAS IN TRAFFIC LIGHTS The central issue on the case of the government installing cameras in traffic lights is the use of governmental power to impose its authority on the citizenry. The ability to strictly enforce the laws, such as →

Arizona statehood and constitution

The year 1783 saw the signing of the treaty of Paris by the Great Britain and the United states. In the year 1912, Arizona marked statehood.

A report on the economic recovery in britain in the 1930s

A report on the economic recovery in Britain in the 1930s In the 1930s Britain's workers was experiencing signs of affluence. However, growth rates were very similar to the rates of the second half of the nineteenth century; this rate was at 2 percent in the 1856 to 1899.

A look on two collapses of governments: the soviet union versus tokugawa shogunate

Political, social, and economic changes have occurred as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the Tokugawa Shogunate Although the Soviet Union stood to as a major opposing force to the United States, the second half of the 20th century the country's national struggles ultimately led to its downfall. The final collapse →

Immigration and diversity

Migration of the Japanese into Texas Migration of the Japanese into Texas Introduction Texas is avast state with a very large population. This paper discusses the migration of the Japanese into the state of Texas and where they settled.

Industrialization in the u.s

In the late nineteenth century, which is between the close of the Civil War and the beginning of the twentieth century, the United States underwent economic transformation marked by the maturing of the industrial economy, the development of large-scale agriculture, the rapid expansion of big business and the rise of national labor unions and industrial →

Prehistoric, egyptian and mesopotamian civilizations

Contribution of Pre-historic, Egyptian and Mesopotamian Civilizations The manner, in which we live in the contemporary world, is full of contributions made by the older civilizations. The pre-historic civilizations made the basic contributions in the lives of people.

Summary for iraq politics paper

Different motives have been raised towards the specific interest of the US in Iraq, with arguments that US is interested in controlling the oil fields in Iraq. This paper seeks to assess the Iraqi situation in the past, present and the future, in the light of the research questions presented below.

Japan after world war ii assignment

The recovery and development of Japan can be shown in: + The growth rate of GDP + The increase in GDP per capita + The share of Japanese exports in the world exports The growth rate of GDP After the War, Japan was lack of almost all the resources including food, clothes, pure water, and →

Theory of knowledge

" The historian's task is to understand the past; the human scientist, by contrast, is looking to change the future". History is the branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past events.

The holocaust and history of kinder transports

The hardest part out of the holocaust was the separation of families because the parents were not aloud to come on the Kindertransports. In conclusion the Holocaust was very hard to flee from and it was very hard to let go of the losses of families members and other people in the process.

People who want to migrate to a country , do so because they want to live that country’s lifestyle and culture – they should assimilate and fit in or leave

According to Dustmann, the feeling of national identity and family context influence the integration ability of migrants more than any other factors. The ability to socialize in new environment and acquire new friends is also an important precondition for successful assimilation of a migrant.

Did ronald reagan end the cold war? assignment

As each side built up more and more nuclear weapons, the United States developed the idea of nuclear deterrence-the concept that neither side would use nuclear weapons against each other because each knew this would lead to the destruction of both the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1 981, while both the Soviet →

Massachusetts/salem witch trials assignment

17th Century Massachusetts and the Salem Witch Trials In January of 1692, the daughter and niece of Reverend Samuel Paris became ill, and when the children's health did not improve, the village doctor William Grips was called in to help. More than 1 50 men and women were arrested as the girls kept accusing more →

Pericles funeral oration (after 490 bce) from thucydides, the peloponnesian war

Pericles described Athenians as people with a sense of pride and a hint of arrogance as he restated their glories through every battle and the gratifying courage and character of each Athenian. He further described their government as democratic " for the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few" →

Napoleon’s buttons assignment

The chemistry of the compound is related to their usage and motive for obtaining them because molecules can control the trade and use of one specific area of the world. Silk is one of the most valued fabrics in the world.

Survey assignment

I have to mention also that the survey questions about geography are very basic and that we have to mind Middle East because a significant aspect of our foreign policy and military budget allocation is directed there. It is not only to inform us about the names, numbers and dates of aspects of governance, but →

Russia italy germany

It was under the effect of the Bolshevik revolution in the treaty of Brest-Litovst that Poland was formed. The failure was caused by the humiliation of Germany and other countries which led to initiation of the World War II.

Digging deep through history

Accessed June 24, 2018.https://www.history.com/news/8-ways-the-erie-canal-changed-america. Accessed June 24, 2018.https://www.history.com/news/8-ways-the-erie-canal-changed-america

How buddha became an enlightened teacher of law

It was explained to him that the ascetic had renounced the world and that he had sought release due to fear of suffering and death. He was no longer contented in living the life of a prince and shaved his head, wore a beggars robe in exchange for the prince's gown.


He views them as offensive and at the same time attractive, the attraction is not because of the pictorial effect, but for the clients that source the service of these pictured women. The reason for this retreat is as a direct consequence of the origin of Picasso and the subsequent woman he interacts with.

Causes of the second world war

The failure of the League of the Nations was another reason that led to World War II. The Second World War was caused due to the reasons listed above.

The enslavement of africans

The Enslavement of Africans affiliation The Enslavement of Africans In the age of the Atlantic slave trade, Slaves were always Africans and this was due to numerous factors. This dissonance in the European and African ideas contributed to enslavement of Africans.

Cold war containment and the red scare assignment

These decisions were made as the second red scare initiated, with events the likes of the Berlin blockade and the Chinese Civil war having large effects on the psyche of Americans and the overall attitude towards communism. Paranoia increased, strict regulations and actions were taken and a slew of rash and fear-driven actions would put →

W 10 : we as citizens…2-introduction to florida history 2

Because of these events Cuban's have made a lasting and distinct impression on parts of Florida with their culture and heritage, bringing with them important traditions and expanding and starting families while taking advantage of the American civil liberties available to them though demonstrating and remembering to pass on their cultural traditions. They have heavily →

Change of expectations of men and women in 1800s

Change of Expectations of Men and Women in 1800's American democracy had a very close correlation or connection with the family background and the general domestic landscape. In fact the suburban home is considered to be a sort of strategy which helped to keep the children off the dangerous streets and help them to →

Passion history

To make sure nothing passes her by, I have a passion to teach her everything I have learned and to help her and be there whenever she needs me. My Job Is to be everything I want my daughter to be and more.

Response 5 on india

Summary of the Article It is based on a jeopardized diplomatic relationship between India and the United States of America. In the article, an Indian Diplomat has committed an offense and is subject to arrest according to the Laws of the United States.

Driving force of slavery history essay

This high demand in commodities led to a high demand in supply and thus, a large labor force to create this supply, especially in the Americas as new populations were trying to stabilize themselves and their economy in the New World. The European colonies set up in the Americas made available new products such as →

Response journal

Oppressions of the Indians in the hands of Spaniards calling themselves Christians makes me feel that Christianity as a religion, is all about man's laws and yet it is not. It is sad to see someone being cared for as a slave but not as a native of the land.

East asia in the modern world

The March 1st Independence Movement of Korea and the May 4th Movement of China occurring during relatively close period of time affected each other. Similarly, the young Koreans protested the terms of the Versailles Treaty and demanded freedom from Japanese colonization.

Martin luther and henry viii assignment

In this, you can see that the king Henry VIII had a great deal of power in England and successfully changed the way the country was run and also the religion they practiced in the way he wanted to. So, King Henry VIII and Martin Luther has the greatest impacts on their countries and religions.

Week 4 discussion – intl 5645

The recent growth in China has been characterized by the country's desire to take its place in history and in the future global economy. The growth of the Chinese economy has been fundamental and well spread.

Compare how benjamin franklin and malco assignment

As a boy, Franklin spent many hours debating various topics with a friend, his name was John Collins, Franklin realized that he was not up to par with his friend, as he says in his autobiography, " He was naturally more eloquent, had a ready plenty of words...". Franklin would sit " up in my →

Medieval warfare

This shows a preconceived knowledge and idea in the minds of the ordinary person on the street of how masculine medieval warfare was and thus the need to preserve it as a masculine venture. Two factors that could possibly account for reasons for this development has to do with the reaching ability of some of →

The meaning of manifest destiny

Manifest Destiny The Manifest destiny was a doctrine manifested in the 19th century and it involved the expansion of the United States. This is because many Americans believed that the expansion was in the best interest of the country in the sense that they saw it as a step towards democratization and the promotion of →

Should society limit the freedom of individuals

Due to the notions of John Mill, there are two factors of person's development freedom and the diversity of situations. In most cases it is imperative to limit governmental power and provide individuals with a freedom to behave as they choose, but only on terms of acknowledging and accepting the consequences of own behavior.

Voltaire; candide analysis assignment

Voltaire uses the repetition of the phrase; " all is for the best" embedded without the novella to parallel the common philosophies of one of the mall characters, Pompanos, and a prevalent philosopher in Voltaire time, G. Leibniz believed that " God created everything in the world for the good of man, if evil is →

Article review and analyze

This was a state that was marred with racism and many people had to disguise their looks to fit in the society. This shows that there was immense racism as the people were housed according to their origin.


As stated in the Cocraft's essay, this movement had to root itself under the patronage of the powerful for it to gain success. Abstract Expressionism form of art was the main tool as it held the characters of emotion and had a sense of freedom.

During known as amazons. they chose not

During the Roman times, people taken in as slaves were forced to train and fight to entertain the rich. The gladiators were trained to fight like a hero.

Reading response

The Peony Pavilion The schoolroom scene of The Peony Pavilion written by Tang Hsien-tsu in 1598 is amongst the fifty five scenes of the drama. Bridal understands that respect is invaluable and someone who wants to succeed must accept the consequences of disrespect.

Role that race and ethnicity played in the evolution of the american working class from the spanish-american war to the eve of the second world war

Evolution of American Working After the Spanish-American War until the Eve of Second World War American had joined different wars in the history that helped evolve its working class today. These wars shaped the American history and the history of the people.

Art of medieval europe and rome

War horse Unlike the visual ancient Roman art, medieval art emerged from the artist legacy of the Roman Empire, and partly from some Christian traditions of the early church. Come to think of, the chronicler of the medieval history makes us view the possibility of interaction amid the rudiments of orthodox, early Christian and barbarian →

Economic outlook in africa history essay

As a result of colonialism and imperialism, Africa suffered, in addition to the loss of sovereignty, control of its natural resources like gold and rubber. Some of the major issues that kept poverty alive in Africa were education and the issues surrounding mining.

Air pollution from world war ii production assignment

Smog is a kind of air pollution; the word " smog" is a portmanteau of smoke and fog. Because of this, they have been observed to persist in the environment, to be capable of long-range transport, fasciculate in human and animal tissue, abominating in food Haines, and to have potential significant impacts on human health →

Nasser speaks

In the writers mind and in his interaction with various areas of development and life in Egypt the writer finds no contradiction but outlines the way these modes of governance would work. An example is when the writer talks about family panning, development in agriculture and the exploitation of natural recourses all in one paragraph →

The ideals of martin luther king and the civil rights movement

The underpinning of Pendleton's argument was that he wanted the African-Americans to rise above the rest on the strength of their own talent, hard work and perseverance competing with the rest of the country. In this respect, Pendleton's argument against Affirmative Action finds new relevance and makes a better claim on the issue.

Jane addams assignment

She was from a large family; her father was a well-to-do gentleman; ere mother was very kind, she also had five brothers and sisters. She was one of the smartest and well liked people in her school, yet she wanted more.

Abraham lincoln and civil war

But as the war progressed, he began to see that slavery was the main issue and he would have to do something about it. I enjoyed the issue because it provided a lot of nuances to the character of Lincoln that I did not know about before.

John browns importance in the antebellum slavery debate

John Brown can be a banner for which all abolitionists really under to continue the fight for the freedom and dignity of all of the people who have been wrongly chained and enslaved. If ever there was a time to rise up the banner of John Brown is now.


Remarks on the Life and Character of Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte and the legacy of the French Revolution.

Playing on auditorium’s emotions: patrick henry’s speech at virginia convention and the declaration of independence

In the fact that this document makes the argument that it is the duty of the people " to throw off such a government and to provide new guards for...future security", it has much of the same argument as Patrick Henry's speech, though it spends more time picking out the faults of the king than →

Origins of america’s civil war

USA: Oxford University Press, 2005 This is a comprehensive book that covers the history of the Southern states in detail from the first people that settled here to the modern-day. It illustrates some of the deeper meanings and feelings behind the Georgia state flag, as well as the attitudes of the people that live in →

Charlemagne’s renown of conquering any land based on sensational leadership and faithful army

As a result, all of the Frankish soldiers show great respect and even a dedicated love for Charlemagne, therefore allowing his position and authority as king to be undisputed. In the Song of Roland, Charles the Great serves as the irrefutable king of the Frankish kingdom an earthly representation of holy divinity who valiantly serves →

The motivations behind the crusades

Topic: Results of the Crusades Essay What were the motivations behind the crusades from both the Christian and Islamic perspectives? From the Christian and Islamic perspective the main motive behind crusade was the acquisition of their holy land.

16th century story-romeo and juliet

ROMEO AND JULIET: An analysis of the play by William Shakespeare. Christianity and the Religion of Love in Romeo and Juliet.

The patriot

The Patriot The film comprehensively portrays the sacrifices made by some of the legendary figures during the American revolutionary war in South Carolina. The militia trained by Martin and Major Jean Villeneuve of the French army mostly employed Guerilla warfare tactics to fight the British.

Abraham lincoln biography

Lincoln's greatest contributions were abolition of slavery in America and the formulation of a clear definition of democracy. Perhaps Lincoln's greatest contribution to politics as president of America is his definition of democracy." Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as: Government of the people, by the people, for the people".

North atlantic slave trade assignment

Response: With the discovery and colonisation of the New World, white Europeans had to establish a workforce to perform the transformation of vast areas of land. There were comparisons of how the white people saw the Africans during the slave trade, and how they really felt about the situation of exploiting the blacks.


Romanticism The main ideals of romanticism include rejection of modern life, imagination, view of self and nature. Modern Art and the Romantic Vision.

Week 8 dq 2

To clarify, a judicial review gives or denies judicial sanction to an act passed by the majority of a legislative body and by an executive as well as a majority vote for its constitutionality. The federal courts are also quite powerful and have a large scope of judicial power in American society.

He published poor richard’s almanac and the pennsylvania gazette

His contributions in electricity earned him recognitions such as the one from the Royal Society's Copley Medal in 1753 and in 1756 he became one of the few eighteenth century Americans to be elected as a Fellow of the Society. In 1728, according to Gillon and Matson when he was just a young man, Franklin →

Leadership of martin luther assignment

To illustrate this disadvantage: we understand that a " ball" is a " spherical object that we play with." But depending on the context, a ball can be understand as many different things. Martin Luther also demonstrated many of the skills that Morehouse associates with successful leaders.

The balance of power during the cold war assignment

Although the hoped for result of the lance of power was the assurance of peace and stability there have been instances during the cold war where instability and regional conflicts occurred. In 1962 tensions shifted from Europe to Cuba -Khrushchev thus decided to gain the advantage of the East- West balance Of power and the →

Thirteen days,

The ExComm held meetings to discuss the situation of the placing of the missiles in Cuba by the Russians to have some sort of an upper hand over the Americans. Some of the advisors suggested blockading the island as a whole till the threat of the missiles was under control, to use the navy instead →

Leonardo da vinci assignment

Not only was Leonardo one of the most important artists of the Italian Renaissance, but also a mathematician, inventor, musician, and a writer. Not only was Leonardo a Renaissance man but he also made many great contributions to the world of science.

Andrew carnegie and the steel industry assignment

Carnegie's ability to get his foot in the door of the railroad business enabled him to learn the tricks of the trade and also about business altogether. In 1861, at the start of the Civil War, Scott was acting as the Assistant Secretary of War and once again, he called upon Carnegie to help with →

Soldier stories about the vietnam war

The Vietnam War was a complete chaos and confusion and left a number of soldiers dead. The war leads to numerous fatalities on the side of the soldiers and this was a big loss for the country as the War was one which was completely uncalled for and unnecessary.

The difference between liberalism and socialism

It is also noted that, in a socialist government, all resources are collectively owned by the people who also determine how the resources are to be utilized for the development of the society. Liberalism Liberalism is a political ideology which believes in the freedom of people in the society.

The holocaust a overview history essay

Alexander Werth, a correspondent for the London Sunday Times and the BBC, was accompanying them, and he wrote down a description of the atrocities committed there and his observations of the camp for a special report to the BBC. The roots of the Holocaust lie in the barbaric practice know by the name " Genocide", →

German class

The area around Brandenburg Gate has a number of Holocaust memorials such as The Memorial to the Homosexuals Persecuted under the National Socialist Regime, The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Sinti and Roma among other memorials. Though in the same location, however, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe and that →

Faculty of economics and management situation history essay

He liked to socialize and be the point of interest in many cases. Marx made a good impression on this group so in October 1842 he was appointed editor of the newspaper.

The factors contributing to wounded knee massacre

Paper The Factors contributing to Wounded Knee Massacre In my opinion, relating the incident of massacre directly to the party politics is an oversimplification of the facts. The role of party politics may be contributory towards creating a set of factors, the ultimate outcome of which was the killing of this scale.

Japan’s defeat

The first agreement between the United States and Russia was the arbitrary division of the country into the North and South so as to have equal influence in the changes of Korean society. Soon this line acquired political connotations and separated the two spheres of influence; the democratic sphere of the Americans in the South →

American history in 1800s

Harriet was a person who was against slavery, newspaper was a strong platform to project the ideas of Harriet while social reforms educated the people of USA that all men and women are equal and there should be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or religion. J: Princeton University Press, 2004.

Stem cell

Current Event Summary: Abortion The article on the MSN news website who confess initial scepticism, but ultimate belief in Governor Perry's change of heart. Abortion is a hotly contested area of on-going debate in the United States, with strong views on both sides of the fence, ranging from those who argue for free choice for →

A response paper, make the topic creative

Her work has attempted to undermine the melodrama of the events while getting at the true history of what has happened. One of the most important aspects of her research is the focus on actually interviewing and interacting, to the degree possible, with people involved with the experiments.

Giving solutions to fix the problem of poor socialization of american children under the age six

Child care workers and baby sitters should be paid well, so that they help in good socialization of children. Toddlers of low income families should be given proper care and support from the government, so that they may be able to enjoy the similar kind of play activities as toddlers of high income families.

Ap european history

However, the Soviet union established a scalded unionism regime that did not adhere to the Ideologies In which communism was oral signally created, which was to serve the masses. Without the support of the people, communism was bound to fail.

A comparative review of the intentionalists’ and functionalists’ point of view during the holocaust

It was not until after the end of World War 2 that individuals started to question the origins of the Holocaust. During the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials which lasted from 1945-1946, the " Final Solutions to the Jewish Question in Europe" was spoken to by the arraignment as a component of long haul anticipate the →

A summary of john locke’sconcerning human understanding assignment

In Book I, Locke told that discovering where our ideas come from, ascertaining what it means to have these ideas and what an idea essentially is, and examining issues of faith and opinion to determine how we should proceed logically when our knowledge is limited were the three goals of his project. He also believes →

The societal effects of totalitarian control in 1984

The concept of also controls the personal beliefs of the citizens and promotes Totalitarianism by limiting the form of expression. Successfully, 1984 exposed the lifestyle and tradition of a Totalitarian government.

Nikita khrushchev assignment

His regime remained popular with workers, peasants and students, who constituted the charity of the country population, while opposition came primarily from the middle class; thousands of doctors, engineers and other professionals emigrated to Florida in the U. With the support of moderate, Catholic, and conservative interests in the government and the army, Washington undermined →

Title: why the civil rights movement was a struggle (1865-1965 & beyond)

Why the Civil Rights Movement was a struggle: 1865-1965 and beyond The civil rights movement was a political movement that agitated for the equality of different races before the law. The struggle for equal rights between black and other Americans was the root cause of the civil rights movement.

Mesopotamia story assignment

Geography and the development/diffusion of human society- World history- Mesopotamia Mesopotamia is Greek for " land between the rivers." The land is supplied by water from both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Similar to the Nile River, both rivers would flood yearly and cause the crops of the land to be much more plentiful than →

Andrew jackson

Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United s after rising through the ranks from an orphan to a military leader, senator and senator. This was the cause of fallout with his deputy Calhoun as he supported the southerners.

Us japanese relations before pearl harbor assignment

When an epidemic of physical disease starts to spread, the community approves and joins in a quarantine of the patients in order to protect the health of the community against the spread of disease. On the one hand, the ability of the Tokyo Government to control the action of the Japanese forces in China in →