Quality Linguistics Essay Examples for Your Learning


She claims that the courts denied her the custody of her son because she lived with a woman, as well as her history of alcoholism; thus, Tony, her ex-husband, was given custody. Therefore, this paper will analyze the process Anne May undergoes after her son's death and the significance of embracing life in a phenomenal β†’

Salary and benefits of becoming a financial manager

Salary and Benefits of Becoming a Financial Manager Serving any establishment in the capa of a financial manager is relatively challenging given that the individual will be tasked with the responsibility of monitoring the finances of the organization, thereby ensuring that the firm has the financial muscle to accomplish its objectives. Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/janetnovack/2013/09/20/6-pointed-questions-to-ask-before-hiring-a-financial-advisor/ Pay β†’

A review of ligeia and william wilson stories by edgar allan poe

The story of Ligeia is not a true classic as it represents some aspects of life that are not real. A timely story is relevant to the age period in which it is told.


Identification of Specific Values, Beliefs, Character Traits of Antigone Contributing to Her Actions and Leading to Her Death She is defiant and loyal to family values, willing to go against the edict of the king in order to bury his dead brother. Five Ancient Greek Beliefs, Customs, Views Using Evidence from Antigone The β†’

Performance appraisal memo

These accomplishments made the group build a Jamba Juice in the San Antonio Airport in time, efficiently and effectively. Still, there were some problems within the group that need some improvements. This led to the group's successful completion in building a Jamba Juice Company in the San Antonio Airport. References Perron, K., & Dembecki, β†’

The reasons to be a social worker

I feel that my education and my future should be focused in this direction and take social work as my profession. Basically, I would like to continue the work which my mother has initiated and I am confident that if I have a graduation in social work, I would be able to run this institutions β†’

Finland’s school success what americans keep ignoring

The Finland teachers are trained to evaluate the performance of the pupils and students at independent and personal perspective. All the pupils are awarded free meals, health care and personalized guidance. The Meaning of the Title What the Americans keep ignoring from the success of Finland schools is that they are using the wrong β†’

Dram job

Besides, I have many friends back in Saudi Arabia who are very competent as far as marketing of fashion products is concerned and in this respect, their input will give my business a head start. Before I embark into any business or profession for that matter, I have to ensure that I successfully pursue and β†’

Animal farm

Animal Farm In the novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell, Napoleon uses intimidation and propaganda to keep the other animals in line at the onset of the Rebellion. Throughout the novel, Napoleon is able to persuade the animals to follow his rules. Manipulation is one of the tactics utilized by Napoleon to rule the farm.

It takes all kinds

Of all these, the best way to classify people remains that of economic classes. In the past, people were classified as either rich or poor. Arrival of automobiles added a new feature to this classification where the middle-class was born.

How has my writing changed in this semester why

As a result, I have learned how to organize my papers, express my thoughts in written form and structure all ideas in order to be understood by other people. When I started the class I could not do many things; I could not write analysis essay, my grammar was not the best and I had β†’

How do you live the good life

These cases identify the problem in definition of a good life because people often confuse temporary happiness and material things with the meaning of a good life. I hereby offer a perception of how to live a good life. The term good refers to anything that is desirable or can be qualified under specific standards, β†’

Issues on graduating with student loan

As a result, one of the many issues on graduating with student loan is the financial and emotional stress of having large debt to pay off, although some sources argue that in the long run, the returns of earnings are greater than the interest paid on these loans. She learned that student loans do not β†’

Negative messages & collaborative writing

These questions relate to our target audience for the message we intend to create as well as our expectations and the audience's expectations and a host of many other guidelines. Section 1: Planning - The main aim of creating this message is to correct the misconceptions that might have been caused by the appearance of β†’

Adapting to a new enviroment

But when I moved to Irvine, I came to know that although I was not living like a nomad in a desert but still it was a very different place. I had to adjust in a new environment, the weather was alien, and the people were not the people that I had been living with. β†’

Violent video games effects on children and teenager

It is argued that the content and plot of games is often not appropriate for the young and not mature individuals as far as it is focused on aggression and killing. As a whole, there is substantial ground to believe that violent games teach children to response to situations in a violent way, acting like β†’

Climate refuges

Climate Refugees Up until the time that I came to view the movie " Climate Refugees", I never thought of the problem of climate change as one that has been causing the calamities around the world and the seemingly massive migration of the people from the affected countries to other places around the world. The β†’

The concept of machine learning english language essay

3 Collection of sampling data The first step for this model is the collection of the data. This summery of the present result is based on the requirement of the emotions.

Sexual standards and restraints of the late 19th century

The short story en d " The Storm" by Kate Chopin is, as its suggests, a brief account of a storm which appears suddenly and brings torrential rain, thunder and lightning to a small town in the American South. Her lack of awareness of the storm conveys to the reader that she is a victim β†’


To the audience, the topic of the story revolves around an undisclosed major issue being compared to the hills which look like white elephants. As organisms of interdependent existence the answer to questions regarding choices versus fate can be affected by the views of the people of close interaction. In the story, the two main β†’

How do you view the unification of women on campus, and how would you improve it

Hence, it is essential for women to come together on campus and address the issues that are affecting them both in the school and the outside world. This paper will assess the issue of women coming together on campus, illustrating its benefits and ways of improving this unification. As mentioned above, the unification of women β†’

E-bay as my favourite website

E-bay was created in 1995, with a different name, AuctionWeb, the website's name was changed to E-bay in 1997 (E-bay, corporate website, history); in just one year since its creation, in 1996, the registered users of the website reached the 41, 000 (E-bay, corporate website, history). The financial performance of the website has been really β†’

Cell phone as appropriate information technology english language essay

According to the researchers, inequality in access to ownership of new media can significantly affect the access to information from the new media or Internet by the disadvantaged communities and at the same time creating or reinforcing the socio-economic disparities based on the digital marginalization of the of the poorer classes, races and regions of β†’


He makes people feel uncomfortable and then wants to know who the " bull goose loony" is , as in who the craziest person there is, because he wants to overshadow that person.* Another is how institution run the risk of being oppressive and corrupt. But when Nurse Ratched confronts Billy, she's able to bring β†’

Part of a proposal

In addition to this, Willow Run Airport manages approximately above 70, 000 operations annually and about 200 million pounds of cargo are handled at the airport in every year. This thereby, makes it the 3rd largest airport in the entire Michigan State. To investigate these underlying factors that has led to the damaging of operations β†’

In a grove

In this process, since the accounts delivered by the woodcutter, the travelling Buddhist priest, the policeman, and the old woman all bear equivalent amount of semblances and contradictions with each other, then for the moment there emerges no single account that can be fully trusted until sufficient logic sheds light to draw reliable evidences from β†’

The adoption of critical reading english language essay

According to Barnet states, " Critical reading helps student to interpret a text by working through a sequence of steps in order to attain a particular understanding of what is being read".Academic reading of a student should become efficient and effective if he/she would brain storm while reading academically. Efficient reading would help β†’

Shakespeare’s richard iii

Richard III In the play by Shakespeare, Richard III, the audience manages to see how the duke of Gloucester, Richard rises to power in a deceitful way to become King Richard III. Richard became ruthless and feared in England by the common people due to his treacherous acts of murder.

Digital nation

The second section contends that the internet fosters personalization or the introduction of " Daily Me," which digital technology empowers from a positive perspective. The internet is similarly an instrument of regular manipulation and exploitation, which is a negative perspective. Seventh, PBS' Frontline believes the internet is a tool that can help educate, which is β†’

What are swifts aims in a modest proposal and how does he achieve them what are joyces aims in araby how does she achieve them

Comparison contrast of Swifts A Modest Proposal and Joyces Araby In A Modest Proposal written by Swift, a deep seated situation that had been in the hearts of many Ireland's is brought out in this story through the author. Describing every sense and environment in which the boy lived, the author managed to bring out β†’

Team progress report assignment

The company's communication leaders, however, attach high value to formal communication in the day to day running of the organization. AT&T, on the other hand, places high emphasis on formal communication throughout the organization. Despite this, AT&T highly still attaches high value to formal communication among the employees and the senior members of the organization. β†’

How you have experienced social change in qatar over the last 5 years or so

Social change in Qatar Social Change in Qatar Answer one Social change is the adjustment of structures within the society. Apart from the increase in the number of women participating in the country's labor force, most of them tend to focus in certain occupations, particularly teaching and clerical jobs. Answer two As the Qatar β†’

Negative messages

In fact, I have enjoyed working for your services and I would also appreciate the most if you came again when you visit our country. It is not my intention to break this news to you. It was own responsibility as customer to study your insurance coverage, in that you may have known that the β†’

The role of e-learning in education

According to Hal Archives from an e-book on the methodology of Universities towards e-learning, the use of e-books have been the significant thing in the current education systems on the planet. The starting point or etymology of e-learning is contested, with the e- letter not necessarily meaning electronic as per the cases of e-mail or β†’


This leadership is especially shown on the individual level as he has proven to be a very caring individual. We understand that these schools provide challenging academic environments. We feel that this student must be recommended to one of these schools because this is where he can realize his full potential.

Teacher and student mindsets

This will be implemented through the establishment of a free system of learning whereby no students is discouraged or made to feel inferior to the rest. Some students may tend to feel more intellectually superior that the rest and develop a tendency of bullying the rest knowledge wise.

Logical fallacies; argument structure

Security Lessons from the Public Sector In the contemporary world, cyber security is the major concern formost organizations. Appeal to belief is evident in that assumption because Microsoft attempts to rule out the viability of enterprises in tackling cyber security because they are modern organizations.

The benefit consuming organic and whole foods

Benefits of Organic and Whole Foods Whole food is foods close to their natural In other words, these foods are unrefined or unprocessed. It is healthy to eat both organic and whole food since there are a couple of benefits associated with the foods. Processing food results to loss of minerals, vitamins, fiber, as well β†’

Justification report part 2

OSHA Case Studies on the Millers Park and the Paul Brown Stadium Evaluation of the Alternatives The United states Department of Labor has a special division OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration department to guide various companies in following proper safety measures. OSHA case studies measure the success of the projects which used the β†’

Observation about coffe shops

It is a place where the focus is on two things only; the subject of the talk and the taste of coffee. Compared to food places, people have their mouths full, that is why they do not talk much, and when they do, it is at a loud volume and people sitting nearby can easily β†’

Journal 16

Characterize the past and present living conditions of Tito's wife, Haydee, and his children, Ines and Jaime. Previously, Tito lived a life of misery and difficulty. Characterize Tito's past and present relationships with his wife and children Tito's life is limited within the confines of making profit from everyone.

Hairstyles of the damned discussion

Full Hairstyles of the Damned 26 June Question No one problem that Brian has with Gretchen is he is in love with her but does not know how to profess his love. The rest of the world considered her as fat although she might just be plump or chubby but it is also β†’

Emergency letter from dr in eyes to the son of the patient that he can get leave of absence from the compagny so he will be able to help his mother during and after the surgery

Your valued presence will improve the chances of recovery for my patient along with giving her a sense of security that she must feel with you besides her. In the light of the matter I would request you to obtain a leave of absence from your company to be besides your aging mother in these β†’

Fairy tales re-telling

He knew if he had to succeed he had to travel to the foreign lands to show his skills and talents to the world. He packed almost a 100 caps, picked up food supplies for the journey and took all the money he had saved from his previous sales and started the journey into the β†’

Climate change

As of today, global warming is the greatest problem facing planet earth and is in fact the temperature increase of the earth's neon surface air on top of being the most current and widely discussed factors concerning climate. Global warming has a far reaching impact on the bio-diversity and earth's climate conditions; it is clearly β†’

Describing some of the rhetorical choices

The constraint is that the interpretations of the words coming out of the mouths of the players and coaches in the NFL games sampled must match with the silent utterances over which the words are layered/put on. There is also an element of parody as a rhetorical choice for the ad, where the intense obsession β†’

Fences by august wilson

The structure of this game is a key reference in the construction of the story. Therefore, the assertions of Birdwell are valid according to the nature of events in the Wilson's play. Some of the fences outlined in the paly are realistic.

Analysis of kate chopins short stories the feminist analysis

Full The Social Issue of Feminism The Story of an Hour tells the story of Louise, a woman whose husband was mistakenly reported as among the dead in a railroad disaster. Louise was never free to assert herself in the presence of her husband so that she almost considered herself a prisoner.

Immigration reform

of Learning: Immigration Reform Immigration reform is a change in the immigration policy of a nation which results from the passing of a law changing the immigration status of the nation. In the United States, immigration reform is initiated through the Democratic vote where the proposed changes are presented by Congress and are voted on. β†’

It’s not fair

This is not however the case and I, in one incident, felt an unfair treatment because I was victimized for taking a moral action. It was on a Thursday morning and I was on my way to school when I was forced into an ethical dilemma. I also had a tight schedule but the possibility β†’

The downside of diversity

Although diversity is thought of as a positive thing for society, Putnam's study proves that diversity produces lower civic health, a decline in social capital, and brings out the turtle in all of us. Diversity produces lower civic health, which is a detriment to society. Putnam's research also supports that of some of his contemporaries, β†’

Hate running the mile in pe

HATE RUNNING THE MILE IN PE Nursing As My Professional Career Nursing career is a profession that is quite challenging to achieve, yet the most demanded in the current world. In order to accomplish my goal, I intend to enroll in the University of Phoenix and complete both bachelors and master's degree in the nursing β†’

The benefits of the legalization of marijuana in colorodo and washinton state

The Benefits of the Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado and Washington s Legalization of Marijuana removed it from the criminal justice system. Regulating and legalizing marijuana will confine it to the rule of law, create economic and job opportunities in the formalized economy instead of trading it in the illicit markets.

Meanings of black holes

The definition on office meaning of black holes In a physical or scientific usage, the term black hole is defined as " the invisible remains of a collapsed star, with an intense gravitational field from which neither light nor matter can escape". However, a white commissioner was reported to describe the Dallas city council as β†’

No child left behind act

The No Child Left Behind Act of November 14, The No Child Left Behind Act The No Child Left behind Act is the most vital policy that attends to the developmental and learning requirements of elementary and secondary students. The NCLB act was put into legislation on January 8, 2008 and signed by President George β†’


This is not to defend plagiarism as an acceptable practice in school but kicking somebody out of school for a single offense of plagiarism is just too extreme. I agree that plagiarism should be removed from student's consciousness that they should always practice academic honesty. Giving a warning and graduated punishment to the student eliminates β†’

How are social media platforms redefining and revaluating the ties that bind us together

Without a doubt, social media has created a lifestyle, just not a fad that aligns with the future roadmap in 2020. Soon social media will play a huge role in Artificial intelligence, a tie that binds us together because it creates a revolution, a unique following, unparalleled to anything we have witnessed. The second element β†’

Global language

Ability to communicate in French along with English will help an individual in accessing employment opportunities in areas where French and English is used professionally to communicate. An individual who has the ability to communicate in French along with English can gain access to the top universities throughout the world. An individual can gain access β†’

Case study assignment

Google, Inc Case Analysis al Affiliation Alternative Strategies and Recommendations The aim of the strategy: " to convince the market that Google could handle the balancing act between commerce and conscience and, in the process, re-establish their company as the innovative leader with a soul that it had in the past". 1. Final Recommendation for β†’

Review of omnivore’s dilemma

The author's writings are alive and incisive, and even though one may condemn the work as a record of the gourmet's perpetual lack of success to reason in moral terms, we can agree that he writes of food's role in American life in such an unlikely yet thrilling fashion. Simultaneously, the author's focus on stories β†’

Compare my ometown wich is saudi arabia to the city i live in now wich is murfreesboro tn

This paper will show the differences in freedom, weather, and respect for the law between Saudi Arabia and Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and why I would love to reside in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. I would love to live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee than Saudi Arabia because of the differences in freedom, weather, and respect for the law. Everything has β†’

Position paper

THE IMPLICATIONS OF ONE'S ECONOMIC DISPOSITION IN THE OMNIVORE'S DILEMMA This paper explores the implications of the economic and sociological themes presented in Michael Pollan's book, The Omnivore's Dilemma. On the other hand, this paper will answer the issue on the economic and sociological considerations of humans in their food choices as regards to the β†’

Classic and non classic analysis in likelife

ic and non ic analysis in ' Likelife' ic style is identified by a collection of techniques which are used by the writer rather than the attitude depicted towards writing.' Likelife' presents a mixture of classical and non classical forms of writing in literature as the writer uses these styles to explain the events that β†’

Government health care vs private health care

Government Health Care Vs Private Health Care Government Health Care Vs Private Health Care Over the years a debate has seen to be arisen with regard to the choice between government health care and private health care. Over the years people have argued for both the private health care sector and the public health care β†’


Being employed by this company, I would feel safe for I would be building my experience in one of the largest and most popular companies in Qatar, which would be good for me in the long run. I would like to work for Qatar Petroleum because this is a very old company. Working with Qatar β†’

The speech

The language of Speech and Writing. English Students Forum, N.D.Web.

English literature

The background of the story was set in mild summers of 1945 surrounded by the environment of conflict, war and disruption which was the outbreak of the prejudice and discrimination against the African Americans.Mr. However, he resists his anger with his heart pounding to beat her but somehow; he learns to control his angers and β†’


This will aid the two of them to understand the need to help each other understand their differences, in the process generating a close band and augmenting their friendships. Meg will be very instrumental in teaching the narrator the ways and practices in America while the narrator will be responsible to relate the cultures and β†’

Powerpoint presentation example

I am also sure that we do not want to waste our parent's money sitting around wasting time and doing nothing.(make it fun by like asking question or asking another student the same question.(MAYBE, Jimmy, do you think it is good to waste time in school?) SLIDE 2(MAJOR TOPICS IN TIME MANAGEMENT) I am going β†’


The speaker is travelling on a horseback on the darkest evening of the year when he stops in between the woods and a frozen lake, to watch the woods fill up with snow. The world with people however seems more important to the speaker since he decides to leave the woods and continue with his β†’

Walter williams

26 July Critical Analysis of Walter Willliams's Argument Passing the Senate Resolution 26 does not mean that the African Americans have to be compensated, and if by any means the compensation has to be made, the money has to be retrieved from the American government. The biggest fallacy in Williams's argument is that reparations have β†’

Language of argument in the real world

In fact, this particular healthcare reform would only benefit a small group of individuals such as the large-scale health insurance companies like Aetna and Cigna at the expense of the general public and the private sectors. Regardless of whether or not each person can receive an employer-sponsored healthcare plan, Galewitz mentioned that part β†’

My First Speech As I prepare for my first speech

Stage fright is a tangent that haunts me immensely and this is the reason why I do not feel much confident about the same. It helps to ease down the nerves and allows the individual who is giving a speech the comprehension that he is doing something right and without much fuss. Nervousness in front β†’

Ripe figs

Although she had to wait only for a few months, she would go into the garden to see how ripe the figs were, to know how much time was left for her to go down the Bayou-Lafourche. Her impatience had made her feel that she had waited very long for the figs to get ripened.

The belotero dermal filler english language essay

In this article we take a look at the Belotero Dermal Filler, a product that is part of a hugely important cosmetic treatment offering, and which has achieved huge success in certain areas. The Belotero dermal filler First and foremost, Belotero is a dermal filler, which means that it belongs to a class of β†’

Talking back

The book is comprised of a number of essays that describe the author's feelings about being black and the entire concept of feminism in the United States. In an interesting manner, Hooks narrates her own experiences. She grew up to become a prominent writer. Deep in the book, Hooks dedicates some of the essay towards β†’

Preliminary outline and draft

Research based trends of biodiesel use ii. Benefits of Biodiesel as a fuel i.


The virtual world has led to the creation of a same group hating community where the form of bullying is against a specific group of people and it is so powerful that there have been many times people have actually committed suicide and other harmful acts because of it. The form of cyber bullying has β†’

House prices between newcastle and birmingham

Birmingham is famous by its big and beautiful theatre the Birmingham Hippodrome. For this project I collected secondary data by websites and I looked at 30 houses prices and the difference between two different cities Property prices in Birmingham Properties in Birmingham Type of house Bedrooms Price 1 β†’

See below

In the closing paragraph, an appreciation and a positive expectation of a future was stated to the customer. Fitness Equipment Store 4309 S Morgan Street, Chicago, IL, 60609, United States January 21, 2012 Mr. If you want to have the newest model of treadmills, Fitness Equipment Store will provide a generous assistance β†’

Politics of english as a world language

Finally, they allow interpretation of government proceedings for LOTEs to enhance understanding among the population. In what kinds of contexts is it valued and encouraged? In NYC, dissimilar departments value and encourage the use of LOTEs. For example, they speak LOTEs in their homes, in business activities, churches, during marriage ceremonies and government proceedings.


Rather, traditions should be well scrutinized whether they are helpful and relevant to the present and the culture. In " Mending Walls," the notion that " good fences make good neighbors," as indicated by Frost , is the belief that makes the characters build the walls every spring. The tradition presented in this case β†’

Quaility management

Assistance Available to Organizations Seeking to Improve Quality It is every organization's dream to offer an excellent service and at the same time be able to satisfy the customers. Employee can be used to review the quality of nay service before it is released to the consumer as what happen internally to an organization affects β†’

Descriptive paragraph

Teachers and ID # Descriptive Essay #2 The Coast of A Coruna, NW Spain Boat Struggles against the Storm Leaving the Coast of A Coruna, NW Spain (http://lightbox.time.com/2014/03/07/pictures-of-the-week-february-28-march-7/#35) Descriptive Essay #2 The Coast of A Coruna, NW Spain Sight: The wind and the water are in turmoil together, swirling and spraying everywhere at the β†’


The author of the book, David Anderson, clearly believes that Wolfe characterizes the sentiments of Stout. Since the research deals with the government abuse of power while Hoover was in the FBI as described by Stout in The Doorbell Rang, this book would help in explaining the character of the said director. Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri.

Respond: what is the american dream

The American Dream The American Dream...this issue seems vulnerable for many citizens of America. The author of the article states that the people's perception of American Dream did not only change their life for better but on the contrary caused more problems.

Ethics memo

Rose line: There is a dire need for the implementation of monitoring policies for the employee internet usage at Texas Technologies Opening: Considering the recent activities that have come across at Texas Technologies regarding the use of internet during office times, a strict policy is vital to be put into action for preventing the β†’

Friendship in julius caesar

For instances, Decius, who is one of the Caesar' s schemers, came to Caesar's house, and the first thing that he said was " Caesar, all hail! Decius perceives Caesar as " most mighty" and this made Caesar become even more comfortable with Decius. Conversely, it was through this that Caesar' s conspirators were able β†’

Benfits of online classes

To that effect, the paper will discuss the benefits of acquiring education online. The major benefit of attending online classes is convenience and flexibility. Most of the online programs are more affordable as compared to the traditional courses.

Cause and effects of alcohol

Cause and effects of alcohol Alcohol forms part of the culture of many people in different parts of the world. People often drink alcohol for the love of it, to relax as well as to socialize with others.

Activist letter

Cutting down of trees has the immediate impact on the climate and puts agricultural and human activities at risk. One has to bear in mind that forest cool the air above it by turning water that comes from the soil into moisture. Charcoal and firewood is mostly used by people in most part of the β†’

Golden lines from robert ray’s thematic paradigm

He states, " The movies traded on one opposition in particular, American culture's traditional dichotomy of individual and community that had generated the most significant pair of competing myths: the outlaw hero and the official hero,". The second part I would like to acknowledge is his division of these hero-official oppositions. This quotation can be β†’

Table for oneon eating alone

The Americans apparently got bored of the practice of eating alone and they devised a plan that required everyone to pay their own bill whereas, the group can have a meal together and in this way, the requirement of socialization is fulfilled without overburdening anyone. The practice of joint meals with disjointed payments got popular β†’

Cultural controversy

The cut is often referred to as circumcision, who to those unfamiliar with it makes it analogous to male circumcision and legitimizes it; conversely, the extent of the cutting is not comparable to male circumcision. While the proponents insist, the term Female Genital is meant to dehumanize it, the truth is; the term describes it β†’

Discussion forum

The type of irony that is of particular interest in the story is the irony of the situation. When the girls stop at Sammy's slot and are told off by the store's manager the boy sees the incident as his opportunity to impress the girls.

Sonnys blues or to build a fire

The narrator is the older brother who relates the struggles of his younger brother, Sonny, to overcome drug addiction and find his identity and place in the world. However, the story is not only about Sonny: the narrator also gives the reader a glimpse into his own struggle to come to terms with Sonny's drug β†’