Complete Essay Samples on Poem

Essay on critical analysis of the poem, my fathers love letters

From the poem, it is evident that the persona is a child who is helping the father to portray his emotions to the mother. The sex of the child does not emerge in the poem but the structure and choice of diction of the poet conveys enormous entity of information regarding the relationship at hand.

Portrayal of death in dulce et decorum est, and how to tell a true war story

The rhythms and words of Wilfred Owen's poem stand out from the many others about war and death and is a powerful evocation of death. War is not a fairy tale, and as it is said many times in this paper, war comes in the form of death.

Jaws and the rime of the ancient mariner: supernatural morality tales 

Although symbolism and meaning of the movie vary from person-to-person, the vastness of the sea and the unpredictable nature of the shark come to represent the familiar topic of mankind attempting to control nature and forces out of his control, and the chaos that ensures. The shift in the narrator's reliability most notably when the →

Free will in oedipus rex and the odyssey essay sample

Odyssey primarily deals with a world of immanent meaning; that is to say, divine presence is everywhere, and everything is subject to the will of the divine, or in the case of the Greeks, several godly figures. It is also worthwhile to note that both Homer and Sophocles have their own individual interpretation of the →

Athena’s unwavering support of odysseus

Athena uses her godly abilities to encourage Nausicaa to wake in the morning and go to the river to wash her wedding dress. Her support of Odysseus is, once again, unwavering as she plans to assist him to eliminate the suitors and reach the ultimate goal of returning to his Penelope.

”warren pryor” by alden nowlan essay sample

Imagery and SymbolismThis poem invokes a lot of imagery, such as sharpenend pencil,-Stanza 1, line 1- a farm with long rolling fields -Stanza 1, line 3-, a graduate recieving his diploma -Stanza 2, lines 2&3-, very proud parents -Stanza 2, line 1-, a passport -Stanza 2, line 3-, the movies " Holes" -Stanza 2, lines →

Half caste

He makes fun of the term ' half caste' by using the idea of him being half a person. He is asking the audience as he thinks the term ' half-caste' does not make sense and he is emphesising his anger.

Free essay on one art by elizabeth bishop

The pain is hard to endure, but she wants to be a survivor, and is trying to present ways in which she would get used to the idea of losing things, people, memories. She commences the poem in this manner of a survivor, that losing things is no disaster, meaning that it is not the →

To his coy mistress by andrew marvell

The poem is in fact the desire for his love; who was shy in expressing her love. The poet main argument is not to waste time in shyness and vain talk, instead they should make best use of the time together.

Among school children by w.b. yeats. poetry analysis

This allusion to the unnamed woman continues into the third stanza when he muses about the beauty of youth, comparing her to the daughter of the swan, Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman on earth. The diction and allusions throughout the poem illustrate the speakers struggle with his own age and mortality as he →

Passed on written by carole satymurti poem analysis

The second stanza is much longer as compared to the other four and reveals to the reader the contents of what is in the box and what is written on the index cards. Furthermore, a sense of awkwardness is created between the profound statements and the presentation of the ideas as if Carole's ideas are →

The soul selects her own society

She continues to reinforce this idea of creating a barricade around the conscience with references to " Chariots" and " an Emperor" that pause at the " Gate" of her soul. Dickinson puts a lot of emphasis on the rigidity of the " Gate" by stating that it is hard " Like Stone" and unbreakable.

Examples of hospitality in the “odyssey” [hospitality theme essay]

While the tale has various mythical and magical motifs in the form of Gods, Goddesses, nymphs, witches, and magic; one of the most interesting and a rather unusual aspect of the story was the astounding level of generosity shown to Odysseus through various parts of the story. Another interesting factor to consider is the concept →

Poetry analysis literature review sample

1) " Halley's Comet" by Stanley Bunitz This passage is meant to demonstrate the excitement and joy that young boys feel at the exciting and the new - the boy does not quite understand that his life and the lives of everyone else would end. The " boy in the white flannel gown" is doing →

Iliad: human condition

Hephaestus includes images of the: celebrations of life and the joy that comes with it, and how injustices go in the world in order to show the positive and negative aspects of life at that time. The shield reveals images of the loving nature of people in everyday life and during special occasions, while at →

Poem analysis: the negro speaks of rivers

I was brought into this world as a newborn baby named Brandon Michael Roman and this is the start of my life, thus being the start of the river. Speaking for the African race, the " I" of this poem links people of African descent to an ancient, natural, life-giving force: rivers.

Life of john milton

He died in ++1674 without pain or emotion, according to testimony at the time no one in the room noticing his passing.- Published poetry Milton is the author of dramas such as Samson Agonistes as well as lyrical sonnets, of which the finest were in fact inspired the the death of his second wife. In →

Essay on the beneficial influence of nature on the splendor of childhood

Nature is manifested just as in The Lamb by the natural topography of the world for instance the highest mountain and the flower and this captures the minds of elicit observers of this environment thus creating eminent judgment and fanatical emotions to their general behavior in this environment. Wordsworth in his writings The Prelude, describes →

The power of hope in hope is the thing with feathers

As the poem progresses to the second stanza, it is explicitly stated that the thing with feathers is a bird, and it is done so by explaining that the birds songs sound sweetest " in the Gale," and that only the most powerful of storms could " abash the little bird". The second function is →

Analyse, compare and contrast some poems by roger mcgough with other related poems

This poem is the grief of the loss of his partner and we could say that might be the inspiration to write this poem and share the grief with the rest of the world. This is the parody of Funeral blues written by Roger Mcgough who is also writing the poem on the grief of →

‘name’ term paper samples

It was deeply connected with the political and social changes of that era, and echoed people's fear, hope and expectations.' The world is too much with us,' by William Wordsworth, is a poem which is true to the tenets of romanticism and highlights man's alienation from nature. The French Revolution had a huge impact on →

Roethke and bishop essay examples

There is a connection between the poetic styles of Theodore Roethke and Elizabeth Bishop. From the fish, a poem by Bishop, the poet displays critical dispositions of her ecological awareness of the connectivity between humans and animals.

Love poem critical analysis

The title gives the reader the assumption that this poem is about a beautiful sonnet to an unattainable love. By the end of the poem, the message to the reader is clear.

The glass castle by jeannette walls: a critical review

As I critique the book based upon the terms and concepts we discussed throughout the tenure of the semester it is important to keep the concepts of culture, class, and communication in mind. In the memoir, Jeannette portrays the culture of her dysfunctional family and her difficulties growing up through the way she communicates.

War: a quest for glory?

The goal of the majority of the warriors in the epic poem The Iliad is to gain glory for themselves. The central conflict of The Iliad is presented in the first book of the epic poem and deals with nothing more than the pursuit for glory of two mortal men.

Main themes in one art

The speaker inmeadeately addresses their attitude and tone in the poem with the first line ' the art of losing is not hard to master'. One art is a simple enough poem with the themes loss and love.

Two poems by archbishop jien

The speakers' attempts to escape their predicament by seeking fulfillment in the deceptive permanence of the moon are left hanging incomplete, creating in turn for the reader an atmosphere embroiled with lack of fulfillment and the mystery of the moon, which probes the reader's depths of intent to understand as best he can. Hence, in →

Faith suspended

In her poem "' Faith' is a fine invention," Dickinson puts quotes around the word "' Faith,'" bringing to attention the irony between the word's original meaning, which is the belief in God, and its more contemporary meaning, the religion of Christianity. It is interesting that she uses the image of the shelf to separate →

Two old black men on a leicester park bench

It then continues to inform us that Jamaicans fought in the war as to them England was their mother country which not enough people know, this is the part that makes it believably non-fiction as it is a fact and makes the following story more convincing - my story could stand alone as a short →

The role of women in “the iliad” by homer essay sample

This is Homer's attempt to show a similarity to the horses and the women, as a way to describe how women are treated by men of the age. This is showing that women should not be thought of as weak and unable to do things, much the same as the many times that Athena takes →

St augustine and the understanding of evil

Some of the extreme events that compelled him to probe the existence of God, further, included the loss of his mistress, and later the death of the mother and also a son. Augustine demonstrates a lot of truth to the views that evil is fashioned by humans and not God.

Perspectives of war: ancient greece and today

War is a perpetual and endless occurrence of strength, dominance, and destruction that is motivated by the debated morality of violence, the destructive instinct of man, and the inevitable acceptance of war. In addition to the morality of violence and man's destructive instinct, the most important illustration of the endlessness of war in history is →

Essay on the fish

In the poem " The Fish" the poet uses imagery in the entire poem to help in creation of vivid image in the readers mind." The Fish" as the title is a kind of symbolism or metaphor, that is, it reflects the importance of the fish to life of the narrator. In description of the →

Essay on lorraine hansberry’s play a raisin

There is an element of truth in this description, but this paper will argue that a full and careful consideration of the play itself and the context in which it was written, reveal the play to be much more radical than Ray and Kundu suggest and demonstrate that Hansberry had an almost prophetic sense of →

Harlem renaissance essay

The Harlem Renaissance is the term given to the blossoming of the creative arts amongst African Americans, centered on Harlem in the 1920s, and embodying the cultural awakening and recognition of African American writing, painting and sculpture, in the same decade that saw jazz and blues reach a wider audience. The subject matter of the →

Illuminating the poem essay example

It is remarkable how Frost has depicted the emergence of new leaves to be golden in the very first line of this poem- Nature's first green is gold. It signifies how the golden how of beauty, riches and youth is so difficult to sustain.

Odysseus as an epic hero

Odysseus shows cleverness throughout his role of playing someone else, and in the ways that he presents himself to all as a poor beggar and a suitor. Odysseus shows his cleverness in the scene " Meeting of Father and Son", where he reveals his true identity and is changed by the gods from a beggar →

“the odyssey” by homer essay

Throughout the story, there is a constant struggle of the growing Telemachus to imitate the actions of his father and then eventually become like him that he comes to an end of his journey. The text of The Odyssey presents a single framed narration of the hero, Odysseys, and the journey of a child, Telemachus, →

Disguise in the “odyssey”: character development & athena’s impact

Athena also had to pour a sea fog around Odysseus to protect him, and then she assumed the shape of a little girl and showed him the way to the palace. The use of disguise in The Odyssey was helpful as it allowed Odysseus to survey his palace and identify those who had remained loyal →

Three “codes” of a greek warrior essay sample

The story is told mainly from the side of the Greeks and therefore serves as a perfect display of the 3 Codes of a Greek warrior. The first of the three is the Code of Hospitality, which requires the host to provide every need and desire for his guests.

Point of view in hamlet

Discuss whether or not the writers of the Harlem Renaissance spoke with a unified voice. Does a grouping like " the Harlem Renaissance" help our understanding of this period and the art it produced, or does it obscure the individual achievements?

Manlike: the odyssean ideal

The name " Odysseus" resonates in the creak of opening doors in the city of Troy, the murmur of waves, and the song of the Sirens. Athena's decision to reveal herself to Odysseus in her full glory is the equivalent of Odysseus shouting his true name to Polyphemus.

Hotel room twelth floor essay

MacCaig deliberately wants us to see past the glitzy, glamorous life styles of ' The Big Apple ' and make us aware of the darkness that lies beneath the surface." Helicopters skinting like a damaged insect " this similie is effective as the sound that the helicopter makes resembles that of a damaged insect. There →

How virgil integrates myth and history in the aeneid essay

For illustration each is of both Godhead and mortal descent: Aeneas is the boy of Venus and Anchises, Romulus the boy of Mars and Ilia the priestess queen and Augustus excessively, harmonizing to Jupiter's prognostication, can follow his line of descent to both these legendary figures, and a ' Caesar', Rome's foremost imperial figure. This →

The importance of hospitality

In the Epic The Odyssey by Homer, Homer emphasizes the sacrifices made by the brave heroic Odysseus as he faces many harsh obstacles fighting in the Trojan War for the past 10 years. The author acknowledges the value of culture of the characters as there is a constant repetition of hospitality.

Chief characteristics of postmodernism as described by lyotard and jameson essay samples

In this part of the paper, I will expound further on the characteristics of postmodernism as explained by Lyotard and Jameson, and also address three aspects of postmodernism typology according to the same authors. Logically, the implications of ambivalence and postmodernism in general is that, if postmodernism is considered to be a stage for some →

Gilgamesh and ramayana essay sample

The epics of " Gilgamesh" and " The Ramayana of Valmiki" both served their societies as an outline of a moral code, defined the role of a hero, and instilled the belief of the fallibility of man, no matter how great. The elimination of the only thing that Gilgamesh prizes in the world, his friendship →

Poetry and theory essay

By bringing the extract of the nature and style of poems that prevailed prior to his era, Wordsworth depicts a warning for readers. The poem talks of a place of belonging where you opt to find loving care and protection.

Use of literary devices in emily dickinson poems

In everyday life, there is a constant struggle to create a sense of self within the mind of every person in this world. A conflict is always found between the importance of self and the interference that others inflict upon those who are trying to discover their sense of self.

Death: triumph or tragedy?

We are startled that a dying soul would be able to focus on such insignificant background noise, but the description of the room in the next three lines supplies a reason why a fly might be heard: The Stillness in the RoomWas like the Stillness in the Air Between the Heaves of Storm She compares →

Robert frost and modernism research paper examples

The poem, the death of a hired man touches more on the family values and the dwindling nature of relationships. It is clear that after the burial of the child, the man and the woman were left all alone to deal with the grief.

The woodspurge poem analysis

Illustration This poem took place in hill where the trees are shaken out by the wind and a field of grass where the man in this poet saw woodspurge as one of the ten weeds and grieving for his problem all day along as the wind blown. The poet described a visual imagery by points →

My impression from the tyger poem

The next stanza seems to go back to the creator of the Tyger. Maybe this is alluding to the fact that the Tyger was created like a machine.

Free essay on literary devices in a e housemans to an athlete dying young

It is a view of death not as a melancholy and cumbersome occasion, but one of happiness and joy because the person, in this case the young athlete, died at the very peak of his glory and power, and he will remain like that forever in the minds of those who witnessed his greatness. Just →

The idea of traversing boundaries and borders in ancient literature

When discussing the topic of crossing borders, it is important to identify the specific wayin which authors depict the idea of crossing borders in written literature in addition to thepositive and negative implications of doing so and the possible dangers involved. Additionally, the crossing of social borders and boundaries is representative of the moralsand ethics →

Example of essay on how has literature taught us about history

Therefore it is much clear that literature and history have a lot of things in common. We learn from the poem that the general need or perception of Napoleon Bonaparte was a warmonger as well as a person who did not support peace in the western part of the world.

Epic poem beowulf against romance sir gawain essay

By fighting Greened, the creature that is a demon of God, is to prove to the Danes that he can fulfill the job that he came over to do, " Then a powerful demon, a prowler through the dark, / nursed a hard grievance. Gain is approached by the supernatural theme during his quest to →

Literature review on revelations in the ordinary

The reader witnesses the literal events as the boy waits at school, returns home to the mourning family, and sees the body of his little brother in the coffin. The significance of the form of the poem is that the regular stanzas represent an attempt to bring order to the situation of conflict, in which →

Dialogue between marianne moore and elizabeth bishop essay

I notice that you use colors as well, most notably the use of the color brown at the beginning of the poem to describe the aged condition of the fish. Bishop: Yes, I wanted to show a progression from the drab images to the sudden oil- inspired rainbow at the end of the poem.

A red, red rose by robert burns essay

This essay will ventilate the poem with a view to analyzing its structure, theme, subject matter, characters, stylistic devices that the poet uses to convey his message and the traits of the characters that the poet uses in the poem. The " I" in the poem is the person who is expressing his love for →

Example of how langston hughes uses his poem essay

Langston Hughes was one of the most vocal people in " The Harlem Renaissance"." The Negro Speaks of River" is one of his most popular poems; a short poem vividly expressed with figurative language. Langston Hughes Poem, " The Negro Speaks of Rivers" is a very reflective poem considering his youth.

Comparison of two poems essay sample

Introduction " The Indian to His Love" demonstrates an appealing movement that makes the poem to appear unexciting and lifeless as compared to the highly exciting atmosphere that is created by the poem " The Hosting of the Sidhe". This therefore makes it impossible for the poet to successfully deal with the theme in " →

Analysis of “we wear the mask” by paul laurence dunbar essay sample

The last lines in the second and third stanza are both " We wear the mask". The line " We wear the mask" is used once in every stanza and is the title of the poem.

Odysseus’ predicament: explanation and justification in the odyssey

In it, the hero, Odysseus, is faced with the tasks of detailing, through poetry, how he came into the predicament of losing both the booty that he collected from the Trojan War, as well as the lives of the men he fought beside in that war, and being able to answer salient questions about why →

Penelope’s plans

The light of her life walked away into a world of uncertainty, and for all she knew, was unlikely to return. Her smile was bright enough to illuminate the dark night, and for once, the tears she cried were not of sadness.

Argumentative essay on aspects of the literature produced during this long sweep of english history

In " Mont Blanc," he refers to God when talking about the titular mountain and the Arve River, and in " Hymn to Intellectual Beauty" he cites a " spirit of beauty" as something that us the source of all truth and joy." Ode to the West Wind" utilizes a terza rima format for its →

Achilles as sympathetic hero and egotistical bully in the iliad

Achilles and his ill-fated tendon figure prominently in the Western archetypal notion of a tragic hero; however, the application of the term " hero" to the Achaean fighter is disputable. From the very first to the very last books of The Iliad, Achilles says and does things that can be interpreted in different ways depending →

Analysis of the poem “still i rise” by maya angelou

In the next stanza of her poem, Maya Angelou uses comparisons to depict a certain situation that she wants to show."'Cause I walk like I have got oil wells Pumping in my living room." In this certain line, Maya Angelou usessymbolismto express the way she rises above the situation. In the last stanza of her →

“tony went to the bodega but didn’t buy anything” by martin espada essay sample

This illustration shows readers that Tony could not find happiness in the life style of the rich and the famous and was content and happy to be back in his culture. The tone that Espada used in " Tony went to the Bodega..".was a searching attitude.

Odyssey’s last rhapsody

The main theme of book 23 is the meeting of Odysseus and Penelope. In Odyssey Book 7, Odysseus arrived at the threshold of Alcinous's palace 3-While book 23 serves as a ending: Odysseus has finally made his way back to Penelope's bed and that part of the story is concluded.

Context of paradise lost by john milton

Milton explains also later in the poem, after the fall of the angels that God created the Earth and man to repopulate heaven. In Paradise Lost, John Milton parallels the Satan's rebellion and fall from heaven with the period of revolution in England after the reign of Charles I.

Critical thinking on an analysis of shakespeares sonnet my mistress eyes are like the sun

Shakespeare's speaker retorts, I do not know about your mistress, but my mistress is nothing like that; she's a real woman and does not need any false compare to distort her attractions".[Crutwell's italics.] In the Petrarchan tradition of courtly love poetry, poems of praise and admiration addressed to a female lover were full of hyperbolic →

Conflict between gods and humans in gilgamesh and “the odyssey” essay sample

In the aforementioned two epics, the earthly interests of men often clash with the wishes of the gods, and conversely, the gods often act blatantly without regard for humans, resulting in the classic conflict that pit men against gods. In the epic Gilgamesh, the conflict between the protagonist Gilgamesh and the divine gods is the →

‘a song of the republic’ by henry lawson and ‘if you forget me’ by pablo neruda essay sample

Neruda firmly believed in the power of poetry, and wrote according to his beliefs.' If You Forget Me' is one of Pablo's earlier poems as it is a love poem. This is shown in the 1st stanza where Pablo writes " to leave me at the shore of the heart where I have roots".

Formalities and how the affected the iliads plot

In his immaculately detailed study comparing the narrative styles of Homer to those of the Bible, Erich Auerbach hits upon one of the most notable intrigues of reading Homer, namely his unrelenting sense of epic form and rhythm. The fact that the deaths in The Iliad and the final battle scene of The Odyssey become →

Analysis of the paradise lost

Satan takes this chance to bring Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Therefore the separation of Adam from Eve is integral to his own fall.

The poem “mother to son” by langston hughes

Lastly, I promise to take the obstacles and challenges in life as a motivation to continue climbing for a crystal stair. We have a musicians mind to hit the right notes in our life.

The contrast between the real and the ideal world in the six poems by yeats

Having studied Yeats' poetry, I agree completely with the statement informing us that it was the contrast between the ' real world' in which he lived and his own vision of what an ' ideal world' should resemble which is the definition of his work, as well as the motivation for a significant amount →

Louis macneice’s ‘carrickfergus’ and moniza alvi’s ‘presents from my aunts in pakistan’ essay sample

Therefore, it is harder to note confusion in this poem as it does not flow as easily as ' Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan'.' Carrickfergus' has a very fixed and rigid verse form, which shows how Louis MacNeice felt about his upbringing; firstly the strictness of his father not letting him play with Catholics →

The heroic journey of odysseus

After the hero undergoes the departure, they then move on to the next stage, the initiation, where they are put through tests and venture into the world of hero or magic or the previously unknown. The third and final stage is that of the return, where the hero returns back to his home and family.

An old woman essay sample

Irritated by this persistence, the tourist decides to ' face her' with an ' air of finality' he decides that he will not yield to her and thereby wants to put an end to the ' farce'. She lives, the man will see, withwhat is made available to her.

The unknown citizen by w. h. auden. literary analysis

Auden, reflects a period of vast change in Americas history, making " The Unknown Citizen" an example of the governments view of the perfect modern man in an overrated, unrealistic society. Following the passing of Black Monday and at the onset of The Great Depression, many Americans held negative opinions of their government and the →

The plot of the highwayman novel

The Highwayman, alerted to the approaching stage, was hidden by the road, and concealed by the fog, he was not yet able to discern the light from the quickly approaching lantern. He crashes to the ground, his horse riding away in to the night.

Good essay on sonnets 18 and 130 by william shakespeare

In addition, the use of analogy is to signify love and admiration of his lover by contrasting the lover's perfections and the shortcomings of the summer. In addition, the author indicates that his lover in sonnet 18 is perfect and cannot be comparable to anyone or anything else because of a lover's beauty.

Essay on sonnet 18 review

This is due to the poem's lack of specific description of the person who is being adored in the poem; the qualities Shakespeare describes are universal enough to be nonspecific, and many are impossible to reach, like immortality and eternal youth. This is the first of the sonnets of Shakespeare that does not reference procreation →

Anne bradstreet’s poem on queen elizabeth is typical of her poetry literature review

Anne Bradstreet, the poet of In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth, was the first female poet of America who poured her heart out in her literary pursuits echoing the perfect mesh of Puritan thoughts and feminine emotions. She is drawing a comparison between Queen Elizabeth and the Greek Goddess of Wisdom →

The iliad: analysis of major characters

In the Iliad he refused to go fight for the Greeks because Agamemnon, who was the commander and chief of the Greek army, had taken Briseis, a beautiful woman who was given to Achilles as a prize, away from Achilles. Hector, on the other hand, realized that his fate was the same as Achilles', yet →

Free essay on the concept of death in wordsworths tintern abbey

All cultures in the world have been fascinated with the nature of death, and each culture has developed a set of beliefs related to death's connection with life, its connection to the soul's transition into the afterlife, and some religions have proposed the theory of reincarnation that considers death as a temporary event before the →

Lasting poems of wilfred owen

John Keats is one of the major influences of his writing and like most of the writers' influence during the early years is the Bible. In pursuing his education, he worked as a lay assistant for the Vicar of Dunsden and he attended classes in botany in the University of Reading.

Just one night creative writing examples

She aged a lot in that ten years from the work and the stress, but she always had the memory of that one night when she was seen as beautiful and interesting. I would guess that she would keep it a secret and have to live with what she had done for the rest of →

Achilles and job as a comparative iliad characters

He was the child of a god, and immortal except in his heel. He humbly sat and let the Lord do His will, and it is this attitude that has made Job a hero in the eyes of Christians today.

Poetry analysis questions and answers essay sample

Hardy enjoys the novelty of not only the mistress " speaking from the grave" but he also gives voice to her pet. For Eliot the sea image is more an aside than that of Matthew Arnold's Dover Beach or William Wordsworth's The World Is Too Much With Us.

Autobiographical relationship writings

While his works were not conspicuously acclaimed during his lifetime, Poe did earn well-due respect as a gifted fiction writer, poet, and man of letters, and occasionally he achieved a measure of popular success, especially following the appearance of " The Raven." After his death, however, the history of his critical reception becomes one of →

Good poetry analysis mother to son essay example

The aim of this poem is to allow the son to understand these essential truths of life as they must live it in the moment, and to struggle through these hardships in order to make it out the other side. This poem instills the values of hard work and dedication, the mother taking the son →

”hitcher”, ”salome” and ”the man he killed” essay sample

How do the writers explore and present the themes of conscience, violence and murder in the poems ' Hitcher' by Simon Armitage, ' Salome' by Carol Ann Duffy and ' The Man He Killed' by Thomas Hardy?' Hitcher' was written by Simon Armitage in 2001, two years earlier Carol Ann Duffy wrote ' Salome' but →