Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Impact of technology on healthcare health and social care essay

Hippocrates took punctilious notes that enabled him to do legion discoveries both in the apprehension of the workings of the human organic structure and in the moralss and attack to thought that are indispensable to modern medical pattern and probe. Impact of Technology on Healthcare The intent of this subdivision is to reexamine the literature →

Long-term tooth loss in periodontally treated patients and cissus quadrangularis

3 Deka et al in 1994 performed a preliminary study on effect of Cissus quadrangularis in accelerating healing process of experimentally fractured radius-ulna of dog and concluded that there was faster initiation of healing process than the control animals on radiological and histopathological examinations as well as the healing was almost complete on 21st day →

Mechanical ventilation

Tracheal intubation is the placement of a flexible plastic tube into the trachea to protect the patient's airway and provide a means of mechanical ventilation. The most common tracheal intubation is orotracheal intubation where, with the assistance of a laryngoscope, an endotracheal tube is passed through the mouth, larynx, and vocal cords, into the trachea.

Long term health care – us veterans essay sample

At the moment the US government is facing a big challenge in providing and meeting the cost for long term health care to the ever soaring number of veterans. Not all US veterans are eligible for long term health care and the cost of long tern health care is becoming a burden to many veterans →

Healthcare law and ethics

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act is a law passed by Congress to protect the patients from the practice of patient dumping. The patient must not just be triaged, which is a process in which order of priority a patient is to be screened and treated, but must be assessed to whether the →

History of health care: penicillin, stethoscope, vaccination

The children would hold their ear up to one end of the log and was able to hear the scratching of a pin on the other end; which amplified the sound. The ear tube is the metal part that connects the earpiece to the to the stem of the chest piece.

A current issue related to information technology reports examples

The report presents the following:- Social implications of electronic health records - Benefits of electronic health records in reducing health care costs - Privacy risks of electronic health records - Mitigation measures to electronic health records privacy risks Introduction of electronic health records in the health care facilities has both positive and negative social implications. →

Types of dnr

With these documents in place decisions are a lot easier on the family members." A good advance directive describes the kind of treatment you would want depending on how sick you are," Sally Austin explained in her article Families making decisions, dying death and DNR status." For example, the directives would describe what kind of →

The transition to the role of professional nurse

A vocational nurse must also have the ability to effectively transition to the role of a supervisor or leader, capable of making complex decisions and delegating tasks to others as part of their job responsibilities as a professional nurse. A professional nurse is also more likely to be held accountable for patient's outcomes as they →

Building health information technology workforce research paper

The availability of information as well as the ability to exchange this information is very crucial to the efficient delivery of care across all levels of the health care system. In a nutshell, some the aspects emanating from health care information technology that lead to improvement and efficiency of health care quality are:- Medical errors →

Nursing theory essay sample

In psychiatric nursing, they prefer to use the Roy's model of nursing and the tidal model. In array for the nurses to begin the procedure of engagement using the Tidal Model, the following must be established: that there is potential for improvement; that modification is predictable; that eventually, people recognize what is paramount for them; →

Good example of research paper on antibiotics for otitis media with effusion in children

Making follow ups in the medical sector is one of the effective methods to ensure that the nature of the services offered are effective and are perceived in a positive manner by the health receivers. The feedbacks that are received can be vital when it comes to the process of customizing the available healthcare systems →

Knowledge about ionising radiation among dentists

The evolution began with the introduction of new changes to the operations of dental radiology. On the calculation of effective dose to children and adolescents.J.

Price fixing

The case was released in the mid-2006, where the Federal Trade Commission has declared that they are challenging the members of the Puerto Rico Association of Endodontists, Corporation or the PRAE. Through this, the Federal Trade Commission will be able to make sure that these dental services and other necessaryhealthcare issues will be given and →

World affairs research papers examples

The question thus arises as to the true nature of this Obama care and whether or not it favors the greater good of the nation or it is a desperate plan by president Barack Obama to scam the citizenry out of their hard earned money while maintaining the political significance at the same time. Clearly, →

Medical effects and explanations for nail biting

If the nail biting habit begins when the child is very young, it has been reported to cause a gap between teeth. The patient and parent confirmed a habit of nail biting.

The role of a critical care nurse

McGowan, explains that when performing the role of a critical care nurse acting as the advocate for the patient, his/herfamily, and significant others, it Is essential that the nurse has an understanding of legal implications associated with end of life care. In my opinion, Nurse McGowan clearly presented how important it is for a critical →

Verizon vs sprint

From the readings, what is the difference between otitis media and otitis external? -Otitis media is a middle ear infection that effects the ear drum. What interventions should be included in the nursing care plan? -The nurse should prescribe antibiotics to help with the infection and schedule a check-up appointment to make sure the infection →

The human service movement essay sample

NIMH played a critical role in the development of human services." It's functions were to assist in the development of state and community health services; to study the cause, prevention, and treatment of mental illness; and to support training of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and nurses". An increased emphasis on mental health care, proliferation of →

Using the nhs as a primary example, describe the provision

When private sector is the main provider of health care in a mixed payer system, there are usually problems with management and provision of public sector provision. A New Approach to the Economics of Health Care.

Philosophy of nursing

Philosophy of Nursing Leddy and Pepper defined philosophy of nursing as the intellectual and affective outcomes of the professional nurses' efforts to understand the ultimate relationship among humans, environment, and health; to approach nursing as a scientific discipline; to integrate a sense of values into practice; to appreciate esthetic elements that contribute to health and →

Oral hygiene aids case study

I explained to her to avoid plaque build-up it is important to brush her teeth and gums at least twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed at night with a fluoridated toothpaste. I use a purple disclosing solution, and told patient this solution is used to expose plaque, and it can →

Dra fast ferment

When this powder is included in the production of the rice wines, the production lead time is shortened from 10 days to 3 days without affecting the taste or quality of the wine, as it accelerates the fermentation of the rice. The price they would charge for 1 kg of the powder would depend on →

Nurse initiated thrombolysis

Quin et al.conducted a study on the assessment of coronary nurses' ability to determine patient suitability for the thrombolytic therapy using clinical and electrocardiographic standards and they found that majority of the nurses, 85 % of sample population, showed safe and appropriate management decisions. The study population was limited to only ten Coronary Care Units →

Health and social care dissertation topics

4 The Impact of Racial and EthnicDiscriminationupon the Development of Children of Minority Groups in 2.2. 1 Social Inequalities and the Exposure to Environmental Risk Factors in Terms of Health in UK 2.3.

Hepatitis c virus

Treatment uptake is low in this group and yet the success of HCV programs is not going to be substantial if issues of HCV detection and treatment in PWID are not addressed effectively. Nurse led model in HCV care is an effective strategy to attain the WHO goal of elimination of HCV by 2030.

Article rebuttal

Marijuana would not do much harm, I know a lot of people who are successful college graduates who used marijuana all throughout college and in their careers. I think It should be legalized and people should not get In trouble for having It.

Leadership principles for healthcare

A role is informally negotiated between each member of the work group and the leader, and an active exchange of inputs and outcomes occurs between the leader and each follower. According to Graen and Uhl-Bien, the development of a leader-member exchange relationship " is based on the characteristics of the working relationship as opposed to →

Regulatory paper: emtala

In the following the EMTALA law will be explained with its purpose, how it is enacted, key points of information about the law, consequences for failing to abide the law, and how this regulation affects many different aspects, including the management of employees, resources, patients and the health care sector itself. Investigations of violations of →

Universal healthcare: the pros and cons

Presenting both arguments for and against the Patient Protection nd Affordable Care Act allows one to draw a conclusion on whether the new program will benefit or hinder the citizens of the United States. The cost of health care will be greatly reduced by the PPACA, and this will have a chain reaction on big →

Volunteering at east lansing health care for elder people

When I first started working at East Lansing Health Care for elder people, I met a resident named He was very friendly and keen to socialize with me. Conversations like this really make me feel involved and I get personal satisfaction from the time I am devoting to volunteering.

Health informatics and nursing term papers examples

To be specific, it is critical, to eliminate the culture of blame, incorporate change management strategies, and to implement IT in harmony with the culture of the organization. Health care informatics allows for the transmission of information from the patient's house to their physician or nurse.

Example of information technology and nursing research paper

With respect to importance of technology in nursing profession, it is undeniable that computers and other new medical equipment have elevated administration and execution of clinical practices. The advantages of computers in nursing.eHow.

Good essay about when the bough breaks (29 min.) can racism become embedded in the body and affect

The introductory program, mention is made of the fact that the United States spends over 50% of the health dollars around the world, yet in terms of health efficiency and health indicators, the United States ranks 30th in the world, this shows there are major socio-economic gaps in the way the United States that contributes →

Health psychology essay sample

The Mind-Body Relationship: A Brief History Psychoanalytic Contributions Psychosomatic Medicine The Biopsychosocial Model in Health Psychology The Biopsychosocial Model Versus the Biomedical Model Advantages of the Biopsychosocial Model Clinical Implications of the Biopsychosocial Model The Biopsychosocial Model: The Case History of Nightmare Deaths Why Is the Field of Health Psychology Needed? In summary, health psychology →

The american health care system’s limited access

According to a published Guidebook for providers entitled " Achieving Cultural Competence: A Guidebook for Providers of Services to Older Americans and Their Families ", there are two general and primary factors that limit certain groups of the American population in their access to appropriate health care. These are the External barrier factors such as →

Problems that face managed care organization (mcos)

The article proposes a strategy that will respond and conform to the needs of the patients and the society at large. Instead, what the patients would like to have is more accessibility to health care services, freedom of choice, better services emphasizing on perfect diagnosis tests, reduction in cost of this services as well as →

Nurse practitioner

Nurse Practitioner A Nurse Practitioner is a registered nurse who has advanced education and clinical training in a health care specialty area. In order to become a NP, you must have a bachelor's degree in nursing, be certified as an RN, complete an accredited master's degree program, pass a state exam, and be licensed by →

Moral theology of health care

The sanctity of human life demands that it must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of a conception. As such it is morally evil and it should not be in any way legalized and liberally permitted in the laws and constitution of the nation as well as in the ethics of the health →

Homeless in cincinnati

Harmonizing to the article, Homeless in Cincinnati: A Study of the Causes and Conditions of Homelessness, one of the biggest challenges today is the medical status of those persons who find themselves stateless. Homeless in Cincinnati: A Study of the Causes and Conditions of Homelessness.

Formal informative outline of sleeping deprivation

Today I am going to explain what sleep deprivation is, causes for the problem, how to remedy the problem, and how to test yourself to see if you suffer from sleep deprivation. What aids in the accumulation of Sleep debt.A.

Orem’s theory and nursing practice

Another major strength of Orem's theory is it's advocacy for the use of the Nursing Process. Limitations The ambiguity of applying theory to nursing practice may lie in the fact that one theory does not always specifically support all aspects of nursing care.

A. measures for efficiency essays example

With the support of this centralized system, the caregivers can respond quickly to emergency health scenarios and thereby improve the patient safety and the quality of patient outcomes.3. This trend reduced the number of experienced nurses in the US health care, and the situation in turn affected care quality and patient experience to a great →

Essay on technology and patient care

Health care Information Technology for patients is the use of electronic medical records whereby information for patients are processed and kept. Patient Safety and Health Information Technology: Role of the Electronic Health Record.

How i changed my nutrition habits

It was not until my wife took a nutrition class as part of her undergraduate degree and was asked to keep a food journal that I was introduced to the importance of the quality and quantity of foods that we take into our bodies. To this day, I exercise a lot and spend a lot →

Sleep deprivation of college students

It is understood that going to college probably is the first time students will be in charge of their sleep habits. A study on the sleep patterns and problems of university business students in Hong Kong.

Comfort theory essay sample

The focus on enhancing the comfort of patients and families would help to improve patient satisfaction scores, increase business, and reduce the stress of staff. Kolcaba also discusses in her propositions of comfort theory that when patients, families, and nurses are satisfied with healthcare in an institution the public will recognize the institutions impact on →

Global healthcare

The benefits associated with the use of EDI such as cost reductions and reduced time of transactions has helped improve the acceptance of thistechnologyin the healthcare market. In this report the global healthcare EDI market is broadly segmented by components, type of transactions, end-users, and mode of delivery.


The situation is similar for the elderly people in Korea, after just provide the private healthcare supply, nowadays, South of Korea has stared to provide the national healthcare services that called the Medical Aid. As David N the writer of the article " Reducing the inequalities for Healthcare provision for older adults " suggested that →

Political issues in nursing essays examples

Millionsof beneficiaries have opposed the political move tocut benefits of social security, and have opposed the move by the government to increase the age of retirement. The government hopes to not reduce the access of health services sincenurses form the bulk of healthcare providers and form the biggest labor costs in hospitals.

Example of essay on research question

In a retrospective study carried out in Perth, Western Australia, of the Emergency Department Information System for three main central metropolitan EDs, the correlation between access block and ED overcrowding was found to be the highest of all the correlations between access block and other variables. Efficacy of a holding unit to reduce access block →

Political science research paper sample

In the enactment of the bill, the proposition is to state an average amount of budgetary allocation below which the government cannot fail to allocate to the veterans' health care. The legal course of action is the best approach to better the availability of healthcare to the rising number of veterans in the country.

Quality management and performance improvement research paper example

This is because the analysis would give them a reflection of the nature of the health care system in the country. One of the main benefits that has been realised due to the development of this system is the increase in the level of accuracy within the health care sector.

The impact of culinary arts on the consuming convenience foods

The purpose of this study is to evaluate if taking a culinary arts course in high school has an impact on a student's decisions about purchasing and consuming convenience foods. In addition, this instrumentation will ask if students have purchased breakfast and or lunch from the school cafeteria for that period of time.

Health care

Confidentiality: this must be done for the reason that participants in some cases want full discretion of what goes on throughout the research and case studies. The three main functioning areas of the brain are the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata.

Essay on unabated continuation of the proliferation and fragmentation of the health professions

One aspect of fragmentation that is desirable in healthcare is the issue of division of labor and specialization. An undesirable aspect of fragmentation of the healthcare professions is that patients may be forced to visit a number of different physicians or specialists without finding a solution to their problem.

Medicare solvency in u.s. essay sample

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services, is the federal agency that runs the Medicare Program. According to KFF.org, Medicare plays a major role in the health care system, accounting for 20 percent of total national health spending in 2015, 29 percent of spending on →

Free qsen competencies essay sample

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses competencies comprises of six fundamental aspects that ensure there is increased quality and safety maintenance in provision of Medicare to the patients and the society at large. Teamwork among nurses is essential due to a number of reasons that are geared towards protecting the needs of the patient and →

Department of veteran’s affairs’ health care delivery system

The core mission of the VA delivery system is to provide primary care, specialized care, and related medical and social support services to veterans. As improvements in health care become more necessary and evident, the VA system will continue to improve the standards of health care for all veterans.

Good example of geographic information system (gis) is used in health care today research paper

The understanding and the knowledge of the primary health care services and population distribution are very crucial in the planning and allocation of available health resources. Geographic Information System health data provides a comprehensive solution to the health care providers and answer some of the basic questions such as: where is the source of the →

Standards of practice, laws and rules

Standards of Practice, Laws and Rules Sabrina Sibert Ohio University Standards of Practice, Laws and Rules The purpose of this paper is to identify the legal aspects of nursing, in laid in accordance to the scope of practice, and the standards of care registered nurses are held accountable for. I will attempt to give a →

Cultural diversity in the healthcare field

For the most part, religious beliefs can delay the care and health of the patient, and leaves the health professionals with a huge dilemma about what to do, and greatly delays the healing process. The care plan should be discussed with the patient and family to assure that all aspects of their cultural practices have →

what was your reaction to the discussion? essay sample

For example, the individual that was a man that is married, but identify with lesbian, It is important for providers to know this information so they do not assume they are fully woman and treat them as such. What are the barriers to change that remain and must be overcome in creating a more inclusive →

Report on role and career opportunities – health care assistant

The next part of the report summarizes feedback from a working HCA, who describes her daily routine, her tasks and responsibilities, the challenges of her job and the skills she brings to the job. Pay rates vary according to environment and location, but the feedback from a working HCA is that the job, while it →

Dental stem cells in tooth engineering

These can possibly be utilized in the treatment of a full scope oral condition." The potential MSCs for tooth regeneration mainly include stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, adult dental pulp stem cells, stem cells from the apical part of the papilla, stem cells from the dental follicle, periodontal ligament stem cells and bone →

Seyburn prudhomme essay sample

Which type of care does the patient in this case study indicate that he would prefer? If this patient has a DNR order in his medical record, but the physician chooses to ignore that order, what type of tort might he be accused of committing?

Communicable disease paper essay sample

It will also include what recommendations can be made to expand the programs within the community to meet these needs if there are gaps in service Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA are staph bacteria that are commonly found on the skin and in the nose of healthy people. The health department's responsibility is to track →

The importance of compassionate care in nursing

It is important to be considerate of the deficits and disparities in this population in order to serve them best. This is just one of many findings that illustrate the need for proactive care in this population and the requirement for sanitary facilities.

Essay about care plan

With the exception of facial bruising, his appearance is within normal Limits, Steps of the Nursing Process Patient Information Assessment Objective and subjective data will be entered here. Analysis of this data provides the basis for development of the remaining steps in the nursing process.

Pharmaceutical companies

A main argument against this is that the treatment for AIDS is very expensive to provide to a whole country for free.2. The principal arguments of pharmaceutical companies that oppose making exceptions to IPR law for developing countries are national treatment that is equal of foreign and domestic nationals.

Smoking being illegal essay

To begin with, as a person smokes, the smoke passes through the mouth to the other parts of the respiratory system. This is because the chemicals contained in cigarettes causes the antibodies on the surfaces of the mouth to die.

Example of heroin research paper

Purest heroin is a white powder, although owing to the variety of materials it is cut with, the street heroin can be brownish in colour. People who use and abuse heroin would feel a certain urge to take more of the drug to feel the same effect.

Essay on cigarette smoking

Looking at this therefore, the argument on cigarette smoking is determined by two core domains, the economic and the health perspective. Cigarette Smoking in the United States".

The case of rosa lee essay sample

This may be difficult for Rosa Lee because she appears to be the main caretaker of her family. If this is the case then one must emphasize to Rosa Lee the importance of her strengths when she returns home.

Chemistry of nicotine

The type of tobacco, whether the smoke is inhaled, and whether a filter is used are some of the many factors that affects the amount of nicotine absorbed by the body from smoking. The nicotine is absorbed quickly through the lungs due to the large surface area of the alveoli and the dissolution of nicotine →

Drunk driving in the united states and the deaths it causes

The driver does not realize that they will lose their life, and devastate their loved ones, just by thinking that they are okay to drive home. The driver did not consider that they are ruining the lives of an entire family just by driving while intoxicated.

Prevention of cigarette smoking essay examples

Cigarette smoking is a serious challenge facing the current society and the solution to the problem is raising taxes on cigarette companies, banning smoking in public areas and raising the smoking age to 21years. The solution to the challenge of cigarette smoking in the first place is raising the taxes on cigarette producing companies.

The dangers of smoking essay sample

For instants if you were to smoke a pack a day of Marlboro's cigarettes it would cost one thousand seventy-six dollars and thirty-eight cents per year by buying cartoons of cigarettes. Anther example of health monetary problems from smoking is: blood flow to the extremities is decreased resulting in cold hands and feet.

The persuasive antismoking ads

The ads capability to persuade was assessed by checking for the presence of the following elements of persuasion in the ad. In terms of the way the ad delivered the message: allowing of the audience's use of action upon response to the ad.

Smoking should be banned in public places

Smoking Should Be Banned in Public Places Have you ever been out in public, and you inhaled a cloud of smoke from someone smoking? So people who smoke should smoke in the comfort of their home because it is a privilege.

Why do people smoke?

In the following years the real dangers of smoking started to come to being. So it seems that in Bangladesh curiosity and showing off are the main reasons of why young people start to smoke.

Chapter 1

The second hypothesis is the higher the status of the individual, the higher the demand for expensive cigarettes. The objective of this research is to determine the brand of the cigarettes that the student consumes most of the time.

Principle of autonomy essay example

The principle of autonomy refers to an individual's right to make a choice and the capacity to take action on that choice. Conclusively, the principle of autonomy may be directly harmful to oneself or indirectly a disadvantage to others and therefore perhaps is ethically incorrect in some cases.

The dangers of constant and abusive drug use

A substance intended for use as a component of a medicine but not a device or a component, part, or accessory of a device. The other drugs used around the world take a dramatic drop in term of use with the next drug coming in at 20% is cocaine.

Good argumentative essay on why texas should have 100% smoke free laws

Moreover the fact that smoking is such an open thing makes it a violation of the rights of the people who do not smoke but have to live with the impact of secondary smoke. This shows that there is a general consensus that the health situation in the country has concerned many people to the →

Legalize it

One of the longest standing arguments against the use of marijuana is that it gives users a " gateway" to harder or more illicit drug use. It seems that those with a vested interest in the legalization or continued criminalization of marijuana will pull whatever strings necessary to sway public opinion to their side.

Smoking among college students

I would like to learn if they are educated about cigarettes and the harm they can do to their body. Demand Media, Inc.Web.

Example of what invention would the world be better off without, and why essay

I do not say that without them we would all be healthy and happy, but I am sure that the air we breathe in would have been cleaner; there would be fewer illnesses of respiratory system and less people addicted to the detrimental habit that ruins not only their health, but also the health of →

Example of research paper on long term effects of teratogenic abuse on child development

Factors such as the time of exposure, duration of exposure, dosage, number of exposures and genetic susceptibility of the individual to a potential teratogen, determine the likelihood of a teratogenic effect. The paper also explores the possibility of the contribution of paternal teratogenic abuse to the child's psychological development.

Clearance vape tanks by puff e-cig

You want a guarantee that the tank can do the basics, such as getting the most flavor out of the e-juice you have spent your hard earned money on, and vaporizing it to the best of its ability for a smooth, tasty hit. Have a look at our selection of clearance vape tanks, which are →

Smoking: why you shouldn’t smoke essay sample

Although some people do not think that smoking cigarettes will directly affect their lives, they are wrong, I believe that smoking is a hazard to not only the people who smoke, but also to the people around them as well. By now, everybody should know the consequences of smoking, they should know that smoking is →


In my personal opinion I am glad that they have prohibited smokers from smoking in most public places for the simple fact that I am not a smoker and I have kids as well that I would not want to get second hand smoke. The sad thing about second hand smoke is that it is →

Positive reinforcement

Every time I try to quit, I tend to justify my reasons for smoking again thus an on and off struggle to stop the unhealthy habitual behavior. After a while this method proved to be effective because not only did I lessened my smoking but, I totally stopped from doing the habit.

Addiction counselors

This study was to examine gender differences in body image dissatisfaction, disordered eating and drive for muscularity in pre-adolescent children based on the Edie facts. Researchers were inspired and extent their research based on the answers and numbers of this study.