Quality President Essay Examples for Your Learning

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Hoover’s plan of action vs. the new deal

Widespread speculation rather than true investment and buying on margin were major factors in the cause of this day, now called " Black Thursday." Along with the Great Stock Market Crash, overproduction compared to a reduced demand and an uneven distribution of income brought about the zenith of the worst economic crisis ever to hit →

Why do we believe presidents have power over the economy?

The national economy is consistently on the mind of business owners and investors and finds prominence for everyone in four year intervals as we compare candidates and their respective platforms. But if we view the idea of presidential power over the economy with a mindful eye, we notice the practical limitations of policy and recognize →

Latin american political systems: a case study of cuba research paper sample

In fact, the Straits of Florida separate the country from Florida while the Windward Passage separates the country from Haiti and finally the Gulf of Mexico and the Yucatan Channel separates the country from Mexico. As a result of this, the government has successfully cultivated a culture of professionalism amongst the teachers and tutors The →

Franklin d. roosevelt’s new deal

Roosevelt's New Deal In the words of Roosevelt, " I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people". Roosevelt gave Americans something new and different to expect from government and pushed the country toward its post war boom that many say was the " golden age of American capitalism".

Pink-dear mr president analysis

Bush to look her in the eye, this is a sign that she is aware that he is not proud of his own and is unable to face his own actions, she is challenging him to state that he is proud of his actions. This is a very plausible assertion considering that his own father →

Example of essay on how democratic is the united states presidential election system

One of the reasons attributed to the stability of the American government is the way political power has been fragmented to be shared between the states and the federal government. An aspect of major criticism has been the way the president of the United States is elected: instead of electing the president directly by popular →

Research paper on difference in response to conflict through 3 different cultures

From the point of view of the historian or linguist, it is the place of origins of the Scandinavian people, their traditions, language, and poetry". According to Oslund, " From the point of view of the physicist, of the naturalist, Iceland is, in a similar way, the source of Scandinavian climate and regular and irregular →

Terrible death of abraham lincoln

When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom would by Walt Whitman expresses the terrible death of Abraham Lincoln." And the great star early droop would...." taken from the second line of the poem demonstrates the reference to President Abraham Lincoln with " Great Star" as the representation being the 16th president of the United States. →

Go sound the trumpet synopsis

Reginald Ellis Go Sound the Trumpet: Synopsis In the book Go Sound the Trumpet by Canter Brown Jr, he talks about the documentation of different African Communities in Florida and the communities of the freed slaves. There was a letter found from an English merchant that supports the possibility that the maroons had centered their →

Essay on politicizing sports

It portrays the challenges that the president faced to achieve the common good of the State and eradicate the apartheid era that had faced the citizens of South Africa for a long period. The captain had a dream of winning trophies for his country, but the president changed his mind to focus on winning the →

Andrew jackson

He felt the Bank of the United States was unfair and that it was the cause of the panic of 1819. Andrew Jackson was considered to be one of the greatest presidents.

Rhetorical analysis essays examples

http://pcl.stanford.edu/campaigns/2004/ In this advert, John Kerry is seeking to appeal to the electorates to consider him for the presidential seat for which he had been mandated by his Democratic Party to contest. I would like to point out that this statement actually made a logical appeal to the electorates because it is possible to possible →

Hist 17c lecture notes

HIST 17C Lecture Notes Lecture #3 4/5/13: Missing: The Range of Prosperity The 1920s: Era of Big Businesses Technological Growth Separation of Ownership and Management Spokespeople for Big Businesses Calvin Collidge * Was famously rich, also known for being a great spokesperson Bruce Barton and The Man Nobody Knows * Jesus as a businessman * →

When politics trumps policy

While the public demand for the criminal justice system to help ensure a safe and secureenvironment, there are also occasions whereby the public may feel that the criminal justice agencies are actually the one posing unnecessary threats to the society. Issues like the abuse of authority, deadly vehicle pursuits and unauthorized use of weapons are →

Should harry s. truman have dropped the atomic bomb? essay sample

After, the Interim Committee was formed, including Truman's secretary of state, the president of Harvard, the president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the head of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. President Truman, Secretary of State Byrnes, Secretary of War Stimson, Army Chief of Staff Marshall, and a few others, contributed to the →

Analysis of abraham lincoln’s house divided speech

Following this speech, the table was set for a series of heavy debates between Lincoln and Douglas. Lincoln's " House Divided" Speech against Douglas cemented his name in the national mind and paved the way for his successful run for president, which was the premonition of a monumental and dangerousCivil Warbetween those going against slavery →

The leadership of pres kennedy and johnson

Another one of President Kennedy" s crime Bills to be passed in 1961 having to do with crime was Bill S1656. The Federal firearms act of 1961 was a major bill passed for President Kennedy in 1961.

Free female leadership in asia essay example

The truth that she is the daughter of the former President of Indonesia instantly boosts the party and her popularity which became her path towards presidential position back in 2001 to 2004. Female leaders are non-traditional and face challenges that most men do not dare to face, and that is one of the biggest advantage →

Bill clinton’s doctrine of enlargement of foreign policies

Since the American troops showed little effect on solving the situation in Somalia, Clinton withdrew the entire force next year, which the embarrassment led to the resignation of the Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and damaged Clinton's reputation. In his remarks to the U.N.general assembly in the White House on October 22, 1995, Clinton gave →

History critical thinking samples

What is " Reaganomics," and what were the outcomes of Reagan's economic policies for the economy and society? Reagan launched an independent campaign for the presidency and surveys showed that while Reagan was strong in the South, he needed votes of moderates in the North.

United states presidents put to test during their mandate and living up to the challenge

A president could either step up and be the hero of the country or really do nothing and be looked at as the worst presidents in history. Lincoln is the most important president because he was not afraid to make the greatest change in our country and that was end slavery.

Midsouth chamber of commerce essay sample

As a result, Kovecki spent the first three months learning the computer systems and the organization Leon Lassiter- Leon Lassiter was the vice president of the marketing of the Midsouth Chamber of Commerce. It is of no doubt to presume the contract to have included detailed warrant for the Unitrak to meet, up to include →

Donald trump – facts of life essay

Trump's early years are a major part of what has made him successful in the past and in the present Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in the city of Queens, New York into thefamilyof Frederick C. Com it continues to states that " Trump did well academically and socially, rising to →

Good example of elections in egypt essay

The deposition of the president led to the installation of a military-backed government. Referring to the issue of a democracy processes within the country, liberalism was applied in the resolving of the issue.

The electoral college research paper sample

Then the president of the senate would preside over the vote counting for all the states and read them to the Congress. Then, the President of the Senate opens the vote certificates alphabetically and passes them on to the four vote counters who then announce the results.

Course work on health policy making questions

Agenda setting and Development of legislation are all sub procedures that are done in the process of making health policies. The phase is the next phase after policy formulation and is bridged by the formal enactment of legislation.

Hoover, roosevelt, and the great depression

HOOVER, ROOSEVELT, AND THE GREAT DEPRESSION Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt were both very different, but they had a common goal. Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt both tried to lead us out of the Great Depression.

Mrs elizabeth dole’s presidential election

In 1980, the now married Elizabeth Dole, impressed Ronald Reagan to the extent that he appointed her director of his transition team" s human services group and a year later, promoted her to head of the White House Office of Public Liaison. She is a politically knowledgeable and powerful woman who has the ability to →

Example of barack obama and the election of 2012 research paper

Hillary Clinton was the first to raise the issue of Obama's race and the rumor that he had been born in Kenya and was not eligible to become president, which the Republicans also used in the 2008 and 2012 elections and indeed throughout his presidency. In this respect, the platform was a both a defense →

Organizing, researching, and illustrating your material essay sample

An explanation from the branch head is imperative before communication with anyone else in the company.branch head is responsible for the overall performance, and as a branch head, should be held accountable for issues the branch is facing, or needs to explain his side regarding the issues. In this regard, a report is needed to →

Philippine-american war essay sample

However, the outcome of the Spanish American War resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Paris. The continued presence of the American forces had implied to the Filipino's that they were still there to take sovereignty over the country.

The spouse in the house: what explains the marriage gap in canada essays example

In order to check the relevance of the " perceived marriage gap" elsewhere, the authors try to study the voting as well as social and economic patterns of the Canadian voters. However, the authors find that while it is true that the socio-demographic factors partly contribute to the marriage gap, they are of little help →

Evaluation of political systems: a presidential democracy is more likely to produce a strong, effective government than a parliamentary

Discussion In the United States, the creation of the Office of the President of the United States resulted from the copying of the separate spheres of the executive and legislature in the United States constitution. In a presidential democracy system, the separation of powers into the executive and the legislature contributes greatly to the creation →

Relationship between ethics & public administration: competing ethical obligations essay

Ethics in the public sector is usually the moral justification for the various decisions that lead to the actions made in the daily completion of duties performed, when working in the government and nonprofit organizations. The list is not fixed and it is subject to changes in the order of arrangements, inclusions and removals as →

How has the position of vice president changed

The position of the vice president has drastically changed in many areas such as the way in which they are voted in, but it is still unchanged in areas like the powers given to the vice president in the constitution. The first two decades of the nations history, the vice-president was the person who came →

Survey of united states constitution and government essay sample

What are the four elements that form the foundation of the American political tradition in the Preamble of U.S. What are the functions of the Media in politics and government?

Economic plans proposed by the presidentiables report sample

Obama is concerned about the low and middle class earners that they would be facing about US$2, 000 of the total tax burden if the said tax-cuts expire as scheduled. He should also focus on further shrinking the federal deficits by convincing the congress to pass policies regarding tax alternatives and also revive the manufacturing →

The fortieth president of the united states, ronald reagan

President Reagan looked up to President Roosevelt during trialing times for his family; " He would entered the White House facing a national emergency as grim as any the country has ever faced and, acting quickly, he had implemented a plan of action to deal with the crisis". President Reagan stated, " government is not →

Abraham lincoln did not free the slaves

Though Lincoln and many other Northerners opposed slavery, emancipation of the millions of enslaved blacks was not always well accepted in the racist society of the North or the South. Lincoln preserved slavery in " loyal states" and parts of the confederacy in Union control.c.

Politics vs frankenstein

Some people throughout the world consider the President of the United States one of the most powerful men in the world. Nowadays, Saddam Hussein, the man who used to be the leader of Iraq and the power of his country, is now under the power of the United States.

Sample essay on rwandas untold story

The documentary also shows that his forces were responsible for the genocide of 80% of the million that died during the war. The researchers were accused of genocide denial and had to leave the country which is another reason to believe that the facts have been distorted about the President's role in the war.3.

Rhetorical strategies analysis of bill clinton’s first inaugural address

Then, in the middle of his first inaugural address, Clinton calls for people's responsibilities to renew and create a better nation. The Strategy of Biblical Language In the end of first address, President Clinton emphasis on how individuals change themselves to drive the government's and country's change.

Bush’s 9/11 speech

Bush's " 9/11 Address to the Nation" and found the speech to be ineffective. The President's speech started off and ended efficiently with it's appeal to pathos, however, it's lack in logos overshadowed this and made the speech unsuccessful.

Swot analysis: american president lines

The Pacific Mail Steamship Company, predecessor of the American President Companies, was founded in 1848; it was one of the first steamship companies to open its doors in the United States. Involvement PAL is one of the companies that believe in giving back to the community.

Should andrew jackson be on the 20 dollar bill

There was the Indian Removal Act, the Trail of Tears, and he closed the National Bank. One western leader, President Ronald Reagan, above all others, demanded the Soviets to give up the Brezhney Doctrine and abandon the arms race, brought down the Berlin Wall, and ended theCold Warat the bargaining table and not on battlefield.

What motivates me?

A personal, one-to-one meeting in which your supervisor commends your performance 11. Being ranked a top-ten performer in your company 28.

Ceballos lincoln and king

In both Lincoln address and King's letter they mention God a lot so it seems to me that they both believed in God's will and power. The difference between Lincoln and King is that they fought for what they believed in regardless of what people thought.

The sectional struggle, reborn: 1848-1854

By repealing the Missouri Compromise and making new territory subject to " popular sovereignty" on slavery, this act aroused the fury of the North, sparked the rise of the Republican Party, and set the stage for theCivil War. But as early as 1787, conflict over slavery at the constitutional convention almost broke up the Union →

Free how is culture shock portrayed in the film essay example

At the height of the tension between the Hutu and the Tutsi, the main character Paul Rusesabagina is a hotel manager of a 4 start luxury hotel in the center of Kigali called Hotel des Mille Collines. Paul uses his political connections and even bribes people of influence to keep his family and →

Donald trump’s presidency

Perhaps what is the most frustrating development of this ban for many people is the fact that it was revealed shortly after President Trump declared his greatrespectfor members of the LGBT community and intentions to protect their individual rights and freedoms during his presidential campaign. While many have citeddiscriminationas the reason behind this act, President →

Donald trump – facts of life essay

Trump's early years are a major part of what has made him successful in the past and in the present Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in the city of Queens, New York into thefamilyof Frederick C. His charisma and personality as well as knowledge andcommunicationskills are key to →

Did qatar bribe fifa officials to obtain the 2022 world cup bid case studies example

Did Qatar bribe FIFA officials to obtain the 2022 World Cup bid? The process of bidding for the 2022 and the 2018 FIFA world cup involved making a decision on the venues for the staging of the 2022 and 2018 World Cup events. The president of FIFA later endorsed the initiative of granting Qatar →

Example of clintons health policy essay

The focus now shifted from the details of the health care plan to the government, and this was a debate the government would lose for sure. The secret deliberations inside the White House, and the fateful choice of putting the president's name on it also partly contributed to the collapse of the health care plan. →

Herbert hoover protests the new deal essay sample

Roosevelt: A Rendezvous with Destiny" shows that in a speech by FDR, he referred to the tyranny of the 18th century aristocracy and that " corporatracy" will be the same thing. He explained that the concept of corporatocracy is that corporations that have massive power to overpower the government.

Who killed president john f. kennedy

Despite all of the controversy surrounding the death of the President, the clearest and most rational answer for who shot and killed the President is Lee Harvey Oswald. On the afternoon of November 22, 1963 fear struck the Nation when President Kennedy was shot and killed while riding in his motorcade through Dealey Plaza in →

Theodore roosevelt as a model president

And he wanted to be the one to do that. He was there for the workers and wanted to help them.

Good argumentative essay about ethics of the united nations

The Just War Theory is a doctrine developed by Christians to determine whether the war is just. The Just War Theory tries to prevent nations from going to war by showing the bad side of war.

Election system in us and japan essay

Japan's head of the government is a member of the legislative body, but in US that is not the case. The national parliament of Japan, Diet, is divided into the House of Councilors with 242 members and the House of Representatives with 480 members. The president of United Stated can →

Essay on the media and political campaigns coverage

The learner will introduce some personal rationale of these issues and their contribution to making or breaking a political campaign candidate. It is inevitable that the world today is living at a time when technology is evolving at such a fast rate, such that the media as well as the politicians have to think of →

Reaction paper

They could not stop bragging about the amount of innocent people they have murdered and they have gotten away with it." There's a whole bunch of people in the unit that killed people they were not supposed to," according to Bruce Bastien, who, along with Louis Bressler and Kenny Eastridge, is now serving time for →

Example of essay on obama versus batman: hero or villain

Think of characters who saved the day in a variety of ways profound and beyond ordinary great video heroes and you understand the idealistic definition of hero from a conceptual human perception and you see a hero on the conventional terms. A hero becomes a person who shows the courage to contribute to the development →

The reagan administration critical thinking examples

These economic policies were anchored on the reduction of capital gains and income tax, the reduction in the government regulations on the economy, cut down on government spending and control money supply to curb inflation. Excessive expenditure on the military and the cold war with the Soviet Union led to the national deficit in the →

Engineering a new constitution for oz essay

However, with a democratically appointed president, many of these tensions can be alleviated, as the will of the people will be served through a leader that is agreed upon by the majority of the people of the land of Oz. Glinda would act as an interim president for a term of two years; this would →

Abolishing slavery: abraham lincoln

Fast-forward about a decade when Lincoln was in the presidential seat and Lincoln was facing similar issues in his struggle to unify the wilting United States. As president Lincoln's main goal was to unify the two sides of the United States: the Union and the Confederacy. Perhaps the only reason Lincoln supported →

Lazaro cardenas president of mexico 1934-1940 biography

By the time he was 18, he had worked as a jail keeper, a printer's devil and a tax collector [ CITATION Och00 l 1033 ]. C rdenas joined politics during the Mexican Revolution and in 1928 he was elected governor of Michoac n. He won the presidential election of Mexico in 1934 and took →

Free comparative politics research paper example

Finally, there is a discussion to show which of the systems among the two is more democratic. Compare and contrast Similarities Division of power- the division of power in both the parliamentary and the presidential system is between the head of state and the government. The only difference is the parties involved in →

Republic day speech: president ram nath kovind

I also greet the members of the armed forces and paramilitary forces who guard our frontiers on the land, the sea and the air and also internal security forces. A Nation that is one of the best places to live in, on the earth and brings smiles on a billion faces.

Andrew jackson as a controversial president

Jackson's election brought a new style to campaigning as he connected with citizens that deserved his attention and removed the idea of a hierarchy and discrimination. One of the strongest negative of Andrew Jackson's presidency compared to all the rest the Indian Removal Act. The Indian Removal Act and the events leading up to it →

Abraham lincoln’s assassination lincoln-kennedy coincidences

Shortly after Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, a comparison of the circumstances of his death and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865 surfaced. Both Lincoln and Kennedy wives lost a child while living in the White House.

Abraham lincoln’s attitude towards slavery

After the Civil War, the North was developing through commerce and its new industrial capacities, meanwhile the South was flourishing through the cost of labor manual labor and the use of slaves. The Issue Of Slavery In The United States Of America The issue of slavery represented one →

Parliamentary vs presidential governments

Countries like the United States are ran by the presidential form of government. The most significant difference in the Parliamentary form of government versus the Presidential is that the president is both the chief executive and the head of state. Parliamentary system divides the chief executive and the head of state into →

The “dynamic conservativism” of president dwight d. eisenhower essay sample

In 1952, he accepted the Republican Party's nomination for President of the United States and was inaugurated in January, 1953 as the thirty-fourth President of the United States; " it marked the election of, arguably, the world's most popular figure to the world's most powerful office". The Country, the World, and the Election of →

Free critical thinking on quotes from the movie: charlie wilson’s war

Charlie used this quote to compel the mr.president to take action in the war torn Afghanistan. Quote 2: There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse and everybody in the village says, " how wonderful. The boy got a horse" And the Zen master says, " we will see".

Research on famous case, which was in the campaign period of donald trump

Therefore, the Dunning-Kruger effect is an observation that exhibits a case where reasoning failed, a fact that will be justified in the paper. The outline of the paper is designed such that it begins with the overview of the original campaign story of Donald Trump, the mixed reactions of the masses towards his ideas and →

Us constitution essay example

A Roman Catholic priest by the name of Father Coughlin also criticized the New Deal approach and recommended the abolition of the Federal Reserve System and a comprehensive overhaul of the pre-existing monetary system. The presence of a particularly conservative Supreme Court at the time of introduction of the New Deal made the implementation of →

The resignation speech of president richard m. nixon

Nonetheless, he realized the magnitude and uniqueness of the document, although at the time he probably did not realize the candid insight into his atti-tude andpersonalitythat it would provide. Facing impeachment as well as the possibility of criminal charges, it is likely Nix-on strongly felt the legal implications of any admissions he →

146 .

Granted that FDR was the most powerful president in the nation's history, that he exercised the leverage of the White House as had never been done before, that he was a consummate molder of public opinion and manipulator of political forces, and that he was the most important political figure of his age, one must →

George washington as a leader of the nation and the us first president

Throughout the war, Washington defined himself as an outstanding general and strategist that had the potential to do great things for the colonies. Washington participated in the first battle of the colonial wars. However, Washington's will to win independence pushed him and his army to continue to come back and fight and eventually win the →

Gender in jackie kay’s trumpet

Alongside this assessment will be a discussion on how Trumpet fits within the categories of queer and postmodern writing in relation to the continuum of Scottish literature at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. Establishing key points of the plot through metaphor enables Kay to create a tale that is →


The exclusion of immigrants from work and the poor and unhealthy working conditions lead to the creation of Labor unions for fairness in the workplace. As manufacturing work became more sophisticated, the need to continue to encourage businesses to invest in the skills of their workers and have wages to back up their skills became →

Wag the dog – film study essay sample

Brief plotline of the main events in the film. Less than 2 weeks before the Presidential re-election campaign, the president is accused of having a fling with a Firefly girl. After Election Day has come and gone, the President winning successfully, they show re-caps of the electoral campaign and credit the win →

Erdoğan: members of the gülen movement have no right to life

In a speech delivered at his palace on October 19, 2017, he said: " We will never leave alone those who fled abroad; we will chase them until they are punished like they deserve. Wherever they flee, we will be hot on the heels of the chiefs and militants of terrorist organizations".

President obamas presidency essay sample

The arguments against Obamacare are the effects on Medicaid, whether it is constitutional or not, and costs of running it. It was started in the 1980's and today it is one of the largest sources of healthcare funding in the United States.

Presidents of the united states essay sample

Why or why not? 4) Would you consider becoming the President of the United States someday, now that you know a little bit more of what is entailed in the job? Explain how your plan will work, and why you think it is superior to other proposed reforms. 6) Under what circumstances can the winner →

franklin d. roosevelt’s pearl harbor address essay sample

Roosevelt emphasizes the need for the United States to declare war on Japan and educates the member of Congress and citizens of the United States of the attack on Pearl Harbor. In his address concerning the attack on Pearl Harbor, FDR successfully uses rhetorical appeals to persuade the nation that declaring war on Japan is →

Letter to a presidential candidate essay example

Appealing to the minority corner might help swing that vote your way. You have a significant portion of the female vote - 64% of women in Illinois voted for you. Your platform of change has helped to inspire young people to vote, as there is what seems to be a →

Howard stern’s surprising reaction to the donald trump controversy

Returning from some time off and finding himself in the middle of an election to choose the leader of the free world, announced that he would not be replaying old tapes of 's previous appearances on his show. " Why do not I play all the tapes?," Stern explained to listeners of his." →

Why a president must persuade

Neustadt, ' The power of the American president is to persuade.' I am going to analyse this statement in my essay, by answering why a president must persuade, looking at the relationship between the president and government, giving examples of when persuasion has worked and when it has not, focusing on other ways the president →

Example of term paper on voting rights act – section 5 – from justice to injustice in 40 years

An excellent example is the building of the Pentagon (designed in the second quarter of the 20th century) which has twice as many toilets as required, since there were separate cabins for black and white in the original design. It is hardly surprising, though, that there were practices in some →

Trump vs. clinton — hot topics that will affect the average american

For the average American, following the ideas and proposals of presidential candidates is not always easy.likes to jump on the stories that garner the most attention, and focus laser-like on the hot-button issues. Think: Donald Trump's comments about banning Muslim immigrants, and the heat Hillary Clinton has taken for her use of a private →

Analyze the responses of franklin roosevelt’s administration to the problems of the great depression…

The prosperity of the roaring 1920s left Americans unprepared for the economic depression they would be facing in the 1930s. Although Roosevelt's administration was not very effective in curtailing the Great Depression, it left a lasting legacy in the role of the federal government by creating lasting programs, satisfying many of the needs of →

Geography of colombia critical thinking sample

And the fourth part includes all positive aspects that add to the great Colombian investment climate. Colombia is one of the fastest growing countries south of the border and currently one of the closest partners of North American government in Latin America. While these values are below the Latin America and the Caribbean average, they →

Global warming: cause & mitigation research paper sample

There are also other factors at work including natural causes; our planet's history shows that cyclic climatic swings are a natural phenomenon." Solar and orbital variations".notes that global variations in temperature are thought historically to have been the result of fluctuations in solar activity and of the orbital variations of our planet with respect to →

Election campaign in the us argumentative essay

This was the election event which had the greatest media attention in American history. This essay will address the effects of the Presidential campaign on the behavioral, cognitive and psychological aspect of the viewers. In manipulating the behavioral, cognitive and psychological variables, the media in its role as being an element →

Development of the american experience, thomas jefferson

Clearly, Jefferson uses this line of argument to convince the people of the morality of self-governance and of declaring independence vis-a-vis the state of being enslaved and virtually dependent on the British for political, social, and economic sustenance. By acknowledging the doubts and difficulties that surround the decision to break the ties →

Thomas jefferson, the third president of the usa

A scholarly and a polymath, he was a conspicuous figure in Virginia legislative issues, an urgent supporter of freedom from Britain, essential creator of the Declaration of Independence, Francophile and minister to France, focal figure of one of the two significant ideological groups in American governmental issues (the Republicans, who pushed less government control, instead →