Quality Behaviorism Essay Examples for Your Learning

Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector

Ground rules may be established in several ways, the first of these could be to verbalise. Learners could also perhaps be given one of the rules each to write up so they can be displayed in class providing a visual representation.


Cognitive Theories.In S. Taylor, S.

Term paper on a deviant act or examine a deviant behavior.

The initial stage is to understand and acknowledge deviant behavior as a study of social and cultural norm. Theft for instance is a common instance of the behavior that is deviant and it can be assumed to be a driven force by pressures which are sociological and a good example being poverty.

Essay on conformity

He entreats Jerry to appease the school and sell the chocolates, and Jerry's empty response to Goober's plea starts the division in their friendship." Jerry's lone protest is partly inspired by a poster displayed in the back of his Buda 2 locker. The only character that is true Buda 6 to himself in the novel →

How they might impact on children’s behaviour essay sample

The disciplinary strategies and styles of B5817565 Parenting that Diane uses could be completely different to that of Thomas and Rowanna's parents. However I believe that the three parenting styles have the biggest impact on the way a child behaves as they seem to have more of a mental affect and can be carried with →

Managing and motivating cross-cultural employees

From a culture to another, even if they share the same language, the meaning of words change and does not convey the same ideas and the importance of non-verbal communication is not the same. Though understanding the differences that all of these fundamental patterns bear, it is not the principal and unique approach to a →

Good has psychology failed article review example

Article Review: " Has Psychology Failed?" by Jastrow The article " Has Psychology Failed?" by Jastrow addresses the issues facing applied psychology and the limitations imposed by different schools of psychology, such as behaviorism and the psychoanalytic school. The only evidence Jastrow appears to show in favor of the proposed naturalist approach in psychology is →

theoretical framework essay sample

Social learning theory posits that learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. The theory strongly implies that there are types of learning wherein direct reinforcement is not the causal mechanism; rather, →

Organizational behaviour learnings

The trick was in assigning the high priority challenging tasks to the first kind and the mundane tasks to the other. Many a times during my work life I had to convince the team members about the importance of work they are doing and the impact it carries within the project.

Consumer market and consumer behaviour essay sample

Selective Distortion The tendency for people to interpret most of the information to which they are already believe means that marketers have to work hard to attract the costumer's attention. If new information do not match up with their store of knowledge, they will distort the information that do not fit with their existing belief.

Behaviour and perception

The merchandises besides have the added benefit of belonging to international trade names, where some of them have the exclusivity of non being available in India. There are many more but in the instance of exchanging from a trade name to a flea market the major factors which influence are: Monetary value Peer force per →

Of mice and men chapter essay

Out of the two, George comes off as a very intelligent person and does what ever he can to protect and support his friend Leonie. Leonie limits the simplicity of George's life and George wants to experience more.

Adversity brings out the best and worst in us.

Adversity brings out what's truly inside; in some cases that is good that no one realised was there, but in other cases it is the evil that is nurtured by many of us in the secret recesses of the heart. It does not take adversity to bring out the best in people, but it seems →

Difference of othello’s behaviour in act one and act two

Although he is being accused of kidnapping and raping Desdemona, in which the person who commits the crime would be burnt to death, Othello shows that he is unafraid of danger, ready to risk everything for the woman he loves, and is able to command others despite facing the serious accusation. Unlike the serious person →

Helping students who have experienced crisis situations: behavior issues and academics

This is why behavior assessments are conducted; the goal is to find out the actions that is the cause of the behavior and implement an effective intervention plan to help the student. An effective way to address this is to find the underlying cause of the behavior, create an effective behavior intervention plan, and lesson →

Understanding consumer behaviour in business

According to Parkinson with the analysis of 16 British and German machine tool manufacturer and 129 of their customer, the consumer behaviour in Germany determine the business success of the German machine tool industry. In order words, the consumer needs to be motivated and satisfied with the product or a service for them to patronize →

Business law

Geoff breached his fiduciary duty when he decided to sell his own trees to Jody and sell Tree Farm Corporation's trees at a discount without the consent of the owner. Breaching fiduciary duties is against the law, and for this reason, Tree Farm Corporation should sue Geoff for acting in a manner that is adverse →

Fetal health and strength at birth.› postnatal

Familiarity with tastes and odours through amniotic fluidsFETAL MOVEMENTS Jaw movements The fetus swallows amniotic fluid at a high rate which is critical for fetal and amniotic fluid homeostasis and gastrointestinal development In sheep, the fetus is capable of discriminating different flavors as early as day 135 of gestation The fetus also goes through stages →

Superheroes do just as they pleased. to

He is not a regular cop but a violentsociopath who thinks he is society's only protection, and he fights and killswithout reservation. He is self-centeredand he is not suitable to be a super hero.

Good the stanford prison experiment research paper example

The concept, organized and oversaw by psychologist Philip Zimbardo, of the experiment was to place a number of student volunteers to portray prisoners and another number to portray prison guards. Even the leader of the study, Zimbardo, was not immune to the roles that they were playing in the experiment.

Respondent behavior

Frolov, one of Pavlov's coworkers, conditioned salivation to both the sound of a buzzer as well as the beat of a metronome. In Foursikov's study, one might point to the sensitizing effect of electric shock and the similarity of the sound of tone to that of bubbling water for at least some of the effects →

Consumer behavior essay critique essay

Why? Answer: I will spend time with my family because that's what you are supposed to do. Why? Answer: I like the idea of being able to go home and not have to worry about school and just be with my family.

Stage models in health promotion essay sample

THE STAGES OF CHANGE; TRANSTHEORETICAL MODEL OF CHANGE PRECONTEMPLATION: People have no intention of changing. Clearly implications for behavior change interventions are based on: enhancing perceptions of the advantages of changing behavior.minimizing perception of barriers to adopting these behavioral changes.

Positive behavior interventions

The study was looking at the effects of teachers prompting appropriate behavior on the off task behavior of two middle school students. The dependent variable in the research was directobservationto document students' on-and off-task behavior and the independent variable is the verbal prompt addressed to each student.

Suwaira iqbal

According to Proshansky and Seindenberg in Basic Studies in Social Psychology, the attitude of a person to deal with a situation is developed at a very early age. According to Silbereisen and Tomasik " First, countries differ in their welfare systems, and some buffer better against overtaxing effects of social change and others do not.

Organizational behavior, mintzbergs managers

It is also the monitor's role to be the one to monitor the team in terms of productivity and the team's well -being to make sure that they always have productive and satisfied employees. In 1994, Disney moved to Broadway with their production of Beauty and the Beast.

1. characters). user can enter a valid

If we still usecharacter arrays the pointers should be marked as const to enforce notmodifying them within the function and allow compiler optimizations. It is terminated by a null character and therefore the size should be nomore than 1024-1 = 1023.

Essay on while adaptive behaviors can be defined as various skills that a person acquires

Medically, they perceive abnormal behavior as the presence of a number of symptoms which lead the individual to depart from the normal and causes profound harm to the individual. This definition allows for the diverse criteria and positions regarding mental health as well as stating that there is no immediate designation from normality to abnormality →

Qualitative and quantitative social/behavioral inquiry

The main purpose of qualitative research is to achieve a well-rooted understanding of human behavior as well as explanations as to what regulates human behaviour. 1980s and 1990s saw the evolvement of novel methods of qualitative research aimed to cure the probable problems with reliability as well as inaccurate methods of data analysis.

Behavioral change

The managers need to work to provide the organization with the required knowledge and the productive results that at last will be a credit to their organization. If the policy if the organization is to change the managers way of adopting to different and varied values of their workers, then the organizations have to change →

Classical conditioning

The most famous and well-known experiment of Pavlov is that he 'conditioned' dogs to start a salivary response to the sound of a bell. They learned to associate the sound of the bell with the presentation of the food.

General principles of classical conditioning and operant conditioning

Eventually, through repetition of the pairing of the NS and the UCS, the dogs would begin to demonstrate the same innate behavior to the NS alone. Spontaneous recovery, in operant conditioning, is demonstrated by the organism's continued response to a behavior that is no longer reinforced.

Psychology: piaget and skinner essay sample

The child is then shown ten photographs of different viewpoints and has to point out the photo that indicated the dolls point of view. The child had to consider three factors: the length of the string, the heaviness of the weight and the strength of push.

Introduction chance to investigate and experience what

She has disguised her dad's power to such a degree, to the point that it has turned into an unchallenged almost she encounters and connects with the world. Eugene is to a great degree well known with individuals, celebrated for his liberality and is viewed as an equivalent word for equity in Nigeria in spite →

Consumer behavior – chapter 1

Marketers and consumer behaviour researchers are constantly attempting to determine the similarities and the differences of the multifaceted global consumer. Consumer behaviour as it pertains to the marketplace is concerned with the manner in which consumers purchase and use products and services, and how these goods are incorporated into their lives.

Social influences on behavior

He took the word of the Bible and twisted it to make his doings the work of God. Albert Fish was found guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced to death by electric chair.

Being too nice to people essay sample

3: How would you explain to your father the new perspective that's needed and how the study of management and organizational behavior will help the business be successful I the new paradigm? Imran's father is unaware of the recent trends in management.

Classification and mental disorders: class test q/as

What is reliability in the context of Classification?....an index of the extent to which different observers/experts can agree that a person's behavior fits a given diagnostic class. Explain Logic: If we cant agree on the class to which a disordered person's behavior belongs, then the question of the validity of the diagnostic classification that may →

Productive and counterproductive behavior paper

The paper will define productive and counterproductive behavior; describe the impact that productive and counterproductive behaviors have on the job performance and the overall performance of an organization. I will also recommend strategies to increase productive behavior and decrease counterproductive behavior in organizations.* Productive behavior is defined as employee behavior that contributes positively to the →

Conformity essay

Throughout the years society values of beauty have changed from realistic women to unreasonably thin supermodels, with Marilyn Monroe dollied as the most beautiful woman of the twentieth century, to Candace Swanlike as the most beautiful of the twenty-first century. This ideal of being thin and conforming to it holds power over a great amount →

Counselling theory case study

This makes the individual to perceive and experience their world and makes them react in a way that is of their own. According to Rogers, self-concept is the set of beliefs and perceptions about a person that are organized and consistent.

Consumer behaviour in the purchase of high and low involvement essay sample

The information process relates to both the consumer's cognitive ability and the complexity of the information to be processed. Before students decided to continue studying abroad, they needed to go through the pre-purchase information searches, which is a critical step in the buying process of consumers, especially in the case of high involvement products and →

Classical conditioning vs operant conditioning essay sample

The unconditioned response is the natural reaction to a stimulus, in Pavlov's experiment, the dog's salivation to the sight of food and the no salivation response to the tuning fork are the unconditioned stimulus. During conditioning, Pavlov hit the tone then he presented the dog the meat powder shortly after, which would cause the dog →

What is humanistic psychology and why is it called the third force in psychology? essay sample

The first, psychodynamic, was developed by Sigmund Freud as a way of investigating and understanding the human mind. In conclusion, the third force of psychology has been just that another force driving psychology forwards to new and better discoveries.

Comparison of pavlov vs bandura essay sample

In the course of the training, the CS is repeatedly presented together with the UCS; eventually the subject forms an association between the US and the CS. The conditioned response to a similar stimulus is not as strong as the response to the original stimulus; the less similar the weaker the response.

Political behaviour in organisations essay sample

The differential between group and team dynamics stems from the foundation definitions, Group is defined as a social community in which members have a commonality, the commonality need not be significant but enough for relativity. There is a strong causal link between the environment a team endures to outcomes such as KPI's, Profitability of that →

Brain response of behavior

Thecommunicationprocess of neurons in the brain is a complex electrochemical process from one neuron to the next in a series of chemical reaction to pass the message. It is a point of worth to note that, once message diffuses through the synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic neuron, there are several neurons that will receive the →

The concept of self

The Me-self can be considered the socialized aspect of the individual and represents a constructed self- image from learned behaviors, attitudes, and expectations of others and society. The Me-self has been developed by the knowledge of society and social interactions and is considered a phase of self that is in the past.

Social system analysis

I want to be able to recognize things just like the social workers did in the reading Longres, The Biophysical Domain and Social Work Practice. Self-Assessment- I chose social work as a career because of some the experiences in my life.

Tackling anti-social behaviour supportive interventions essay sample

To facilitate an in-depth understanding of the phenomena that is ASB, the research gathered basic demographic data for both the victim and the perpetrator, examining the relationships between their age, gender and ethnicity and reported cases of ASB. The research project also looked at the type of ASB reported, the intervention/s implemented, their effectiveness at →

Unethical behavior essay sample

Unethical practices and behavior in the accounting world can be very serious and cause a lot of problems for a lot of people. Someone may also falsify this information because of corporate pressure by the client." Perhaps the most common form of unethical behavior is the failure for an accountant to conduct an in-depth analysis →

Supporting children and young people`s positive behaviour critique essay

The importance of staffs applying the rules and boundaries are: It helps children and people to know what is right from wrong. For example, if there is no consistency in staff applying the boundaries and rules then there will be chaos in the setting, and this will not helppositive behaviourin children.

Extinction research paper samples

A study " Response variability in the white rat during conditioning, extinction, and reconditioning" undertaken by Antonitis under the observation of Skinner, in order to define the presumptuous relationship between the degree of variability of some quantifiable aspect of response and number of reinforced training trials. Lerman, Iwata & Wallace incorporated the different observation in →

Analysis of virgin atlantic commercial 2010

The commercial was created in order to persuade and make aware the audience of the fact that the service being offered by the airlines is luxurious, entertaining, and high-class, to convince that this kind of service will satisfy there needs." Perception is defined as the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli →

Language acquisition theories essay sample

UNIVERSAL GRAMMAR " Children are equipped with an innate template or blueprint for language and this blueprint aids the child in the task of constructing a grammar for their language". He is referring to the family and the social environment of the child in which he interacts and acquires language.

Eating behaviour in schools education essay

In 2010 the figure of fleshy kids under the age of five, is estimated to be over 42 million. First bill of fare is the presenting nutrient that will be used in the game.

A midsummer night’s dream – fate essay sample

The duo are not human, they work in mysterious ways, and are interfering only for the good of the mortals involved, so it can be stated that they are the forces behind fate. Oberon, If not Oberon and Puck too, are only trying to help the mortals.

Behavior modification project essay sample

The report and presentation will cover: the purpose of the project, a brief explanation of behavior modification and learning principles, a description of the behavior to be changed, description of the intervention used, pre- and post-intervention data along with changes if any, discussion of results, and recommendations on how the intervention can be improved. In →

Essay on eating through the phyla

A greater understanding of the composition of what type of food we eat is vital, given the preference for our daily dietary change. The diversity of life is made more lively when we consider the combination of kingdoms and phyla that make up our meals.

Introduction captures how people feel about themselves generally

The more the self-worth of a person relies on internalreinforcers than on external reinforcers, the more an individual is likely to be equipped for " mentalcrisis" and the self-esteem is more stable and higher. Low self-esteem predicts aggressivebehavior Even though there is strong evidencefor the hypothesis that high self-esteem predicts aggressive behavior, there isalso a →

Behavior of bud fox

The film questions the marketing practices of Mcdonalds and the contribution of fast food products to the prevalence ofobesity in America. In the documentary, Kerr describes fighting as orgasmic and claims that there is no other high comparable to that of fighting.

Truth behind superstitions essay

A second is that superstition is defined as the opposite of something praiseworthy and usually true religion or true science. Superstition in the modern era is less likely to be contrasted with true religion and more likely to be viewed as the opposite of science, reason, or modernity.

Does positive behavioral intervention support (pbis)?

Overview of Program As a component of Response to Intervention , PBS provides the tools that are essential for stabilizing and improving a student's behavior, self-esteem, and relationship in general education classes as well as inclusive settings. As a system within RtI, PBS shifts the burden on theteacherfrom competency to " →

Is the ideomotor effect a comprehensive explanation for extraordinary human research paper examples

The lack of repeatability and validity of experiments in ideomotor, ESP and PK makes such studies unacceptable. The ideomotor effect is a psychological occurrence where an individual makes movements unconsciously. In ideomotor effect, the body decides to react reflexively with the conscious influence of the person. The ideomotor effect is strongly linked to hypnosis where →

Promoting positive pupil behaviour essay sample

All pupils need to be encouraged to become self disciplined, and to be responsible for their own actions to develop their confidence and independence. Staff need to ensure that pupils know the consequences of negative behaviour. The Teaching assistants role in supporting the management of pupils behaviour, i would need to provide constructive feedback →


Philosophies of teaching and learning, numerous philosophers have studied what the meaning of to teach and learn, and have come up with various explanations of the process of becoming educated. It is important to note that, a punisher is not considered to be punishment if it does not result in the reduction of the behavior, →

Organizational behaviour essay

Thus, the behavior of a person in an organization is deeply affected by some of the following factors: BOLOGICAL CHARACTERSTICS: The relation between age and performance is a topic suitable for debate. If it was once believed that aging retarded productivity, modern researchers have ample evidence to conceive that aging enhances work →

Name logger by maintaining 2-3 m region to

Shows the graph between distance and time for constant negativevelocity, so there is transition from 0. 5m to 2. The person was not still during the course ofmotion and this results in distortion of the Graph.

Environment and behavior essay example

Worry has been thus said to assume an important role in the process that results in individuals changing their routine behavior to a take a proenviromental direction. The findings on the relations between worry and hope, however, showed that only individuals having positive emotions could experience impracticable optimism and thus become inactive. Here both hope →

Social influences on behavior argumentative essay

Each person's experiences can reflect in the way that the person behaves in social settings and interacts with other humans. Stereotyping can affect the lives of all human beings in any givenculture, which also has an impact on human interaction and behavior. Most adolescents are influenced by the concept of conformity when →

Behaviorism, cognitivism and considerativism

In order to control the class in this way teachers must apply positive and negative reinforcements to change students behavior and discourage disruptive behaviors. Cognitivism In cognitive theory the most important thing is internal mental process of the learner during the learning process. Against behaviorists that consider learning as a passive activity in this →

Religion in the world: enlightenment and perception

Nowadays, Buddhism is a popular religion that attracts many individuals because it has a lot to offer in a different possible way, I think that additionally it offers a variation of different reasons like, provide us a solution and answer to why we suffer, as well promotes in us inspiration to achieve good things based →

How cognitive behavioral therapy is similar to the person centered therapy

Purportedly, the six conditions are: Quality of counselling relationship, the state of the client (proposed to be in the state of incongruence, being vulnerable or anxious), the therapist's genuineness in the therapeutic relationship , unconditional positive regard (non-judgemental and accepting the client as a unique individual), empathy (sensing the client's world as it were →

4 of the study for online shoppers it

3 Implicationsof the study for online retailers Online shopping is appealing tothose consumers who seek price advantage, convenience and perceive greateradvantages in online shopping over shopping in traditional stores. Marketersmust communicate consumers that online shopping can be convenient, safe andsimple to use and also saves money. It was found that one of the mainreasons for →

Reactive attachment disorder research paper examples

Sadock, Kaplan and Sadock indicate that according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, diagnosis of RAD is based on the environmental deprivation that the child experienced. Attachment and RAD According to Shreeve , attachment is a key area that influences RAD. Cases of marital problems in most situations →

Classical conditioning pape

A Russian physiologist stumbled upon the concept of classical conditioning by the name of, Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov had discovered something, the dogs were not just salivating in response to the presence of the food, and they were actually responding and salivating in expectation to the food.

Behavioral contract

For me it is the source of my enjoyment, I sometimes forget to study and read books. I think too much watching the television causes great effects in my being. I think being bored triggers my addiction to television. I want something to entertain me so that I do →

Principle of chasing: the key to positive mindset

It gives him a wide space to think of the strategies to make sure that he catches it. The second thing that you need to learn from a chasing principle is the architecture of success. The reason is because you are still running away and you can never stop until you give up. When the →

Off-the-job behavior

Also in the own time, the company have no rights about the way he dress. Hence there is also no such challenge for the Winn-Dixie that it has to terminate Oiler. 1983 and Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. And the development of trans-gender transitions →

Theodore roethke’s “i knew a woman” essay sample

Theodore Roethke's " I knew a Woman" Essay Sample In the Poem " I Knew a Woman," the author, Theodore Roethke, uses figures of speech, primarily hyperbole and metaphor, to reveal the wonders of a woman's body, as well as to amplify pleasures in sexual relations that the speaker had with her. →

Comparing and contrasting the behaviourist and social learning theories

The goal for John's scholastic year was to improve his communication skills and integrate with the adults and peers in the classroom. In a mixed ability classroom, one cannot focus on applying a single learning theory, but make the most of the various methodologies that will benefit all students present. At the beginning of the →

Theories of personality

What is your opinion about the role that spirituality should/should not play in the psychological understanding of human behavior? (This is an opinion question there is no right or wrong answer to this one, but please tell me why you feel the way you do).4. Imagine that you could choose 1 of the theorists we →

Adult antisocial behavior

Although the effect of this mental illness in a person would greatly vary, the disorder is said to result to violent tendencies, like destructive behavior even committing crimes like rape or murder. There are of course interventions that can be applied to suppress its impacts on children →

Disc platinum rule assesment paper essay sample

I would say that possessing some of the characteristics of the Dominance style provides me either with confidence that I may be able to work individually or with a small group. However, in spite the fact that I am motivated by challenges and endeavors, I am aware that my tendency to dominate others and →

Asch’s study on conformity

In later experiments, Asch slightly varied the conditions of the experiment where one of the confederates answered correctly, agreeing with the real participant. This broke the group's unanimity and conformity dropped to 5%." Apparently, a single ally is all you need to " stick to your guns" and resist the pressure to →

Psy 301 notes 1st exam

Topics studied range from the control of movements, the acquisition of language, math and musical abilities, the formation of the self and the identity, the formation of emotional attachments, moral judgments and the development of problem solving and reasoning skills. In the Biological perspective, the physiological activity of the brain and genetics are the source →

Symbolic interaction theory

The central theme of symbolic interactionism is that human life is lived in the symbolic domain. The theory is logical in its development, beginning with the role of the self and progressing to an examination of the self in society.

Free essay about learning points: genitourinary clinical case

This can limit the number of time the patient needs to rise from bed to urinate. - For the decreased urinary flow stream, patient is advised to practice 0560 Pelvic Muscle Exercise because this will help regulate the flow of urine that can aid patient in the flow of urination. - 0582 Urinary Catheterization: Intermittent may be →

State of decrease in self-evaluation essay

Looting and Denomination theory Looting is a great example of crime when it comes to denomination theory. Many times this means that this individual will go along with whatever the other group members are doing, which in our example is looting. When it comes to looting, denomination theory is a state of decrease in self- →

Central features of paraphilias-an outline essay sample

The central features of all paraphilias, according to the DSM-IV, are: Sexual urges or sexual fantasies with non-human objects and/or sexual behaviors with non-human objects Sexual behaviors involving humiliation or suffering of oneself or another person Adult sexual behavior that involves children or nonconsenting adults There →

Essay on organisational behaviour

As one of the leading companies in the milling industry in Japan it is making broad efforts to contribute to foodcultureand the development of new methods of doing business in the food industry in Japan as well as the rest of the world. Nisshin Flour Milling Inc.is the nucleus of the Nisshin Seifun Group and →

Consumer behavior ritz

So keeping it next to the crackers ensured they would bring a strong presence in supporting their new product, as well as making it packaged in a bag rather than a box to represent a different product. How did language affect the marketing of the new Ritz Chip? The new Ritz →


We trace the historical roots of discourse-in-use to two related intellectual traditions.[i] The first derives from the literary and linguistic theorizing of Bakhtin and Volosinov and the use of their theories in analysis of educational processes. At question is the nature of that dialogue, the nature of the social relationships among →

It a given rate, v. an undercooling,

The two phases of eutectic have different composition and the melt have another composition which is the eutectic composition, Ce, which is in contrast with the steady state, that the mean composition of the melt must be equal to the solid composition. This makes it clear that eutectic growth is largely a depend on diffusion →

Women and childhood sexual abuse essay

In the later part of the previous millennium many cases went unreported as many women and children did not realize they had been sexually abused. In the early 1970's even psychologists did not realize the significance of the issue and later research and studies revealed the extent to which women and children were subject to →

The psychological effects of domestic violence on victims, and the advantages of the use of cbt and dbt as treatment

Although the literature covers a wide array of the causes and therapies, this review will focus on domestic violence as a cause of PTSD and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy as methods of its treatment. Furthermore, the literature presents domestic violence and the therapies in a variety of contexts, →