Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Parental stress during prenatal period

Parental Stress During Prenatal Period Parental Stress During Prenatal Period In APA Style Parental Stress During Prenatal Period 2 Stress during prenatal period greatly influences the capability of an individual to manage different stressors in adulthood. This vulnerability may be a result of abnormalities in the development of the forebrain dopaminergic and glutamatergic projection during β†’

Core social motives

The motives are referred to as social as they are learnt in a social group. In this event the two motives that suit it are affiliation or belonging motive and the one to control.

Framed choices

These frames choices usually depend on whether a particular choice presents a gain or loss to the person in question. In other words, the will take only such since they are considered healthy and they would like to remain healthy.

Growth and development related to school age children

Is Growth and Development related to School age children very important?" Children in the age group of five and twelve years come under the category of school age children. Thus it can very well be concluded that the Growth and development related to school age children is a very crucial phase in any child's life, β†’

Evaluating websites for academic use

Edu Domains For Academic Research Introduction From analysis of two websites http www.scu.edu and http www.slideshare.net) that both clarify the role of social media on human development, it is evident that websites with domain.edu are the most dependable for academic research. Erroneous knowledge is thus frequently transferred to unsuspecting academicians.net websites advertise products and services β†’

Prenatal and postpartum scenarios

Meeting nutritional needs Pregnant mothers need to take a balanced diet to meet the nutritional needs of the unborn and self. Therefore, developing a talk therapy is effective in influencing the well-being of the mother and baby.

There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so

There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so" Whether it is technology, relationships, food, clothing, or profession, it is our thinking that shapes our likes and dislikes. There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so: Informational support and cognitive appraisal of the work-family interface.

Educational psychology

Now you should have a good idea of what the needs of your learners should be it is time to plan/design your course. You have to be able to take charge of the learners and engage them in such a way as to motivate them and keep them interested.

Answer question from move

The Black Balloon Movie Questions Jackie and Thomas are in an intimate friendship which leads to her accepting his brother Charlie who is not normal.2. When Thomas tells Jackie that Charlie is not her brother she tells him to stop thinking negatively because the fact that they are family will never change.5.

Pygmalion, goal-setting, and expectancy theories

Goal Setting Theory Affiliation Goal setting theory The theory of goal setting is one of the process theory of motivation. Making the importance of the objective individual gives the individual the inspiration to move past disappointment and keep up the way around the objective.

Approaches to questions

Flick asserts that with qualitative research design, a research attempts to observe events in their natural form. Qualitative research design in this scenario will provide an opportunity for the researcher to study and interview women who have miscarried in a bid to finding the answer.

Changing mental models

Rather than focusing on the individual or group of people who have caused the delay, they make it a point to promote the fact that delays are everyone's responsible; supporting the mind-set that the organization is a team. Then, the focus is on finding out who is responsible for the problem, rather than how it β†’

Human behaviour

With group 4 that is defined as the control condition as there was no exposure to aggressive behaviour as control condition is needed to see if the children that seen no aggression towards the Bobo doll and wanted to see if the children was provided with a mallet would they use it to hit something β†’

Health care system

In the USA, health insurance is not compulsory; the situation is different in Europe where compulsory insurance covers some basic services. Only those people who have insurance or money to pay the bills can rely on healthcare system in the USA.

Types and symptoms of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia: The Symptoms: In men, the symptoms of schizophrenia may be observed in teenagers or at the age of the 20s. Problems with making sense of information, difficulty in paying attention or concentrating, and memory problems are the observed symptoms in this category.

Article review

" Valuing Diversity: A Group-Value Approach to Understanding the Importance of Organizational Efforts to Support Diversity" APA Citation Triana, M.D. F; " Valuing Diversity: A Group-Value Approach to Understanding the Importance of Organizational Efforts to Support Diversity".

Bandura’s theory of reciprocal determinism and gender roles

As I observed my mother and other mothers in church, I now emulate them in raising my children, working hard to provide for the needs of the family especially in the absence of a husband and I also do without complaining the household chores because it is a responsibility packaged in having a family of β†’

Hughes and blues: double consciousness assignment

In Rampart's The Life of Longs Hughes, Hughes is occasionally depicted as dealing with the internal struggle of double consciousness, such as after the publication of his book of poems, Fine Clothes to the Jew. The Life of Longs Hughes.

Problems of behaviorism

Thus, cognitive psychology is essentially the study of interaction of human mind with the environment and the various elements that form part of it. With more research and advancement in the field of cognitive psychology, it has become possible to control an individual's dreams.

Stress of caring for older parents

Stress of Caring for Older Parents Stress of Caring for Older Parents Parenting is a source of stress but so do caring for elderly parents. To reduce the stress in caring for one's older parents, one must get support from other family members and friends.

Psychological testing: history, principles, and applications

On the other hand, a more comprehensive analysis can be formulated if she is to answer a projective type of test since this will deeply unravel her actual trait beyond what is contained on the questionnaire. Nonetheless, the result of such personality tests should not be the sole basis in coming up with a decision.

The contrasting effects of directive management and democratic management on employee morale

The directive management in relation to the Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is based on the esteem needs such as status, reputation and achievement. As for the democratic management, it is aligned with the belongingness and love needs in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Ethical standards

I agree to Laura's point of view but in my opinion the implementation of ethics is not limited to the secular world rather nations with strict religious compliance are able to recognize the rights of clients in a better way. Furthermore the self-determination right of clients is safeguarded by the human service professionals and therefore β†’


In addition, the post is arranged in a coherent and logical sequence that from the introduction to the research design, to the results and discussion. For example, it would have been well placed to mention that the research clearly indicated that adjustment acts as a function of the ability possessed by the person in the β†’

Telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, and precognition or premonition – experimental evidence for anomalous retroactive influences on cognition and affect

Likewise, other relevant theories that could supposedly explain the findings were discussed by explaining the psychology of the psi; psi and its relation to physics; and the concepts of familiarity and belief. Strengths and Weaknesses of these Discoveries The strengths in the author's research lie in the extent of preparation for the nine experiments to β†’

Psy/405 week two paper

Sigmund Freud was the first to propose the theory of psychoanalysis which is considered to be part of the psychodynamic theories. This part of the unconscious is according to Jung what influences an individual's thoughts, actions and behavior.

Synthesize the peer review

All of the five articles under review in this essay revolve around the topics of neuroscience and psychology, referencing the primacy of the brain in influencing consciousness and behaviour. Primarily I would like to emphasize the variety of theory and practice related to the personal and professional treatment of mental illness in this essay.


The " Dodo Bird Verdict" proposed in the 1930s proposed that the many and different types of psychological therapy available are all effectively equal. It proposes that what really aids an individual to recover are intermediate factors like the willingness to open up and discuss their concerns or worries with sympathetic and skilled therapists or β†’

Abnormal psychologyassignment assignment

As a protective factor to offset the unemployment and no income, y parents were able to monitor me and I excelled in my academics for most of my childhood. The uncertainty was a major stress factor in my life but I recently decided to pursue marketing.


In this case, the act of smoking is the behavior, while the idea of cancer that is caused by smoking is the cognition. The teachers suspect that he might be suffering from a psychological disorder owing to the fact that he rarely concentrates in class and has been rude even to the local Sheriff as β†’

High-frequency hearing acuity among adolescents

In the discussed research, the researcher attempted to test the high-frequency hearing acuity of a group of adolescents' two-days before exposure to high-frequency sound and two-days after exposure. The results of the experiment confirmed that exposure to high-frequency sound leads to decreased hearing acuity among adolescents.

Psychodynamic theory debate – 405

In regard to interpersonal relations in personality development, Freud indicates that personality is shaped by the real and the perceived aspects of interpersonal encounters. Proper individual personality characteristics and interpersonal relations are the beginning of separation differentiation.

Jean piaget vs. vygotsky essay sample

All experiences and things happening around the child are input to their development, the interaction with physical and social environments is key for cognitive development. A child for would be presented with a situation and depending on what their stage in cognitive development, one of the four stages.

Alzheimer’s disease

The assessment also seeks to identify the causes of the disease while at the same time discussing the areas of the brain affected. The disease is the continuous destruction of the brain tissue, which causes the weakening and loss of mental capacity.

Hbo coma

The documentary is a heart rending report of the ups and downs faced by the patients' families as they teeter between hope and despair, never sure what the next moment may bring. I agree with the comment in the LA Times that the film is " hard to watch, and hard not to keep watching".


Article Summary In " Is the Allure of Self-Esteem a Mirage After All," Joachim Krueger, Kathleen Vohs, and Roy Baumeister discuss their views in regard to self-esteem and the role of society. While people may be encouraged to have high self-esteem based on the need to impress society, they do not have self-esteem for the β†’

The idea of conformity in atwood’s assignment

Atwood addressed this domination of power of the conservatives metaphorically through the society of Gilead, which too, had resulted in the loss of freedom of many individuals. The pressure of society results in an individual's conformity to social values and hence consequents in the loss of individuality.

Goal setting

I need to stop my class late attendance since my facilitators have started to note both my late attendance and my no concentration. I want to improve on the time I spend with my child.2.

Weber’s law and visual perception essay sample

The researcher asked the subject to assume a midpoint on 30 lines comprised of ten 2 inch lines, ten 4 inch line and ten 6 inch line. Relating this law to the experiment, the alternative hypothesis states that as the length of line increases, the perceptual error also increases.

The nature of human behaviorism: phenomenon of stimuli

Because the sound of the door and the sight of the attendant carrying the food " had repeatedly and reliably preceded the delivery of food to the mouth in the past," the dogs had transferred the reflex to these events". The Skinner box was used on rats to check their actions in a closed environment β†’

Dream theorists on dreams and what they mean

The first group believes that dreams have no real purpose; while the second group believes they do have a purpose, although this group cannot reach a consensus on what the purpose might be. Other dream theorists claim that the purpose of dreams is for problem solving.

Is conformity β€˜liberating’ or β€˜enslaving’? assignment

The study implies that personal sacrifice is an integral part of how a group functions as a whole; when a group functions well, there appears to be more conformity. It's obvious the fact still remains that in order for groups to operate at their highest potential, to produce the best outcome for the group as β†’

How to issue a great apology by tim donnely

It is imperative to state that there is an efficient organization of this article as it clearly outlines the nature of an apology such as a warm salutation in order to soften the recipient and should be inclusive of terms such as sorry, apologize, and regret. It is worth concluding that one should send an β†’

Assignment example

For example, as a student, I find myself competing in trying to maintain certain requirements of the social group I associate with. This is particularly seen in the way I wear, and the kind of hotels I go for meals.

The effects of a brand name on ratings on product quality

Jeffrey Nevid, in his attempt to study the effects of brand leveling on ratings of product quality, proved that there is indeed a large effect of a product's brand name to its patronage as was shown with his experiment with the beverages Perrier, Old Fashioned and Saratoga where the first product had more liking than β†’

Research topic

The people affected by the poverty will play a crucial role in the implementation of the project. Non-governmental organizations will play the role of mobilizing members of the society to participate in the project.

The essay uncanny by sigmund freud

Freud developed the concept of the uncanny in the early 1900's. A final common example of the uncanny is separated body parts.

Sexual orientation / insomia

Running Head: SEXUAL ORIENTATION/INSOMNIA Sexual Orientation/Insomnia Educational SEXUAL ORIENTATION/INSOMNIA 2Sexual Orientation/Insomnia I would tell Sam that personal problems, remorse and anxiety often result in insomnia and that sleeping pills are not the answer in such cases. I would suggest that Sam should make a serious effort to solve his problems; and as soon as some β†’

Personal statement

Again, I have to mention the fact that I give first priority to my family in all my endeavors because they mean a lot to me. Due to single parenthood that my mother underwent, there is a huge age gap of ten years between my eldest sister and I.perhaps the low level of education in β†’

The effect of caffeine intake on memory of individuals aged 18-21

The specificity of some aspects was not mentioned in the statement of the independent variable. The respondents' diet and set of activities prior to the conduct of the study were not mentioned.

Understanding colour

Color affects the human mind in different ways and also they inform people the traits of different things in the world. For example: Red is the color of courage and strength to one individual and the color of anger, violence and passion to another.

Breaking a social norm

When I stood and walked to where I thought was the living room my hosts remained shocked. I annoyed the children in the family and embarrassed my friend.

Self and others

One will relate to you in a manner in which you carry yourself around and who the person is to you. The relation proceeds to the choice of a woman a child decides to marry and also it depends on the relation to one's parent and taking care of them in the late future.

Case study of an autistic child – evaluation essay sample

Autism is a psychiatric disorder and it is characterised by: gross social deficits, such as, difficulties in forming and maintaining social relationships and deficits in reciprocating social interaction; a striking impairment in both verbal and nonverbal communication; the presence of repetitive behaviour. In February 2002 A Community Pediatrician diagnosed Steven with an Autism Spectrum Disorder β†’

Ginkgo biloba: evaluation of memory article reviews examples

The outcome of this peer-reviewed research came to the conclusion that Ginkgo Biloba is ineffective in regard to treating Alzheimer's and dementia after a study conducted over a period of four years. Reviewing the effectiveness of the study, the peer-reviewed reached the conclusion that, in neuropsychological domains of both Ginkgo Biloba and Placebo groups; memory β†’

Reaction paper

It is relevant to admit that there are a large number of different investigations and researches concerning the question of emotions and its theoretical issues. It is important to mention that James and Lange stay the idea that such method can be applied to all kinds of emotions.

Personality theory notes essay sample

The self archetype represents the unity of the center of the self. Jung felt that we become richer and more completely human when a balance is achieved between the conscious and unconscious, the anima and animus, thinking and feeling, sensing and intuiting, the persona and the ego, introversion and extroversion Humanism is sometimes called a β†’

Adhd(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

A child displaying symptoms of ADHD portray the high level of distraction, impulsive temperament and hyperactivity behavior. Behavioral interventions along with academic interventions could support cognitive development which could be implemented by co-ordination of peer and parents and act as a motivation for the child to overcome ADHD.

Ted talk–consciousness assignment

David Chalmers, a professor of Philosophy and director of the Center for Consciousness at Australian National University, and Professor of Philosophy ND co-director of the Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness at New York University suggests, " If you cannot explain consciousness in terms of the existing fundamentals space, time, mass, charge? then as a β†’

Psychological testing and treatment implications

The disclosure that Kim has acknowledged the problem for the last three months and that he is afraid of seeking professional help show that the client has contemplated changing his drinking behavior but is unwilling to seek professional help due to the perceived fear of being " locked up". It is clear that the client β†’


The Illegality and Common Uses of Cocaine The Illegality and Common Uses of Cocaine Cocaine is a highly addictive, illegal, compositionally complex drug that is obtained from the elusive coca plant. Due to the extremely addictive nature of the drug and the fact that it is detrimental to the physiology of the user, cocaine is β†’

Abpg 1103

4 Personality development is the change and development of personal characteristics of individuals such as thinking, behaviors and feeling.3.1. 0 Educational Psychology Educational Psychology is the study of psychological methods in learning and teaching.

Free essay on intro to psyc

Norms in this case refer to the unsaid and implicit rules that are shared by a given group of individuals and are responsible in guiding the way these individuals interact with others and in the society or a social group. In psychological, the term conformity is defined as the tendency of an individual to follow β†’

Abnormal psychology assignment

One such example would be a person Is In the middle of the town center screaming that he is a plane whilst running around and since this is a statistical infrequency it is thusly considered to be abnormal. Explain deviation from social norms as a means of defining abnormality To deviate from social norms is β†’

The collaborative group counseling referral process

For the counselor and the intern to understand the psychological problems facing the students, they employed unstructured interview research method. The teachers attested to the fact that collaborative group counseling referral process is simple and effective in solving student's psychological problems.

Mentally challenged people entering our prisons and correctional facilities

Mentally challenged people entering our prisons and correctional facilities The term ' prison' is used to de " the institutions that hold people who have been sentenced to a period of imprisonment by the courts for offences against the law. The phrase ' health promoting prison' covers the prisons in which; " the risks to β†’

Observation of stigmas in relation to schizophrenia assignment

A comprehensive view of attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge will be analyzed in order to gain a perspective of the stigma associated with schizophrenia. The paper is concluded by a discussion of the results of the writer's survey, Schizophrenia Survey, and the information gathered through an interview with Joe Chula, the director the Mental Health Centers β†’

Bad seed

Her personality will not portray her as evil but in the end everybody realizes that she is the one who killed her classmate. The personality of Leroy as depicted in the movie while considering the trait theory of OCEAN is; Openness- he noticed that Rhoda is not like other kids within the neighborhood, and continuously β†’

Mood disorders

Mood Disorders of affiliation Mood Disorders Mood disorders refer to disorders, which are characterized by disruptions in mood. The case of the associated disorders is aligned to the children and adolescents.

Case study

This will ensure that he receives education according to his needs, which are established in the act. This is because the act provides that in administering AYP the government has to consider some aspects of life like disabilities and other special needs.

The main sources of genetic variability

The Minnesota study of 100 twins and triplets across USA and UK which began in 1979 was also intended to find out the impact of genetic and environmental factors on human characteristics. The article was also chosen because it has a good information about the importance of genetic variation and how twins can be influenced β†’

Arguments and their components

The premise that I had also surrounded the game of soccer and the love that both of us shared for this game remained uniform. This conclusion made me realize that even though premises were different, they had certain areas where combination of the sport of soccer was found and hence easy insights were made available.

How do people explain their own and other peoples behaviour

The way in which people explain the behaviour of themselves and others is a topic of great interest to social psychologists. In order to understand the origin of behaviour and the behaviour of others, a process called attribution is used.

Check your privilege

As such, the school environment posed numerous challenges that included a lack of concentration and an uncomfortable feeling. Personal experiences in the American neighborhood inflicted a sad reality of the harsh treatment in the world for minority individuals.

Effects of environment and feelings on intelligence

Effects of environment and feelings and how intelligence is measured: Emotions, environment and nurture matter a lot in the definition and development of intelligence in one's system. It is greatly dangerous to one's skills and intelligence and ultimately a hurdle in the way of knowledge, learning and standing outs.

Choose two tv commercials and explain how conditioning methods were used in each one of them so the audiences would buy their products

In the case of this commercial, the desirable behavior of using Old Spice is linked with the reward of smelling like the handsome model in the commercial. The commercial is made in a way to grab the attention of the female audience strategically knowing that it is mostly women that go and buy things like β†’

Temperament across cultures

Culture and socialization definitely play large roles in the way we are raised and how we react to various situations."[T]he process of socialization starts early, probably from the very first day of life...[the] biological temperament and predispositions we bring with us into the world at birth are actually part of the socialization process...[C]haracteristics we are β†’

Early and late adolescence

Running head: EARLY AND LATE ADOLESCENCE Changes observed during Early and Late Adolescence s Changes observed duringEarly and Late Adolescence The developmental transition of a child after the age of 11 could be divided into two stages. Early work experiences contribute to the professional identity, and career development of adolescents and young adults.

W1a3-brain and behavior

The temporal lobe which is located at the bottom is important when it comes to interpretation of language and sounds and also with formation of memories, speech perception and also language skills. The Occipital lobe is located at the back and it processes the visual information and stimuli.

Innate and learned behaviour

However some unco-operative babies are unwilling to show their reflexes at the time they are stimulated On the other hand Empiricists believe that a child's behaviour is influenced by their experiences and their surroundings. A baby using the toilet/potty and talking are examples of learned behaviour.

Factor, biological, and behavioral theories

The difference in the personalities of the three individuals is a typical representation of the different personality theories each of which explain the differences in the personality of the threes. The uniqueness in the personality of an individual relies on the innate coordination of the three features.

Psychosocial development in adolescence

Identity formation is a crucial psychological development in teenagers where they develop a sense of identity and understand who they are and what they want to do in life. On social media such as twitter and Facebook, the teenagers will seem to interact more with people or colleagues who are in a career path that β†’

The body perception from the brain

The body in the brain talks about understanding the relationship between the body and how well the brain understands it. Since the brainis the center of all activities taking place in the body, an understanding of how it perceives the body, and the correlation between this perception and how the body reacts to external elements, β†’

Web du bois and double consciousness assignment

In his 1897 article, Strivings of the Negro People", Du Bois introduced the term " double-consciousness", a concept I believe to be just as relevant in today's African-American communities. The stereotypes and images of Black people in America have evolved since Du Bois coined his term in 1897, but even the ever-changing understanding of Black β†’

Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder

Random sampling involves the random selection of a sample from the population. The selection of the people in the sample was because of the suitably represented the target population.

Explain and discuss the ways in which culture and experiences influence our perception of taste and smell

Taste is used to determine the flavor of food or any other substance, smell is part of the sensory experience interconnected with taste while inhalation of chemical odor from the air determines a person's sense of smell. For example, wintergreen is perceived as candy odor in the United States while the perception in the UK β†’

Conformity assignment

The one instance in which we did not get a response was when two upperclassmen guys followed behind us and said they did not care if they got in trouble or not- they were not going to take off their shoes to go in the library! When I was the only one, however, the mother β†’

Consider the evidence suggesting that there are different cognitive routes

Whether the communication actually persuades the receiver depends on a number of other factors, specifically: the source of the communication, the content of the message, the channel through which the message is deployed, and recipient factors. The impact of motivation on reception of a message and subsequent acceptance is greatest according to the ELM and β†’

Disc platinum rule assessment assignment

Based on the strengths and weaknesses identified above, I found my personal DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment very enlightening and fairly accurate to a degree. Then again, when it comes to my Ministry, I think that the S Style is my dominant behavioral style because I am all about helping others in a warm, β†’

Social psychology

Lanning with the help of Susan Calvin, a Robopsychologist, and one of Lanning's associates; and in the process he discovers that the late Dr. In the movie, Spooner sees a robot running with a purse and assumes that the robot is stealing from someone.

Inclusion and alienation in social psychology assignment

Another factor that likely contributed to the bullying of Phoebe Prince was a lack Of empathy on the part Of her tormentors. That is to say, a person who is normally nonviolent and non-aggressive can become violent and aggressive when caught up in the angry mentality of a group.

Discussion board week 6

R sch, Todd, Bodenhausen, and Corrigan learned from their survey that a meritocratic worldview and Protestant work ethics tend to blame people with mental illness for their sickness by thinking that they are not working hard enough to get healed and to manage their personal affairs, and that their sins and guilt resulted to their β†’

Depression essay

Risk factors and protective factors in adolescents with depression Tanya Vassos16514793Word count: 1, 978La Trobe University, Melbourne Risk factors and protective factors in adolescents with depression Adolescence has been found to be a period of high risk for the development of depression. In Shiner & Marmostein's study, 47% of adolescents with depression had depressed mothers, β†’

Human development

This underpins the gravity of the issue, which should propel it to the forefront of national consciousness and at the top of the policymaking agenda. In India, for example, disabled people have to launch a series of protests just so they could be included in the census and claim some representation in the community and β†’


Discussing Needs Assessment in Education Needs Assessment More often than not, education, community, and business leaders have to grapple with the gap between the current performance situations and the optimal situations that they can achieve. Needs assessment is beneficial to education leaders such as teachers and trainers in identifying and improving the factors that create β†’

Most transition in children

Sometimes, children who lose one parent can become very anxious about the survival of the other, and they may hide their emotions from that parent not wanting to cause them worry. Sometimes, children who lose one parent can become very anxious about the survival of the other, and they may hide their emotions from that β†’