Quality Moral Development Essay Examples for Your Learning

Papers already added: 12

Perspectives of moral development

This paper and presentation will discuss morality as it relates to the learning and cognitive perspectives in psychology, with the primary goal of discovering which perspective is stronger and why. Another problem with Kohlberg's theory is that is limited to morals and excludes moral values such as caring, and that there is an overlap between →

Kohlberg’s moral development essay sample

The three contributions that Kohlberg made in order to understanding of moral development are preconventional morality, conventional morality, and postconventional morality. The level of postconventional morality is the person's view of what is right and wrong.

Moral development in children

The moral thinking of young children was described by both Piaget and Kohlberg as concrete and oriented toward punishment, respect for authority, and the maintenance of existing social rules and laws. In The Moral Judgment of the Child, Piaget distinguished two types of moral reasoning, each of which has a different understanding of respect, fairness, →

Huck’s moral development in the adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain

As the understanding of the human mind expands, there becomes a clear distinction of the contributed factors that lead to decisions being made and the formation of moral stances based off of them. In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck Finn is a questor that transforms and changes his moral stances as →

A feminist perspective on morality development and transition markers of young women

The first article discussed takes a look at the work of Carol Gilligan, who pioneered a study of morality development that takes into account the different moral experiences and values of boys and girls in today's society. In exploring each of these topics related to development through a feminist lens, a more complete and progressive →

Cross-cultural differences in moral development and prosocial/helping tendencies

Also, Vietnamese toddlers may help the actor who produces harmful behavior equally to the actor who produces helpful behavior, while American toddlers will be more likely to help " helpful" actor than " harmful" actor. Keywords: Moral development, prosocial behavior, helping, toddler, culture, Viet Nam. Cross-cultural Differences in Moral Development and Prosocial/helping Tendencies in Toddlerhood →

Study about piagets ideas on cognitive moral development education essay

He continues to explicate that in the new theory, success that one time was placed on certain undertakings at the age of six are now seen as comparatively modest while a significant sum of involvement is being placed on success of undertakings at the age of 10. He brings Forth that psychologists non rely on →

Factors affecting moral development

It also evaluates the relationship of moral development with moral intensity and moral behaviour of students and also the effect of moral intensity on moral behaviour of students. It also evaluates the relationship of moral development with moral intensity and moral behaviour of students and also the effect of moral intensity on moral behaviour of →

The warhead cable test dilemma stanton wong

I think it is logical for Stanton to report the mistakes to authorities as he cares for the civilians and the military personnel. I think the behavior of Stanton is consistent with his caring attitude and always think that what he can do to solve the problem. Should Stanton blow the whistle on his company?

Kohlberg’s moral development assignment

On the other hand, the pharmaceutical industry could be viewed as taking advantage of the people they provide medicine to because they are the only source of the medicine which is an entirely better argument. People in search of democratic change often first break the law before the government recognizes that change is needed; people →

Case study of jane analyzing the applicability of piaget’s theory of social, cognitive and moral development

The aim of the case study was to use the Piaget theory of development to explain the development of Jane, socially, morally and mentally. No explanation from her was convincing enough and it took the intervention of Jane's mother for the two girls to get talking again. She is a perfectionist and →

Piaget’s theory of cognitive moral development

He continues to explain that in the new theory, success that once was placed on certain tasks at the age of six are now seen as relatively modest while a substantial amount of interest is being placed on success of tasks at the age of ten. He brings forth that psychologists not rely on focuses →