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Guide to an effective classroom management essay sample


1) QUESTION 1………………………………………………………………………………………2

2) Learner Motivation………………………………..………………………………………………2

3) Group Work………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

4) Cultural Diversity…..…………………………………………………………………………….. 4

5) Multiple Intelligences……………………………………………………………….…………….. 5

6) Teaching and Learning style……………………………………………………………………. 5

The apostle Paul said “ be transformed by the renewing of the mind”. In this essay I have covered ways in which the educators can change or renew their minds by the 21st century Outcome Base Education style from their old traditional teaching style. This include ways motivate learners and yourself as well, factors that fact learners performance and ways to overcome them, correct setup in the classroom (classroom management) and matching the teaching style to the learning style for maximum results. BODY

(2) Learner Motivation
You can present a lot of good information in your class, but you cannot really control whether or not a person learns from it. The learners own what they learn and much of it is determined by their level of motivation (Tom, 2008) According to (Coetzee SA van Niekerk EJ, Wydeman JL, 2008) the are two types of motivation the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. The extrinsic motivation means that the person is motivated by something external and extrinsic motivation means that a person works because of an inner desire to be succesful at a certain task. This means it is easier to motivate using the extrinsic motivation as for the intrinsic motivation one
must focus on the inner self of the learner e. g self-determination. this results when perceived competence and perveived control are experienced simultaneously. (Coetzee et al, 2008) Ways I would motivate my learners:

Reward Learners: in every test they write formal or informal I take the top three learners names and marks and post them on the school’s notice board, this mortivates them to work harder so that they could be in the notice board. This method of mine sir/madaam (lectures) it might be wrong but it works. The other strategy I am using is at our school we have a feeding scheem so learners during lunch they quee up and receive food so I made deal with learnersin our school that the top five learners in every class of all the classes in our school get a ticket to gaet the food and they do not need to be in the long quees, this made the learners work harder as they love food and recognition. This is an example of extrinsic motivation. There is always a round of applause for every answer or suggestion in class does not matter whether it it wrong or w as long as you tried. Subject value: Learners want to know if the subject has any value or benefit (Tom, 2008) It is always best at the begging of each topic/concept to always tell the learners what they would know after the topic is over and what is expected from them. Written work at the end of every topic.

Always relate the current topic to the previous one so that they see it is a continuation I would always relate the concepts of the suject I teach to their every day lifes so that the learners know that they are not just there to write test, they are there to learn Tell Them They’re Wrong: Controversy gets our attention and is a good way to motivate. Challenge what a person believes, or even tell him he’s wrong, and you’ll see a person motivated to prove you wrong. Of course, this approach needs to be tempered with common sense (Tom, 2008). Eg. I might ask the grade 8 how many seasons we have obviously the going to say for and I disagree with them saying there are three then they will have to convince me other wise. One must becareful not to create misconceptions though. Bringing someone from the outside: I sometimes in my class bring someone to motivate them like the guys from the organisation like heymaths, maths centre or even to teach some certain concept that give me problem. I found out that learners get motivated by that change in scenario especially those who have become accustomed to your teaching style and expectations.

The environment must not be like in prison the walls must be full of decorations and poster Let my learners set the rules along with me then we write them down and put the those rules on the wall. One like no laughing at others or they will be a consequence-if this is the case learners will feel free to answer in class without the fear of others laughing Have one on one seasions with learners, to always know that all is ok with the learners especially those who are performing not good. Avoid comparing a learner to other learners in class as this make that learner fell that he/she is not good enough Always make eye contact with my learners and have a friendly face expresion

(2) group work
According to (Coetzee et al, 2008) cooperative learning is defined as a team approach to learning where each member of the group is dependent on the other members to accomplish a specific learning task or assignment. According to (UNISA, 2006) the benefits of group/team work are sharing of a common goal, communicating openly, loyalty, resolve conflicts, listening to one other, making a decision together. This method of teaching has its advantages and some few disadvantages, because when you let learners arrange themselves there will be other who are left out and feel that they are unimportant. The best ways would be if I arrange them my self and I will put in a group the most advanced learners with the developing learners, this helps the developing students through the one on one guidance and also helps the advanced students by cementing their knowledge and developing their understanding of the ideas in a way necessary to explain it to other people (dpspanwar, 2011), but first their desk must be arranged for group activity i. e face toi face.

Learners in a group they know that they fall or succed together I need to let them no that I require only one product from each group which would be best if I use the RHINOS system (UNISA, 2006) which means allocating each learner with a role to play. The role according to the the RHINOS system: rhino= Leader, Hyena= time keeper, Impala= Runner, Nyala= reporter, Oribi= Scribe and Springbuck= Motivator . each group member with a role to play they wont have the pleasure of sitting around while others works this will also teach my learner about responsibility and they will have to perform at their best so that they don’t let the group down. If what they did in their groups requires presantation they have to go to the front all of them so that the speaker feel not the pressure. Group work will also save me time Once learners get used to the cooperative learning framework they effectively teach themselves, I will have time to go amongst the groups and help and monitor their progress I will also be able to see those who are not happy in their group as there will be someone whose not happy at all time this will lead me to change groups based on the activity I gave them.

(3) cultural diversity
(UNISA, 2006) says that evry educator and leaner is a unique individual and cultural being who brings into the classroom a distinct set of beliefs, values and attitudes to form a complex and uniqueclassroom culture. For example in some culture it is rude to be late so as an educator I must know this things according to (Williams, 2013)I should do this by Documenting the current behaviors. Documenting behaviors among students in my classroom will help me get a clearer picture of what behaviors are occurring and when. Checking the partten of behaviour whether it happens in the morning or during lunch after receving assignment (Williams, 2013), This will help me determine external triggers for the behavior. Example might be some leaners cannot not concentrate at the last hours of the school due to being tired, some might be hungry and went to school without food, then I will have to talk to that learner to come up with asolution that fit us both-peharps change my teaching style in the last periods of the school. I would also while teaching come close to the learner who is misbehaving this may stop that learner and they might pay attention. I would have to avoid using.

Becareful with code switching, while code switching is a good way to expain some certain concept in class to learner one must make sure that all the learners in class are able to speak that language or this would make other learners angryor dislike the subject, learners will feel isolated (I experianced this when I was in university) according to (McGraw-Hill companies, 2004) in some cultures, students don’t make eye contact with figures of authority. In others, even the slightest physical contact, such as a handshake, is strictly taboo between members of the opposite gender who are not married or related. So this means I must Learn About the different cultures in my Classroom. Separate learners who are triggered by their peers. Create a seating chart and stick to it. Use the seating chart to check attendance, so you will know right away if a learner is not in the correct seat (Williams, 2013). Failing to consider cultural differences in the classroom could lead to cultural isolation
learning problem
breakdown in communication
behavioural problems

(4) Multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner in (Thirteen) claims that all human beings have multiple intelligences. These multiple intelligences can be nurtured and strengthened, or ignored and weakened. He believes each individual has nine intelligences: Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence — well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, meanings and rhythms of words Mathematical-Logical Intelligence — ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns Musical Intelligence — ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timber Visual-Spatial Intelligence — capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence — ability to control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully Interpersonal Intelligence — capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others. Intrapersonal Intelligence — capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes Naturalist Intelligence — ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature I may not be able to use all these intelligences when you are using them that’s being creative and making your teaching style not predictable here is how I might use them (Cassell, 2010): -Linguistic: create an acronym to remember the steps or write a poem -Visual: make a poster to display in the class

-Logical: create a flow chart to walk others through the steps -Kinesthetic: create a dance to remember the steps
-Musical: create a song or chant to remember the steps
-Interpersonal: work in a small group to solve problems and serve as peer tutors -Intrapersonal: create a study schedule and set goals to fully understand the topic

(5) teaching and learning style
Learning style in (Coetzee et al, 2008) is defined as a consistent pattern of behaviour that a learner uses to approach and master learning content. Therefore there are factors that affect a learner from learning such as temperature, noise, formal and informal setting in class, etc. The best way for a person to learn depends on the person, of course. It is well know that people have different leaning styles that work best for them. The best approach for me to take is to address a variety of learning styles with my teaching plan. It would be best for me and helpful to encourage my learners to understand their preferred leaning style. Firstly my classroom it must be in such a way that learners can just settle in, it must consist of relevant posters on the wall and it must be clean i can arrange with the leaners the days to clean the class. Moore and Carol in (NDT Resource center, 2013)listed Some of the common learning styles and environmental factors that should be considered when attempting to create the best learning conditions below.

Structure of Lessons
Most learners learn best when there is a logical sequential, delineated lesson that provides the objective and systematic steps to do the assignment. This type of learner benefits from the use of rubrics so that they can better follow lectures and assignments. However, some learners do not like much structure and appreciate being given choices and allowed to be creative. Sociological

Some learners benefit greatly from group activities and other do not. For those who are peer learners, pair them with another learners when possible.
For those who are self learners, do not force them into a group/peer-learning situation all the time. Cooperative learning is an important learning tool but some learners are more introverted than others and may have difficulty participating in group activities. Auditory

Some learners learn best by listening. Auditory learners do well with lecture, class discussions, etc. While lecture is considered the least effective teaching method, some students learn best by simply listening. These learners may also be more sensitive to outside noises. Visual

Visual learners benefit from a variety of ocular stimulation. One example would be the use of colors. These learners like images and written information. They like to be able to read instructions or the text on their own to increase their understanding. When studying it is helpful for these learners to use different color highlighters or pens as they are reading and taking notes. These learners may also be more sensitive to visual distractions. Tactile

Most people learn best with hands-on activities, but some gain a lot more from it than others. Some learners really increase their learn potential when they are give they opportunity to do something by themselves Especially in a science classroom there should be plenty of opportunities to learn by doing. Environmental Factors:

Formal vs. Informal
A formal setting would be the traditional desk and chair or possibly a table. An informal setting would be the floor, a couch, a beanbag, etc. Every learner’s brain will not function the same in the same postural position. So when you see a learners slouching in a traditional desk or chair, it may simply mean that they would learn better in more of a informal setting.

Noise vs. Quiet
Some learners find sound distracting and some find it calming. It may be beneficial to have several study areas established. One where the noise level is kept to a minimum and one where some background noise is present.

Room temperature also plays a key role in learning. If a learners is too cold or too hot, they will have more of a hard time concentrating on what their learning task is. It is recommended that the classroom temperature be cool if possible. This way those who do not like being cold can simply wear another layer of clothing and be comfortable. Bright vs. Dim

Everybody’s eyes react differently to light. Some learners may need to sit by a bright reading lamp while others may get a headache when too much light is present. A light level that all learners find comfortable should be sought. Kinesthetic

Some people need to have continuous movement as they are studying, such as tapping there fingers or foot on the floor, fooling with their hair, using a stress ball, or chewing gum. This is absolutely natural but if they are not alone studying, make sure they do not distract others. Mobility

The human body is built to move and it does particularly like to sit still for long periods of time. Have learners to stand, stretch, and take short breaks as needed during studying. It is good to study in 20-30 minutes increments with a brief break between each block of time. Research has shown that it only takes 30 seconds to rest and recharge the brain. Therere it is necessary to change the setup of my class and to change my teaching technique Effective Teachers are Both Warm and Demanding (Phelan, 2005): Teachers manifest different personalities and teaching styles in the classroom and it is helpful to categorize these approaches in terms of some basic dimensions. It has been said that good teachers are both warm and demanding. Being warm means caring and emotional support for learners. Being demanding—in the good sense—means expecting something from your kids, both in terms of academic work and behavior.

In conclusion it is pretty clear that traditional teaching style (chalkboard teacher approach) cannot accommodate all the needs of our learners as every learner is different (unique) and learns differently one must always understand how our learners can be motivated and how to implement learning strategies this can be done if all learners are treated with respect and fairly

Cassell Jessica Using Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom [Online] // yahoo. – april 20, 2010. – august 17, 2013. – http://voices. yahoo. com/using-gardners-theory-multiple-intelligences-in-5854012. html? cat= 4. Coetzee et al van Niekerk EJ, Wydeman JL An Educator’s Guide to Effective Classroom Management [Book]. – pretoria : Van Schaik, 2008. – 1st : pp. 102-129. dpspanwar group work is important [Online] // school of educators. – may 3, 2011. – august 17, 2013. – http://schoolofeducators. com/2011/05/group-work-is-important/. dwaf THE PRESUMPTION OF NEGLIGENCE (SECTION 34) [Online] // department of water affairs and forestry. – 2013. – august 2013. – http://www2. dwaf. gov. za/webapp/Documents/ForestFire/192. 168. 10. 11/nvffa. nsf/b7b166d03d55d7bf42256fcd004b44d6/4cebe8548525b66a42256dfe0074beed02ec. html? OpenDocument. McGraw-Hill companies teaching today [Online] // gloenco. – McGraw-Hill companies, december 27, 2004. – august 17, 2013. – http://www. glencoe. com/sec/teachingtoday/weeklytips. phtml/230. NDT Resource center Understanding Different Learning Styles [Online] // NDT Resource center. – 2013. – august 17, 2013. – http://www. ndt-ed. org/TeachingResources/ClassroomTips/Learning_Styles. htm. Phelan Dr. Thomas W. Teaching Style and Classroom Management [Online] // bridges 4 kids. – march 2005. – august 18, 2013. – http://www. bridges4kids. org/articles/2005/8-05/Phelan7-05. html. Thirteen concept of education [Online] // Thirteen. org. – august 17, 2013. – http://www. thirteen. org/edonline/concept2class/mi/. Tom Motivate Your Learners [Online] // the rapid e-learning blog. – march 25, 2008. – august 17, 2013. – http://www. articulate. com/rapid-elearning/motivate-your-learners-with-these-5-simple-tips/. UNISA The educator as leader, manager and administrator [Book]. – pretoria : university of south africa, 2006. – pp. 16-18. Williams

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