Research Paper, 11 pages (2500 words)

Term paper on global human research management

Global human research management

Global human research management is the Global and Business Management Research that strives to excel with the highest standards in research, scientific, practice, and qualities on an international scope. This provides a platform on which to debate amongst the several practitioner and academic communities who concern themselves with the broader region of management and business issues and concerns around the globe. Research management, directs, guides and oversees the global international association and collaboration between the research management research communities. It includes the identification of new funds and sources, presenting applications for research, advising on projects that are costly and negotiations with external sponsors for contracts. It further incorporates financial control and management projects systems. It also provides aid in the exploitation and utilization of research results by means of transfer in technology, dissemination and licensing to wider society.
Global research management is the field of academic research that applies network analysis to have the aspects of structural plus relational implementations on global strategy examined. As a well-established theory, network analysis is used in a number of situations in the literature business and at the same moment the aspects of strategic human resource in the creation and maintainace of network processes and global organizations.
Human resource management (HRM) is the organizing and managing of the human resource workforce. It deals with the recruitment, the selecting, assessment and training of employees. It also goes ahead to deal with reward to excelling employees, over sees the organization of cultural and leadership positions handles and ensures compliance with labor and employment laws. In situations in which the employees have the desire to hold collective bargaining compromises/ agreements and the have the legal authority to do so, HRM shall serve as the primary liaison company where by there is representation by the employees such as in a Labor Union.
In companies that are starting up, duties in relation to human resource are to be tasked by professionals that are well trained, but in cases of larger companies, the entire functioning group is basically dedicated to the HRM displine were staff specializes in multiple HRM tasks while those in leadership positions engage in the making of decisions across the entire business.
. Both human research and resource practitioners have a great concern towards the shift in business globalization and the impact of results it has on the strategic global human resource management. Competition around the globe is turning into a norm and at the rate it’s growing, trade among nations shall exceed the entire commerce within nations by the year 2015.
Researchers previously had research programmers maintained by the utilization of methods and theories that had a western style to them and were predominantly quantitive and have the phenomena’s explored which are now inappropriate. The fabric of Global phenomena is not frequently captured by these theories and methods and this could include complicated interactions of institutions, culture, societal norms as well as regulations of government. The approach of mixed methods is intended to add the ” fabric” that’s necessary demonstrating the flexibility and depth that’s needed to explore such issues as Strategic Global Human resource management.
When it comes to Global human research management, the technique known as quantitative technique, comes into play. It’s argued that this technique remains a norm needed for global research. Quantitative techniques have its focus in the measurement of things that are capable of being counted. This is done by the use of categories that are predetermined and are able to be tested as ordinal or interval data and are subjected to statistical analysis. Predetermined categories are unavoidably developed. It is assumed by this type of research that predetermined categories also envelop the construct which statistical analysis is in an attempt to evaluate. To this very day, the academic community has remained primarily dedicated by itself to the single comparative and cultural research which although is still necessary is not sufficient anymore and is relevant no longer in today’s transnational competitive environment.
Qualitative and quantitative research will if both are performed in concert provide evidence to researches needed to evoke the know how within the global marketplace. Qualitative research is significant especially if used in relation to various cultures whose goals, values and morals significantly vary. This research has got its focus on the experiences of people and the meanings they put upon processes, events and the environment on social setting they consider normal. The data of Qualitative research has got its aim on ordinary events in the natural settings that are naturally occurring, so as to have a grip on what “ real life”.
Again, management research trends are of the view that researchers may be moving further away from the limited and rigous applicability because of their failed attempt to triangulate. External validity, Lower internal validity, and construct validity have been located in the 1990s and 1980s through the approach of methodology that uses rigorous triangulation. Triangulation will strengthen researcher’s findings, if it’s used in conjunction with mixed methods in global research.
The research approach to global issues that’s most commonly and frequently used, consist of comparative, this is the comparing of two or more nations and specific aspects of some (HRM), International that is, (HRM) located within global organizations, foreign nationals e. g. studies on single countries that non-indigenous researchers that attempt to draw conclusions that have implications on the home country.
It is a suggestion that when in performance of global research, firms, shouldn’t copy solutions that are successful that resulted from outside traditions of culture, but instead should be examined when adapting the underlying goals to that culture.
Problems in research and development theories, in human research management, are usually driven by the necessity of the practitioner, and are not based upon domestic development theories and have vague issues tackled. However, one should take into note that the impasse between researcher and practitioner is raised from the opposing opinions in their goals and focus, or rigor versus relevance or optionally validity versus usefulness. This is true most especially in case of researchers characterized by quantitative techniques.
Complications therefore have arisen in Global research, and this makes the maintenance and coordination of formal practices difficult. This further makes it difficult to impose global research techniques and theories upon foreign management. And if at all they are applicable, it’s a must for them to be close to the countries in which those theories exist. This makes the application of models and theories management that have developed in one country completely inappropriate in another. More still, national cultures mostly differ by the degree were its possible for them to enable managers adopt practices that are non-home grown.
Another form of Global Human research management is ” Ethnography” this involves the use of qualitative field observation methods that employ assessing and learning the behaviors to study in the culture of a society. It is described by Fetterman as the science and art of describing and indemnifying a given group or culture, this group could be in any given category of either team or work groups. Organizational groups are also among these keeping in mind that the culture can be the culture of the organization. Ethnographic assessment of the culture of an organization is conducted by researchers by means of observation and recording the detailed behaviors of an organization for a prolonged period of time. The daily routine of people’s lives in a given group is detailed by ethnographers keeping focus on more patterns of predictability in such behavior. They try to maintain an open mind on the groups being studied because of the ideas that could be preconceived among members of the group, and thoughts as well as behaviors could severely have a negative effect on research findings.
Two concepts of ” etic” and ” emic” are applied in the description of this research methodology. Emic applies to the research phenomenon that has its emphasis on the knowledge that’s derived and got from the participants understanding of culture that’s their own, On the other hand, Etic sets its emphasis upon the knowledge obtained through the objective perspective of the researcher in his understanding of the set upon culture. In some situations, the ethnographers could actually gain membership in the organization that they are studying. For example, in 1975, one Van Maanen had to undergo training in an academy of police as a recruit so as to have his observations recorded (Clark et al, 2000).
Ethnographic research, also applies its focus on the organization’s culture’s ” Artifacts”. These are object materials created and made by the people, to specifically express and facilitate cultural activities. Examples of these artifacts can be located in the organization’s physical environment like the way nurses wear a uniform in the hospital which serves as a powerful reminder as to their profession. People are also used by ethnographic in their studies mostly employees who are long-tenured who shall be quite helpful in the providence of a historical context to help the ethnographic understand most of what happens in an organization (Adler et al, 1990).
The In-Depth Interview of organizations settings merely requires and needs the verbal accounts to study the workers social life (Creswell, 1995). Interviews could be unstructured, semi structured or structured. However in most cases, there is the combination of the three for the effective gathering of informative data. In cases of qualitative research, they could be quite dynamic and flexible. In depth interviewing is therefore explained as the repetition of face to face encounters among the participants and the researcher intended to understand a perspective on the informant’s life’s situations and experiences in as conveyed in their own words. In-depth interviewing is designed as a means of conversational communication among equals instead of a formal answer and question exchange (Audier and Adler, 1991).
In Depth-interviewing is a means to probe and explore in precise details feelings and latent attitudes of the respondents. Interviews of in-depth are handled either by person to person which are mainly oral were the use of video and audio tapes are with the permission of the respondent in order enable record keeping used or through the use of emails and telephone. An interview guide would come in handy and a head of time in assisting the interviewer have all the relevant topics covered.
When it comes to Job analysis, in-depth interviewing could be effectively applied to enhance and enrich job information that’s got from supervisory personnel and job incumbent or alternative (SMEs) subject matter experts.
Focus Group Discussions (FGD) is a sort of in-depth group interview. It includes interaction between smaller groups of people with identifiable characteristics in common who build on and respond to what is said by others in the group. These characteristics must be in relation to the study topic and contain demographic characteristics and information based upon familiarity of interest in the topic (Aguirre, 1997).
Focused group discussion is very helpful in organizational development (OB) programs. This helps these organizations prepare for and manage changes (Clark et al, 2000).
The Nominal Group Technique was developed to assist in the planning of an organization and is applied as tool for consensuses planning to aid prioritize management issues in an organization. Under this Technique, participants are for the purpose of discussion brought together by a moderator that also presents the session/topic to be discussed by the participants. This gives the participants the chance to ask questions and discuss briefly the scope of the issue under topic.
More and more, Research infrastructure or (RI) projects require the increased pool of scientific expertise and funding financially on a global scale. The financial and political will of countries that are interested not forgetting the readiness of the scientists to have a Multi-stakeholder research infrastructure are required to allow the building of a consortium were various political, cultural, financial expectations are brought together in the Global research on Human management. In order to achieve its goals in the most optimum way, (RI) Projects should ensure that there is a model of good governance. The principles that shall rule such good governance are to be included and located in the founding document of the research infrastructure, Providing in it a frame work that’s robust and at the same time making room for a wide scope of possible upgrades and changes in the financial and political sectors as well as future structural innovations and improvements in direct proportion to the operational, procedural and organizational necessities of the project as well as scientific development.
The international Compilation of Human Research Standards covers around 1000 regulations, guidelines and laws that govern the field in the research on human subjects in over 104 countries as well as compassing standards from a list of regional and international organizations. The purpose of this development was for the researcher’s use, sponsors, IRB/Research Ethics Committees and any other individual involved in the research on human subjects around the world. This research on humans are in fields of Genetic, Stem cells, Embryos, cloning, Devices and drugs, Research injury, Human Biological Materials. These categories are often overlapped and the need arises to survey all standards to acquire the understanding that is necessary for the requirements of the country (Creswell, 1995).
When it comes to Human research in the United States, (US), for each US Federally paid international study, the regulations that protects United States human participants engaged in that research, must be observed. International sites involved in research funding should obtain federal approval of ethical study conduct. however when it comes to the local cultural context, some of these US Federal human participant rules are not adapted easily a case in point is a middle and low resource developing nation.
Global Human research management also incorporates the principle known as Human Capital Management (HCM) over 78% of the executives in companies that manufacture, understand and recognize the relevance of human capital management. These human capital management firms have got skilled personal, throughout the organization as well as in Human research functions. They are led by a wide organizational human capital strategy and development programs. Human research and resource is the manufacturer’s life blood when it comes to HCM. Companies with characteristics of human capital management that are superior have greater focus put on the Human research and resource functions as well as on the human capital management (Baird and Meshoulam, 1988).
The challenge that researchers are facing in the global marketplace is how to have the multidimensional confusion that’s found at the crossroads of organizational and national cultures. It’s unfortunate that researchers in the west using their tools have conducted a lot of global research and should not and cannot allow the complete transfer of American tools and concepts in the management of practices and training theories. It’s not often a standard for mixed method research because problems are presented and faced by the researcher who’s used to well validated and reliable methods. This kind of research should be viewed as a procedure of reduction of data that simultaneously builds and enhances the meaning of the data. However, the validity and reliability issues shall continue to be applied.
The criteria used by researchers who wish to have the interpretation of their data justified in some manner for the purpose of accessing authenticity and rigor are, ” application” to what extent readers wish to apply to their own context their findings, “ empowerment” the extent to which the readers findings shall enable them to take action, ” rhetoric” presentation of argument and its strength, ” resonance” the extent to which the goals of the research are reflected by the research process.
In research data, the type of measurement of scale and nature are regardless and both measurement reliability and validity should be ascertained because when it comes to attributes of global research, its latent variables and constructs could not be observable (Begley et al, 2003).


The historic arrangement among the static domestic environment and researchers is giving in to the global marketplace front with new variables and uncertainties that were not accounted for in the previous past. The framework, quantitative methods and paradigms of researchers in America, that were true and tried, no longer seem useful and adequate in regards to the global Human research and resource management. Global researchers are now faced with new issues that are complex and interact with the economic, political, religious as well as educational systems not to mention the bases of technology. The demand for norms values and norms that are shared in the global network pose a series of problems and simultaneous challenges in the development of Global human research management. And these could include the human research on resource management and its frequent ambiguity, many interdependencies with in the subsidiaries, increased UN sureness about the sustainability of the networks efficiency and flexibility, complications in acquisition of a multiplicity of competencies and skills needed for an effective Global Human research management through the sharing of knowledge.


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Baird, L. and Meshoulam, I. (1988) ‘ Managing Two Fits of Strategic Human Resource
Management’, Academy of Management Review, 28: 116–28.
Begley, T. and Boyd, D. (2003) ‘ The Need for a Corporate Global Mind-Set’, Sloan Management Review, 44(2): 78–86.
Clark, T., Grant, D. and Heijtjes, M. (2000) ‘ Researching Comparative and International Human
Resource Management’, International Studies of Management and Organization, 29(4): 6–23.
Daniels, J. D. (1991) ‘ Relevance in International Business Research: A Need for More Linkages’,
Creswell, J. W. (1995) Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. L. L. and Straw, B. M. (eds) Research in Organizational Behavior. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 82–102.
Audier, N. and Adler, N. (1991) ‘ The Parochial Dinosaur: The Organizational Sciences in a
Global Context’, Academy of Management Review, 16(2): 262–90.

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